4 reasons to grow cucumber seedlings in sawdust

Most gardeners grow cucumber seedlings in the traditional way - in the ground, but planting in sawdust also gives excellent results. Plants grown in this way are healthier. They easily take root in the beds and delight with the harvest.


Pest exclusion

The soil taken from the garden is often contaminated. Eggs of pests and fungal spores can be stored in it for a long time, causing serious diseases in cucumbers. There are also weed seeds in the ground, which then germinate and begin to interfere with the seedlings, taking away nutrients and moisture from it.

If you sow seeds in such soil, the young seedlings will become infected and may even die. The soil needs preliminary processing. Sawdust, on the other hand, is a pure material, and the probability of infection of seedlings is reduced to zero. Therefore, plants grown in sawdust are much less likely to be infected with infections and pests.

Keeping warm

The root system of young cucumbers reacts negatively to temperature changes. Its increased fragility makes it difficult to carry out such procedures as picking and landing in the ground.

The roots feel much more comfortable in sawdust than in the ground. Such a substrate helps summer residents to solve many problems. It is able to retain and retain heat longer. This feature protects cucumber seedlings from such common diseases as gray rot. It is caused by waterlogging of the soil in combination with a decrease in air temperature.

In addition, seeds also require a comfortable environment for germination, they are sensitive to cold weather. The sawdust retains not only heat, but also the necessary water balance. This promotes germination and rooting. It is recommended to plant seeds in a heated substrate, which contributes to their early germination. The first shoots will appear in 3 days.


It is more convenient to work with sawdust than with soil. They have a loose, airy structure, so it is much easier to remove the plants during transplantation. The likelihood of their injury is reduced.

The lightness of the material allows you to carry out any manipulations as quickly as possible. In addition, after the sawdust substrate, there is not as much dirt left as after the soil. Therefore, working with him at home is not difficult.

Due to its naturalness, the material is absolutely safe from the point of view of environmental friendliness and impact on human health. But you cannot use the crushed remains of fiberboard and similar plates for growing vegetables. After all, they contain a large amount of glue and other harmful elements. Only fine sawdust substrate from pure wood is ideal. Before placing it in a container, do not forget to scald it to wash off the resin.


The conditions in which the cucumber seedlings were at the beginning of their growth will greatly affect their quality. Seedlings that have been grown in sawdust give an excellent yield.

According to the reviews of summer residents who have tried this method, fruiting lasts longer when compared with normal conditions. When 3-4 leaves appear on cucumber sprouts, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Seedlings grow in sawdust more robust and resistant to adverse environmental factors. It is actively developing and then the ovaries are better formed.

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