Cucumbers mother-in-law and son-in-law: how to grow, care, reviews and features

How to grow cucumbersThese two varieties of vegetables are similar to each other. The differences are only in weight (for the first 120 grams, for the second 100) and size (13 versus 11). Otherwise, they have similar characteristics: they are lumpy, brownish, there is no bitter taste, they bear fruit perfectly throughout the season and can grow both in a greenhouse and outdoors.

general information

Son-in-law cucumber

Bred in the city of Moscow, in the Gavrish firm. It is best to sow and cultivate in the Central, North Caucasian, Middle Volga regions... Suitable both for cultivation on the ground and in greenhouse conditions. Their fruiting period is 43–48 days.

It has an unlimited period of growth of its stem, which is good for greenhouses, in which conditions up to 50 bunches of fruitful fruits can grow. Flowering type - female, medium-sized leaves. The skin is not only tender, but also has light streaks. Mild taste, no bitterness.

The hybrid recovers well after diseases, tolerates them well. Resistant to root rot... If the harvest is not harvested on time, then the fruits take on a barrel-shaped appearance. If blanks are needed, then it is worth collecting at the stage of gherkins or below - at the stage of pickles. A versatile variety.

Son-in-law and mother-in-law
Cucumbers are very healthy, low-calorie vegetablesCucumber pickles are deliciousCucumber Mother-in-law is an ideal solution for harvesting for the winter.Cucumber variety Zyatek is distinguished by large, even fruits.

Seeds should be sown towards the end of April, and transfer to the ground, after the seedlings grow up, in May - June, at the time of the appearance of the leaves.

The advantages include:

  • Cucumbers are also very different, it all depends on the selected variety.great taste;
  • high productivity;
  • disease resistance.


  • high seed price.

Amateur reviews:

I try to grow this type of cucumber using a net. Once they sprout, I tie them to the grid and give them the right direction to grow. I drive large sticks into the ground, tie a rope to their end, and attach a net to the ropes. It is a pleasure and joy to take care of the "son-in-law": the fruits that he gives are visible to everyone, watering does not cause any worries. I have not formed plants, neither varietal nor hybrid, so when they are lying, they do not get enough heat and light. With the vertical method, the plants are ventilated very well and there are no problems with their diseases. Try it yourself, start experimenting.

Natalia Siverina

Cucumber mother-in-law

Has not only a feminine appearance of flowering, but also is a fairly early ripening variety... Fruiting time after sunrise is 48 days. It can be grown both in the ground and in greenhouses.

Arranging seedlings of cucumbers is closer to the end of March or early April. It should be transplanted into the ground or greenhouse in early June, by which time it should have 4 leaves.

The final fruit size is 13 centimeters. Has about 4 ovaries per leaf and, there are thorns and tubercles on the skin. This variety of cucumbers is resistant to disease and cold, and can be eaten immediately after picking. It has a delicate, wonderful taste without bitterness.

Reviews of gardeners:

Cucumbers, mother-in-law, are rather unpretentious. They bear fruit better when you tie them up, that is, you give a neat direction for growth. I water it in moderation, because when you pour it, they curl, and when you don't add it, they turn yellow. And it is best to water the base, not the leaves.


Growing features

Seeds and fruits of cucumbers Mother-in-law and ZyatekAbout 500 fruits grow on one stem. Because of this, grooming requires special skills and techniques. Also, due to such a large number of fruits, increased feeding is required... If there is insufficient feeding, or when feeding, as with ordinary cucumbers, this type of cucumber will feel bad. The stems will dry out before they can bear fruit.

  1. It is necessary to plant the cucumber more discharged. For 1 square meter, it is better to plant 3, or even 2 plants.
  2. Before fruiting, the cucumber mother-in-law and sons-in-law will have powerful stems.
  3. In the recommendations in the reviews of gardeners, it is written that for better results, cucumbers should be planted with seedlings.
  4. Before the onset of flowering directly, it is better to cover the crops from winds and cold weather.


The flowering and final quality of the cucumber fruit depends on the initial quality of the seeds used. There is no difference between planting outdoors or indoors - the way they are grown is the same. The timing of when to plant will vary by region and growing method. One of the main planting rules is that cucumbers should have three or four leaves. Achieving this number of leaves can be achieved after four weeks of growing.

Care rules

All the time the vegetables grow, you need to pay attention to caring for them. For excellent, final results in the form of a large number of tasty, tender, juicy, without admixture of bitterness, fruits from ovaries, increased attention will be needed. It includes:

  • the use of fertilizers (mineral fertilizers - 30 grams. This amount is used per square meter);
  • using warm water for watering (at the very beginning of flower growth, a couple of times every three days);
  • mulching and loosening the soil (every week).

Forming cucumbers

For a good harvest, mother-in-law and son-in-law cucumbers are often used by gardeners. They also advise to pay attention to the formation of bushes... Tufted cucumbers are grown in one stem. Plants are removed in the lower nodes. Once the crop is ripe and harvested, it is worth applying the fertilizer again.


With the correct use of fertilizers, with proper watering, planting, loosening the soil and so on, cucumbers of mother-in-law and son-in-law are able to delight with a very tasty, large harvest, which will delight everyone.

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    1. AvatarAndrei

      I like Mother-in-law and Zyatok, several ovaries from one bosom, like a bunch, pimply, good in salads and salting. Delicious, sweet, crunchy!

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