Cucumbers Courage F1: description and characteristics, cultivation features, reviews of gardeners

Cucumber Kurazh F1 is one of the most popular among gardeners of early ripening parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids with a bundle arrangement of ovaries, created by Russian breeders specifically for our conditions.

Cucumber hybrid Kurazh F1 - an outstanding achievement of Russian breeders

Courage F1 is one of the best parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids, created by the Russian agricultural firm "Gavrish" and therefore ideally adapted specifically for Russian soil and climatic conditions.

This early ripening hybrid bears fruit in 40-50 days after germination. It was originally intended for film shelters, but it also bears fruit successfully in the open field.

Fruits are green with a weakly expressed striping, with a large number of tubercles and white spines. Cucumbers weigh 100–130 grams and reach 11–15 centimeters in length and 4–5 centimeters in diameter. They are delicious, versatile, suitable for salads, pickling and pickling.

Under the film, the harvest reaches 16-18 kilograms of cucumbers from each square meter of the greenhouse, in the open field up to 10-12 kilograms per square meter.

Plants are vigorous, with unlimited growth, moderate number of leaves and medium branching. They form mainly female flowers arranged in bunches. The Kurazh F1 hybrid is parthenocarpic and does not need pollination.

Cucumber Courage F1

Cucumbers Kurazh F1 have ovaries in bunches

Courage F1 is an author's cucumber hybrid created by Gavrish. Its seeds are not produced by other agricultural enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the seeds of this hybrid only in the original packaging of the manufacturer "Gavrish", all the rest are fake.

Cucumbers Courage F1 on video

Cucumbers Courage F1 from Gavrish - video

Features of planting and growing cucumbers Kurazh F1

You can sow Kurazh F1 cucumbers at home in individual cups or peat pots for seedlings, or immediately to a permanent place in a greenhouse or under a temporary film shelter. The seeding depth when sowing is 2 centimeters.

Seedling cucumber

In order not to damage the roots during transplantation, cucumbers for seedlings must be sown in individual cups

Branded copyright seeds of cucumbers Kurazh F1 have one hundred percent germination, so they must be sown one at a time, without spare safety copies and without any additional pre-sowing treatment.

The optimal sowing time for seedlings is about a month before planting in a permanent place. In a greenhouse or under a film, you can sow seeds and plant seedlings:

  • in the Urals and Siberia - from the end of May,
  • in central Russia - from mid-May,
  • in the southern regions - from mid-April.

Landing in open ground without shelter is permissible only after the complete end of possible frosts, for the middle lane - not earlier than the beginning of June.

Cucumbers Kurazh F1 are more productive when grown on a trellis, which is made about two meters high. Landing distances:

  • 1 meter between rows,
  • 40-50 centimeters between plants in a row.

As the plants grow, they are tied to the trellis with soft twine.

Cucumbers Courage F1 on a trellis

Cucumbers Kurazh F1 bear fruit better on a trellis

Cucumbers Kurazh F1 are distinguished by their wild growth. In order not to form an impenetrable jungle, the plants must be monitored regularly and all lateral branches above the third - fifth leaf must be pinched in a timely manner.

For successful growth and fruiting, Kurazh F1 cucumbers need regular watering with warm water, in hot dry weather - daily in a bucket of water per square meter. With a lack of moisture, this hybrid can form bitter fruits. Once a week, liquid complex fertilizer "Ideal" or "Giant" is added to the water for irrigation according to the instructions for the preparation, usually at the rate of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

In order for the Kurazh F1 cucumbers to fully show their potential productivity, pick the set cucumbers daily, preventing their overgrowth, which inhibits the formation of new buds.

Fruiting cucumbers Courage F1

For maximum yields, pick cucumbers daily.

Cucumbers Kurazh F1 have complex resistance against all the main diseases of this crop, therefore they do not need any protective chemical treatments.

I have been planting the Courage F1 hybrid almost every year, for over ten years now. I am very pleased with these cucumbers, they are delicious, fruitful and do not get sick. I use fresh and for pickling, always crispy.


I have been growing cucumbers in a greenhouse for the third year. I tried different varieties - Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian. At the moment, I am very pleased with the cucumbers "Courage F1". Self-pollinated hybrid. Since the first time I was not sure about this variety, I planted 100 pieces in total. Germination rate was 100% on the 3rd day. After 2 weeks, the seedlings already stood out decently among other varieties of cucumbers.


I have been planting my favorite hybrid Courage for several years. I am a supporter of self-pollinated cucumbers, such cucumbers are not affected by bad weather, even if it rains or if it is cold, the ovaries will still be. Therefore, these cucumbers can be grown both outdoors and indoors. Courage is self-pollinated. It gives 100% harvest, there are a lot of cucumbers, thanks to the large bouquet of ovaries on the main shoot, it bears fruit from early summer to late autumn until the frost itself. After picking cucumbers, new ovaries begin to form in the sinuses.


I have been planting courage for more than 5 years. The hybrid is very stable in terms of good yield, disease resistance and adverse weather conditions, and long-term fruiting. It grows very powerfully, stepchildren need to be pinched regularly, otherwise there will be a forest of leaves and few fruits. Good at workpieces. Fresh also goes well, but inferior in taste to bee-pollinated and salad varieties / hybrids. One of the earliest cucumbers on my site.


We plant cucumbers "Courage F1" for three seasons. Of the good sides of this hybrid, it should be noted that the fruits do not outgrow for a long time, and, accordingly, they can be used for salting slowly, without worrying that tomorrow two more buckets will grow and there will be a bed of giant overgrown inedible cucumbers. There are no special problems with growing, only watering is needed, preferably daily, especially in dry weather, otherwise this hybrid may taste a little bitter, precisely from underwatering. Cucumbers taste good, aroma too, I advise everyone.


With proper agricultural technology and regular care, the cucumber Courage F1 will surely thank you with a bountiful harvest of beautiful and tasty cucumbers.

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