Reviews about temp F1 cucumbers: characteristic of the variety

Features of the cucumber varietyCucumber is a popular vegetable around the world. Its main advantages are considered to be high yield and the ability to use it in a variety of forms - directly from the garden, salted, soaked, as part of a variety of salads and dishes, with and without heat treatment.

There are many varieties of cucumbers, they can differ in size, type of soil, in which they grow, yield, growth rates and many other very diverse factors. The temp f1 cucumber variety is deservedly popular among gardeners. You can find a great many reviews on the Internet about this variety. For example, such:

“This year we planted 3 varieties in the greenhouse: temp, generous and break. The pace is definitely the best! Already in June, an excellent yield, even higher than the declared one. Moreover, we don't even heat the greenhouse! "


“We have been increasing the rate f 1 for several years already. These are not cucumbers, but a miracle! The yield is extraordinary, the fruits are beautiful and strong. But most of all we value their taste, the variety is really very, very tasty. "

Olga Sergeevna

“Temp is one of the most beloved greenhouse cucumbers. It grows in bundles, and most importantly, it does not get sick, it seems that no infection sticks to it. "


How did this variety deserve such favorable reviews from summer residents?


How cucumbers growThe length of the fruits at Temp f 1 is about five to seven centimeters, the thickness rarely exceeds one and a half to two centimeters. Form - cylindrical... The tubercles on the surface are crowned with small white spines. The average weight of the fruit is forty to fifty grams.

The first crop can be harvested within 35-40 days after planting. The high yield is explained by the fact that one node sometimes produces 3-5 fruits at a time. From a square meter, you can easily collect from ten to fifteen kilograms of cucumbers.

Among other advantages of the variety note:

  1. Excellent drought tolerance
  2. Resistance to powdery mildew and other diseases
  3. "Versatility" in culinary terms: these cucumbers are appetizing and tasty both fresh and in the composition of dishes. They are also excellent for salting.
  4. The fruits retain their shape and freshness during long-term transportation


When is it better to plant seedlings The rate f 1 depends on how you plan to grow them: in a greenhouse or outdoors... For the first option, you need to attend to the seedlings in early April. It is important to remember that regardless of the variety, cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well - too often, with such manipulations, the root system of the plant is damaged. The best way to avoid this is to use "peat" pots. You can transplant sprouts directly into the greenhouse in twenty-five days.

In the case of open ground, everything is somewhat more complicated. You can plant sprouts in the garden when stable warm weather is established. Most often this happens in early June. In this case, it is best to sow seedlings in early May.


Regardless of where the cucumbers will be planted Temp f 1 - in the ground or in the greenhouse - there are several general, binding, planting rules:

  1. You should not plant cucumbers in areas where pumpkins or zucchini were grown last season.
  2. Planting more than 3-4 plants on an area of ​​one square meter is fraught with the risk of contamination of cucumbers with diseases or pests.
  3. The planting site should be well lit, located on the sunny side of the garden.

It is important to remember that, despite the fact that the cultivation of this variety in the open field is practiced by many gardeners, according to GOST Temp, these are greenhouse cucumbers.

About disadvantages

Planting and caring for cucumbersDelicious, fruitful, early ripening, drought-resistant. It seems that temp f 1 is just some perfect cucumber. Is it so? Are there any major weak points? Alas, as in everything else in this world, and here it was not without a fly in the ointment. A serious drawback of this variety is the rather high price of seeds... On the forums and portals of summer residents and gardeners, it is quite easy to find reviews on this matter.

The price for Temp F 1 seeds is noticeably higher than for other "cucumber" seeds. At the same time, I did not notice a significant difference with other varieties last year. True, the year was generally not very fruitful. One packet of seeds still remains, let's see how Temp performs this year.


“I planted such cucumbers back in 14 years. Then I paid 75 rubles for bags with ten seeds (only ten !!)! Probably, the most expensive cucumber seeds in my life. But the reviews of friends were very good. In principle, expectations are not disappointed - the yield is very high. "


Cucumber varietyObviously, the cost of a mistake when working with seedlings or simply a bad summer is greatly increased at such a high cost of seeds. Under favorable conditions, the rate will almost certainly pay for itself, but if for some reason the “summer cottage” does not work out, the financial losses will be higher than when using seeds of other species.


Temp F 1 is an excellent variety of short-fruited cucumbers: it begins to bear fruit early, the harvest is rich, tastes good and has a very wide application in cooking. The high cost of seeds spoils the impression.

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    1. AvatarPETER

      Cucumbers "Zyatek" and "Mother-in-law" are very similar in their characteristics to each other. I have been using the seeds of these hybrids for 3 years already, plus “Courage” - and I always get good results. These hybrids are equally good under film cover as well as grown without cover. Cucumbers are formed even and beautiful, small in size. The crop ripens amicably, quickly enough, empty flowers are not observed. The main thing is to collect regularly once every 3 days approximately. The varieties are resistant to powdery mildew and small temperature changes. Zelentsy crispy, aromatic - great for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling and pickling. I can definitely recommend the varieties "Zyatek", "Mother-in-law" and "Courage" for all amateur vegetable growers. If anyone has any questions, write, I will be happy to answer.

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