5 ways to protect cucumbers from diseases and pests

Every gardener dreams of getting a high-quality and high yield of cucumbers from his plot so that all worries are not in vain. But plants can be influenced by insects or diseases. There are 5 proven ways to protect cucumbers that are not only effective but also cost effective.

Spraying seedlings

For processing plants, a solution based on milk and iodine is suitable. It is both a nutrient solution and an antiseptic. Active oxygen, which is produced by the interaction of iodine and water, has a negative effect on mushrooms - the main pathogens of cucumber diseases.

To prepare the solution, you need to combine the following components:

  • water - 10 l;
  • iodine - 30 drops;
  • laundry soap - 20 g;
  • milk - 1 l.

Processing of cucumber seedlings can be carried out if 3-4 true leaves have already formed after germination. It is necessary to spray the culture at intervals of 10 days.

Treatment of beds

To process the beds in the evening, you need to soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water. In the morning, knead the bread, add 30 ml of iodine. Before using the solution, it is diluted (1 l) in 10 l of water. Cucumbers can be processed every 2 weeks. Thus, until the fall, the plants will not turn yellow, and the leaves will remain green.

In addition, bread dressing has the following advantages:

  • beneficial microflora is actively developing in the soil;
  • the growth and development of the root system of the culture is activated, as a result of which the aerial part of the plant fully develops;
  • early ripening of the crop;
  • a small number of "barren flowers;
  • the taste and chemical composition of the fruit improves.

Soil spraying

To prepare a special solution for spraying the soil, you need to pour onion peel (700 gram can) with 10 liters of water, put it on fire, wait for it to boil, cover with a lid and leave for 12-14 hours.

Then you should filter and squeeze out the husk, dilute with infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 4. This working solution is thoroughly sprayed and moistened with soil.

Watering cucumbers

Watering with milk whey is very useful for the harvest of cucumbers. Thanks to its acidic environment, it has become one of the most effective plant food. The solution acts not only as a fertilizer, but also as a prophylaxis against powdery mildew, late blight.

The whey contains fermented milk microorganisms, which accelerate the breakdown of complex organic fertilizers into simpler ones. They also prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi on cucumbers.

In 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute 2 liters of milk whey and 150 g of sugar. Moisten the cucumbers with the resulting solution. This will allow the ovaries to re-form to produce fruit.

Spraying cucumbers

To prepare the solution, dilute 1 liter of whey in 5 liters of water. Spray cucumbers in cloudy weather or late at night. After that, a protein film forms on the plants, which will envelop the aerial part of the cucumbers and prevent the penetration of hostile organisms into the leaf or stem.

The whey also contains complete proteins and minerals that increase the stability of the culture and improve metabolic processes.

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