Seed varieties of good eggplant for open ground and reviews

After the blockade was imposed on most products from European countries, the inhabitants of our state began to pay more attention to their own growing of vegetables. Eggplant has become very popular. They are rich in trace elements, fiber and vitamins.

In addition low-calorie product, and therefore it is included in the diet of everyone who leads an active lifestyle. There are many varieties of culture known in the world, and the best varieties of eggplant for open ground are collected in one list, which is replenished with new species.

This plant is perennial, but since seeds are on sale all the time, there is no need to grow them for breeding planting material.

Care features

A vegetable of the nightshade family varies in shape, color and taste. In cooking it used for preparing second courses and preparations for the winter.

Sowing time

If there is a heated greenhouse, everything is clear, otherwise it is required to calculate in advance the time when the weather will be without frost... The most optimal age for seedlings is 60–70 days. Thus, when planting in open ground, for example, from June 10, it is necessary to sow seeds in the second half of March.

Seed treatment

Eggplant seed packaging with variety descriptionLast year's seeds are considered the best. They should be warmed up at a temperature of + 250 C for about four hours, and then not 40 minutes, the temperature rises to +400 C. Then, the planting material is treated with a manganese solution, washed with water and sent to the solution from stimulants (aloe mummy or special means).

In order to activate the seeds before sowing, they should be laid out on cheesecloth moistened with water and left for a couple of days. Sowing timing depends on the variety.

The soil

Eggplant - very demanding culture... The soil must be nutritious and breathable. Mineral fertilizers (potash, superforsate, saltpeter), manure and compost should be added to it. On poor soil, the plant will develop very slowly. It must be remembered that this culture is too sensitive to the disease "black leg", and therefore, before sowing, the ground is watered with boiling water, disinfected or ignited on a baking sheet.

Eggplant is a delicious and nutritious vegetableEarly eggplants on site - harvestingGrowing eggplants - what is important to knowThere are not only dark but also white eggplants.

Growing seedlings

You can sow eggplants in special pots. it will avoid injury to the root system during transplantation... After the emergence of shoots, the strongest shoot is left, and the rest are removed. When planning to carry out a pick, you can sow first in a common box, and then distribute the seedlings in other containers.

Transplant to open ground

In the garden you should find a site on a hillwhich is well lit. Even in excellent soil, sand with humus is first introduced in order to saturate the soil with nutrients and lighten it. 2 hours before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, and then they are vertically placed in the furrow and sprinkled with earth. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm.They need to be watered with warm water so that the culture takes root better.

Early varieties of eggplant

For residents of central Russia for planting in open ground it is worth choosing a culture of early maturing varieties, frost-resistant and immune to diseases of the nightshade family.

  1. Robin Hood is a fruitful early maturing species. The average plant height reaches 1.5 meters, and the growing season lasts 95-100 days. A small berry grows up to 14 cm, and they weigh 250–350 g. The yield per meter of open ground is up to 19 kg.
  2. Eggplant - Choosing a Variety for Your ClimateKing of the North F1 is a cold-resistant hybrid variety. The vegetative period lasts 95-100 days. Cylindrical fruits reach 30 centimeters in length. The color is dark purple. This variety gives an excellent yield, and therefore up to 15 kg of eggplant can be harvested from 1 m2.
  3. The purple miracle is a variety that ripens after planting on day 100. The cylindrical silhouette of the fruit is covered with a shiny dark purple skin. The pulp is white-green without bitterness. Small fruits weigh up to 120 g. About 14 kg of eggplant can be harvested from a meter of plot.
  4. The Korean dwarf is a good variety, unpretentious to grow. The first crop can be harvested 70 days after planting. The bushes of the plant are not high - up to 45 cm, and they can withstand pear-shaped berries weighing up to 500 g. The fruit is dark purple, almost black in color and under the skin is hidden light pulp without bitterness.
  5. Bourgeois eggplant seed bag - high-yielding varietyBourgeois F1 - early maturing hybrid. Its fruits are large, flat-round in shape. In weight, they can reach 500 g. Glossy dark skin hides white flesh. The variety has a long fruiting period.
  6. Valentina is an eggplant variety with good taste characteristics. An elongated cylindrical berry is colored dark purple. Its size reaches 25 cm in length. Due to its excellent fruiting and resistance to diseases, the species has received many positive reviews.
  7. Black handsome is an early ripening variety that ripens 78 days after planting. The undersized bush of the handsome man reaches a height of 60 cm. Fruits of a regular cylindrical shape are brown-purple, and each weighs up to 260 g. The average yield is 8 kg per square meter of soil.

