Winnie the Pooh sweet pepper: cultivation methods, reviews, photos

Winnie the Pooh is a sweet bell pepper variety. Reviews characterize pepper as a compact, stunted and unpretentious plant, but to get a bountiful harvest, you need to know some of the secrets of planting and growing it. First you need to determine the type of pepper. There are several of them.

Only the following varieties are suitable for greenhouse cultivation:

  1. Orange miracle.
  2. Victoria.
  3. Winnie the Pooh.
  4. Tenderness.
  5. Night.
  6. Elephant.
  7. Othello.
  8. Health.

They are bred for cultivation in artificial conditions.

How to choose seeds?

When choosing seeds, you should carefully read the growing conditions. They are indicated on the label.

Pay particular attention to the following indicators:

  • ripening temperature;
  • ripening time;
  • landing rules.

It is necessary to pay attention to the location of the manufacturer. Foreign material in local conditions may not give the expected result.

The variety is selected taking into account the further use of the fruit. Large-fruited varieties are intended for fresh use. They ripen quickly. Small-fruited plants are suitable for canning.

How to get seedlings?

Seedlings for sweet peppersPreparations for growing peppers begin in March. Small containers with fertile soil are being prepared. You can take moistened compost... The distance between the seeds is 2 centimeters. Seeds should be lightly sprinkled with dry compost, the boxes should be covered with glass. Moisten the soil regularly. Seedlings will appear in 3 weeks.

The sprouts are then transplanted into separate containers, the temperature in the greenhouse should not be lower than 18 degrees. Seedlings need to be fed and watered.

If the plant has reached 15 cm, then the top is cut off to obtain a large number of lateral shoots. This will allow for a bountiful harvest.

How to plant seedlings in open ground?

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the ground in June, on a cloudy day or in the evening... The planting period lasts from May to mid June. If the pepper grows in the greenhouse, then this can be done already in April.

Before sowing in the ground, the seeds are disinfected in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then they are washed with water, treated with growth stimulants. They are also necessarily treated with antifungal drugs to protect future seedlings from fungal attack.

There should be a distance of up to 60 cm between the holes, 60 cm between the ridges. After planting, the seedlings are covered with a film. This will accelerate the start of growth. In the first weeks, the plant will look a little wilted. But this is not necessary to be afraid. He will independently take the necessary form.

An excellent choice of a place for planting would be the garden on which beans, peas, cabbage and carrots previously grew. The plant is not friendly with tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes. Therefore, the places where these vegetables were grown should not be used for peppers.

The fruits ripen very amicably. Completely you can harvest a crop in 2-3 harvests... Further, the plants are removed.

Winnie the Pooh pepper disease

Hybrids and varieties of sweet peppers.Pepper is susceptible to many diseases. Seedlings may die, you won't have to expect a bountiful harvest.

The most common plant diseases are:

Fungal disease (black leg). The root of the plant is completely destroyed. Timely disinfection or a complete change of soil is required.

Bacterial infection of leaves and stems... Treatment - soil replacement and spraying with special agents.

Late blight leads to decay of fruits and leaves. This is clearly seen in the photo. Plants are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

Phytophthora affects tomatoes. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant peppers next to them.

The development of the disease is always promoted by high or low temperatures, as well as inadequate humidity.

Pollination of Winnie the Pooh pepper flowers

Pepper flowers are bisexual. They can pollinate on their own. But if insects enter the greenhouse, cross-pollination can occur. Therefore, you should not grow sweet and hot peppers on the same site.

If hot pepper pollen gets on the pistil of sweet, then the taste of the latter will change not for the better. It will be a little bitter.

Harvesting pepper seeds

How to protect seedlingsAccording to gardeners, Winnie the Pooh pepper is a real garden miracle. But getting seeds is a very responsible business. The outcome of further cultivation will depend on this. Must pick a few large fruits, which are located below on the 3rd tier. Put in a bag until the peppers are completely dry. Cut the dried fruit, collect the seeds in a paper bag and set aside until spring. Seeds can remain viable for three years, sometimes longer.

If you are facing a solution to the problem of choosing a pepper variety, then Winnie the Pooh is the right choice. Experts say that this variety is very high-yielding. More than two kilograms of fruit can be removed from a square meter.

The Winnie the Pooh variety allows you to get a bountiful harvest even in cool climates in the Urals. It is grown in a glass or film greenhouse even in Siberia. The vegetable produces fruits of high quality, having pleasant taste.

Winnie the Pooh sweet pepper
Winnie-the-Pooh pepper seedlings careFeatures of the Winnie the Pooh pepper varietyWinnie the Pooh pepperHow to grow bell peppersWinnie the Pooh pepper varietyHow sweet peppers growWinnie the Pooh sweet pepper varietyWinnie the Pooh in the bedsBell pepper varietyGrowing sweet pepperHow to water sweet peppersPlanting and caring for sweet peppers


I liked Winnie the Pooh pepper seeds very much, because they showed themselves on the good side. I was very impressed by their high germination capacity. No more than 20% of seedlings were discarded. Usually there were more. She left only the healthiest seedlings. I rejected slanted or dubious ones.

Oksana Chernykh

The plant is compact, all its fruits are located close to the stem. But the height was about 60 centimeters, although it is indicated on the package - no more than 30 cm. The seedlings rooted perfectly.

Zaitseva Marina

At the end of July, the first crop was taken, as indicated by the manufacturer. It made me very happy. The fruits are large and fleshy, very aromatic. The last peppers were harvested at the end of October, although the greenhouse was not heated.

Olga weaver

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