Zozulya F1 variety: the favorite Russian parthenocarpic cucumber

Cucumber Zozulya F1 is one of the first parthenocarpic hybrids of Russian selection. Originally intended for greenhouse cultivation, these long-fruited, disease-resistant cucumbers grow well outdoors.

Cucumber Zozulya F1 - parthenocarpic hybrid for spring-summer turnover

The hybrid of the first generation Zozulya F1 was created by Moscow breeders in the 70s of the last century and turned out to be so successful that it still remains zoned for greenhouses throughout Russia. This is a parthenocarpic hybrid that does not require bee pollination. The flowers are mainly of the female type, the first harvest of fruits can be harvested 40–45 days after germination. From 1 square meter of the greenhouse, you can collect up to 10-20 kilograms of cucumbers per season.

Cucumber Zozulya F1

Cucumber Zozulya F1 - Russian parthenocarpic hybrid for greenhouses and open ground

Cucumbers weighing 150-250 grams grow up to 15-23 centimeters in length, they have a delicate skin with sparse tubercles and a weakly expressed white pubescence.

They stay green and tasty longer than the ultra-trendy short-fruited gherkin-type cucumbers, therefore Zozulya F1 is suitable for summer residents who come to their site only on weekends.

Traditionally, this cucumber hybrid is considered a salad rather than pickling, although in reality the success of pickling it depends primarily on the quality of the water.

The tasteless hard water from our garden well is just perfect for pickling cucumbers. Salted cucumbers of Zozulya F1 cooked in this water are stored in the cellar until the new harvest with simple rustic salting without sterilization, in no way inferior to the generally recognized pickling varieties.

Cucumber Zozulya F1 on video

Initially, Zozulya F1 cucumber was intended for industrial crops in stationary and portable spring-summer greenhouses. But in the protected microclimate of summer cottages, it grows well in open ground, relatively easily withstanding short periods of cool summer weather.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse

Cucumber Zozulya F1 was originally created specifically for growing in greenhouses

Zozulya F1 hybrid has a complex resistance against the main diseases of cucumber and does not need protective chemical treatments.

Features of planting and growing cucumbers Zozulya F1

Zozulya F1 is a first generation hybrid, so its seeds should be purchased annually from the originator.

Modern hybrid cucumber seeds do not need any additional pre-sowing treatment. Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well, so it is best to sow them immediately to a permanent place.

It is necessary to arrange cucumber beds and greenhouses in the most illuminated place of the garden plot. It is very desirable that on the north side there is protection from cold winds - trees, tall shrubs, buildings, a solid fence.

A garden bed for cucumbers should be abundantly fertilized with organic matter at the rate of 1-2 buckets of humus per square meter and carefully dug up.

My grandmother always preferred to add more humus in the spring, at 3 buckets per square meter, so as not to fiddle with additional fertilizing in the summer.

Sowing dates for cucumbers in central Russia - table

Sowing placeSowing time
To a stationary greenhouseMay 10-15
Under a temporary film shelterMay 20-25
Open ground without any protectionJune 1-5

Seeding depth is about 2 centimeters. For their germination, a temperature of at least +20 degrees is needed. Modern hybrid seeds have almost 100% germination, so they can be sown directly to a permanent place according to a scheme of 1 meter between rows and 30 centimeters between plants in a row.

Seedling cucumber

Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well, so their seedlings are grown only in individual pots.

Seedling preparation justifies itself only in years with abnormally cold spring weather. Secrets of good seedlings:

  • Sow no earlier than a month before disembarking at a permanent place.
  • It is imperative to sow one seed at a time in individual peat pots or paper cups.
  • After landing in the ground in late May - early June, be sure to cover with agrofibre for a couple of weeks to protect from the scorching sun and night temperature drops.
Cucumbers under the film

Agrofibre cover protects cucumbers from frost and scorching sun

Caring for Zozulya F1 cucumbers is not particularly difficult. When cucumber plants begin to grow actively, they are tied to a trellis. This hybrid almost does not form side shoots, it can be grown without any special formation or pinching.

Watering young seedlings should be 2-3 times a week from a watering can with a fine strainer. If you cover the soil with organic mulch or special agrofibre, then 1-2 waterings per week, 2 buckets of water per square meter, are sufficient for adult plants.

Watering a cucumber

Young cucumber plants need regular watering

For feeding cucumbers, it is most convenient to use complex organo-mineral fertilizers such as "Ideal" or "Giant", which contain the entire set of essential nutrients. The optimal frequency of feeding is up to 2-3 times a month in doses indicated in the instructions on the package of the drug.

Fertilizer Ideal

Complex organo-mineral fertilizer "Ideal" contains all the nutrients necessary for cucumbers


We grow Zozulya F1 cucumbers in the country every year. Advantages: cucumbers grow from late July to late September, are not whimsical to care for, do not outgrow, thin peel, do not taste bitter. There are no disadvantages. When leaving, only water, especially on hot days. More buckets of cucumbers are collected from one bush.



Zozulya is constantly growing here. When planting other varieties or hybrids of cucumbers, Zozulya grows ugly and saber-shaped, and sometimes does not set fruit. And just independently, without other cucumbers, it grows even and long up to 30 cm. I noticed this for the second year already.

Charlie 83


I plant in open ground every year. The first cucumbers grow normal - long and even. They can grow in curves at the end of fruiting. But in general, this variety is recommended for greenhouses.


I personally like the Zozulya variety of cucumbers. For the Moscow region it has proven itself well, at least there is something to roll up in banks for the winter

Lech nowak


My grandmother has been growing zozulya all her life, she says she never pinched it.



Cucumber Zozulya F1 is still one of the most popular hybrids for growing in garden plots. In amateur conditions, these time-tested unpretentious cucumbers are in no way inferior to newfangled novelties.

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