Mid-season eggplant varieties

This kind of culture the first harvest gives 130 - 150 days after sowing. Mid-season eggplants, the description of which we will present below, ripen longer, however, they more persistently tolerate heat and untimely watering.

  1. The bovine heart is a good hybrid, the height of the bush of which is 80 cm. The dark purple oval-round fruits weigh up to 0.5 kg.
  2. Eggplant Chernomor - packing of seedsChernomor - 110 days pass from the moment of sowing before harvesting. The fruit is a long cylinder up to 25 cm, weighing up to 300 g. The flesh is white without bitterness, tender.
  3. The king of the market is a high-yielding variety, the first harvest of which is harvested on day 115. Eggplant has a long, cylindrical shape. The white pulp is not bitter.
  4. Marzipan is the most delicious eggplant variety. Fruits are oblong, medium length. The juicy pulp is hidden under the skin of a deep purple hue. The growing season is 125 days.

Good varieties of colorful eggplant

Recently white eggplant, photos of which he eats on the Internet, were considered exotic for us. Gradually, they became popular among gardeners due to their delicate consistency and amazing taste. The white variety is not bitter, but tastes like chicken or mushrooms, which has earned rave reviews.

The following albino eggplants received the most common species in Russia: Iceberg, Swan, Ping-Pong, White Egg, Pelican, Bibo.

Green varieties

Eggplant Emerald - an unusual color varietySmall round fruits of bright green color are quite popular in the countries of Southeast Asia. Domestic breeders too bred good green species... For example, "Green" eggplant produces pear-shaped fruits weighing up to 300g. In such fruits, the pulp is not bitter and is colored white with a slightly green tint.

"Emerald" - early maturing variety, cultivated both under the film and in the garden. Large bushes are unpretentious and resistant to cold weather. Fruits of a cylindrical elongated shape can weigh up to 400 g, and their pulp of medium density is colored creamy white. Eggplant delights with high yield.

Yellow, orange and red

These types of eggplant are almost impossible to find in our gardens.

Interesting view "Golden Eggs" - an amazing variety with oval-shaped fruits bred by breeders from Holland. The pulp is enriched with carotene, and the rest of the characteristics of the culture are similar to other species.

Miniature Turkish Eggplant differ in that their orange striped color appears during ripening. The young fruit is green and has a rich aroma, however, as the color grows, they begin to taste bitter. The fruits of this eggplant variety contain lycopene, which is used in the fight against cancer.

Red varieties resemble tomatoes or small pumpkins. Mostly these eggplants are grown for decorative purposes, as the plant forms a large, spreading bush. The foliage and trunk are covered with thorns and painted in purple or burgundy. The eggplant fruit is edible, but in adulthood, most varieties begin to taste bitter.

The main nuances important for eggplant

  • The soil is constantly loosened to prevent compaction.
  • Watering should be abundant, and the water for this is pre-heated in the sun.
  • During the season, eggplant bushes are fed three times. For this, it is better to use slurry and manure or chicken droppings.
  • Weeds always weed and make sure that there are no diseases on the plant.
  • Bushes should be tied up and tied up.
  • Above the garden bed, it is worth making a film arc to stretch the film over the plants at night. This will prevent hypothermia.

Gardeners' opinions

I have been working in the garden for a long time, but I could not decide to plant an eggplant. Finally I chose the early ripe species "King of the North", studied its characteristics and set to work. Believe it or not, after a long and careful care, I was able to harvest an unprecedented harvest! My husband and I ate plenty of fresh fruit, and we could also preserve it!

Andrey Petrovich

My choice fell on the mid-season plant species "Marzipan". I want to share with everyone - these are incredibly delicious eggplants! I was able to harvest the crop in 125 days, as described in the characteristics. The fruits have all grown in a beautiful cylindrical shape “one to one”. All the neighbors came to admire my beauties!

Olga Ivanovna

For a long time I heard that there are multi-colored eggplants, and now I decided to try to breed them in my area. It turned out that this is not difficult if you follow all the requirements for care and fulfill them on time. I got three different colors, and therefore my garden turned out to be cheerful and unusual when all the fruits are ripe. The taste of these fruits is no different from ordinary ones, and the yield is high.

Nina Pavlovna

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