Reviews of the best varieties of cucumbers for growing in the open field

Reviews of the best varieties of cucumbersIt would seem that such a thing as growing cucumbers is not a big deal. According to knowledgeable people, this is actually the case. True, if you arm yourself with certain knowledge. For example, how to choose the right type of vegetable. You can understand all the cucumber variety by answering three questions.

How to choose the right variety?

  • Where will the vegetable be grown? As a rule, "green ones" grow in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open field. It is not uncommon to grow them on the windowsill.
  • When would you like to get the harvest? You can eat young cucumbers in early June. The most patient are ready to wait until July or August.
  • How long would you like to get a harvest of cucumbers?

According to this principle, the "green ones" are conventionally divided into early, middle and late... It is worth remembering that early plant varieties are more likely to get sick. In addition, compared to the late ones, they have a shorter fruiting period. If the variety of cucumbers is chosen correctly, they are not afraid of either powdery mildew - false or real, no bacteriosis. The main thing is to pay attention to the increased resistance of plants to these misfortunes.

It is worth deciding what vegetables are for. After all, someone prefers to salt them, while someone is not averse to crunching fresh. And then lettuce, pickling and universal varieties are distinguished. Naturally, each of them has certain advantages.

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing outdoors

Gardener tipsMany of those varieties that are recognized as successful are hybrids. Their easy to distinguish by F1 mark... Hybrids are obtained by crossing with seeds of the first generation. Such a plant should be:

  1. hardy;
  2. productive;
  3. have an enviable fruit taste.

However, it is not recommended to collect seeds from it. After all, the lifespan of such beauty is only one year. If the seeds taken from it are nevertheless planted, a large number of barren flowers can be obtained.

April F1

The hybrid, which is early maturing and versatile, bears fruit in 45–55 days from the time of germination. By the way, it is easily grown not only in the open field, but also on the windowsill and balcony. The reason for this is the compact size of the plant and its ability to self-regulate branching. Cylindrical fruits are large in size. Their mass often reaches 200-250 grams, and their length - up to 22-25 centimeters. Pleasant additions are undemanding to care, lack of bitterness, cold resistance.

Masha F1

The hybrid has the ability to form fruits without pollination and fertilization. In addition, it is ultra-early (35–39 days) and high-yielding, with a long fruiting period. The fruits are gherkins with large tubercles, their shape is regular-cylindrical. They have excellent taste, do not taste bitter. Delicious not only canned, but also "straight from the garden." Bonus - resistance to many diseases. Unfavorable growing conditions will also not prevent you from getting a “crispy crop”.

Ant F1

It has such qualities as self-pollination and ultra-early maturity (35–39 days). Medium-leaved plant has limited lateral branching. Fruits that grow up to 12 centimeters have large tubercles and a cylinder shape. Besides downy mildew and powdery mildew, the cultivar is immune to olive spot.

Spring F1

The hybrid belongs to bee-pollinated and early varieties. You will have to wait for the fruits only 48–55 days. Immune to a variety of diseases. Cucumbers with small tubercles and sparse spines are cylindrical. They do not taste bitter, and are actively salted and canned. The length of the ready-to-eat cucumber is 12 centimeters, and the weight is about 100 grams.

Connie F1

A gherkin type hybrid that does not need pollination and has an increased yield. After 43–45 days (the starting point is the emergence of seedlings), the plant will please with its harvest. Medium-growing bush. Cucumbers are small - only 6-7 centimeters in length, 60-80 grams in weight, have the shape of a cylinder. Nice to look at:

  1. small lumpy;
  2. with whitish spines;
  3. bright green.

Crispy, juicy, tasty fruits are absolutely not bitter. The hybrid is resistant to overgrowth, it is not afraid of root rot and powdery mildew. Cucumber tastes equally good both fresh and canned.

Miranda F1

The hybrid is distinguished by:

  1. early maturity;
  2. high yield;
  3. versatility.

On a plant without pollination, fruits with a female type of flowering appear. Fruits grow up to 11-12 centimeters long, and 110-120 grams in weight. They have white spines and a cylinder shape. The color is green with white dots, and up to the middle part - also stripes. Juicy fruits with a great aroma are good in salads and pickles. Supplements - cold resistance and resistance to the most common diseases.

More marked with F1

How to grow cucumbers outdoorsIra F1

This bee-pollinated hybrid belongs to the ultra-early maturing. The plant will take about 50 days to form fruit. The grown cucumbers are cylindrical, with large tubercles, dark green in color, with white pubescence. The length is about 15 centimeters and the weight is about 85 grams. The flesh is firm and crunchy and tastes good. The plant gives an excellent harvest of cucumbers and is immune to diseases.

Emerald Stream F1

Early hybrid - it takes about 48 days for the fruit to ripen. The bush is weak, vigorous. The female type of flowering prevails. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, with tubercles, dark green in color, with a thin skin. The length is about 50 centimeters, and the weight is about 200 grams. The taste and aroma of cucumbers are simply great. They:

  1. cold-resistant;
  2. shade-tolerant;
  3. do not suffer from powdery mildew;
  4. have a long fruiting period.

Indispensable in salads.

Corinna F1

The hybrid is distinguished by high yield and ultra-early maturity. Cucumbers are an improved version of Connie F1. These are gherkins, reaching a length of 10 centimeters, dark green, with small tubercles and white spines, without bitterness. They have an excellent consistency. The hybrid is immune to many diseases. When salted, they retain crispness and density.

Gherkin "Madame" F1

Cucumber varietyAn early bee-pollinated hybrid produces fruits 48 days after shoots become visible. These vigorous plants are dominated by the female type of flowering. The shape of the cucumbers is cylindrical, they are short, with small, frequently-located tubercles, white spines, and a thin delicate skin. Have small white stripes. Length in centimeters - 12, weight in grams - 85. Dense fruits do not outgrow or turn yellow. There is no bitterness. The plant is not affected by root rot and downy mildew, it has intense fruit formation. Cucumbers are consumed fresh, pickled and canned.

In addition, varieties not marked with F1 can be planted outdoors. They also have the advantages of being able to grow them this way.

What non-hybrid varieties do gardeners recommend?

For the purpose of growing outdoors, experienced gardeners recommend using several varieties of such cucumbers.


The variety is bee-pollinated, early maturing - the fruits appear in about 60 days. They are white-spine, with small tubercles, reaching 13 centimeters in length and 140 grams in weight. The variety is cold-resistant and immune to olive spot. Cucumbers are delicious both fresh and salted.


The mid-season bee-pollinated variety is universal. Perfect for both pickles and fresh food. The plant is vigorous and highly branched. Zelenets is small in size - only 6-7 centimeters, has an elongated ovate, slightly tuberous shape. Downy mildew is not afraid of him.


The plant will take 45 to 55 days to ripen the cucumbers. Such early maturity, coupled with increased productivity and unsurpassed taste, make cucumbers an excellent pickling variety. Fruits up to 12 centimeters long, the shape of which is elongated-oval or cylindrical, completely cover large tubercles. And the weight did not disappoint - 120 grams. The plant will be able to resist bacterial blight and powdery mildew.

Nezhinsky 12

Different varieties of cucumbersAs gardeners say, one of the best pickling varieties. It is mid-season and bee-pollinated. In addition, cucumbers are unpretentious to care for and are immune to disease. The bush is long-leaved. Fruitlets:

  1. short;
  2. large tuberous;
  3. with black spines;
  4. crispy and delicious.

The shape is elongated-ovoid, weight is from 80 to 100 grams, and the length is up to 12 centimeters. The variety does not suffer from bacteriosis and olive spot.


The early maturing plant is powerful, with long branches. Fruits are cylindrical, with small tubercles, delicate dark green skin, grow up to 12 centimeters. The pulp is firm, with a lot of sugars. The small size of the seed chamber means that these cucumbers are better pickled.

The recognition of gardeners for planting in open ground and such varieties of "green" as "Phoenix" and "Dalnevostochny".

What do the gardeners say?

Of course, as they say, "the taste and color ... .." But still, if you read the reviews of gardeners, gardeners, you can get useful information that will help you decide on the choice of "green" for growing in the open field.

"Spring F1" and "Masha F1", probably the most fruiting... The second is also good for those who want to grow vegetables on their windowsill. But if, nevertheless, cucumbers grow in open ground, the main thing for them is moderate watering. So there is a chance to harvest even in October.


There is nothing better than F1 Alligator cucumbers. Long fruiting period and excellent taste - for those who prefer fresh fruits. But to salt such a variety is better cut into slices.


"Chinese disease-resistant" F1, gherkins "Son Polka" F1, cucumbers of the "Zasolochny" variety are distinguished by long and abundant fruiting, indicative taste and market characteristics, therefore they are recommended for salting. In addition, they are resistant to the most common diseases.


What else is important to know?

Open field cucumber varietiesAmong the hybrid varieties of cucumbers, there are bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic, that is, capable of forming ovaries and bearing fruit without pollination. When choosing the first, it is important that bees are found on the site.

The presence of male and female flowers will help to avoid barren flowers. Usually, the first have a three-sided, and the second - a four-sided shape. You can determine the sex of a plant by the first fruit. To do this, you need to cut it across, and see how the seeds are located. In the male cucumber, they are in three segments, in the female cucumber, in four.

When determining those varieties of cucumbers that are more suitable for growing in the open field for you, you should remember about the zoned seeds, tested by more than one generation of gardeners.

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