What varieties of cucumbers are the best for the northwest of our country

Cucumber varietyWho doesn't love crunchy cucumbers for the dinner table? This vegetable has firmly taken its place in our menu. But purchased cucumbers do not always meet our requirements. To have healthy and tasty cucumbers on the table, it is better to grow them yourself. But in this case, it is very important to choose the right varieties.

Cucumber is a rather thermophilic plant, and in some regions of our country it does not grow very willingly. For example, in the northwest, the number of sunny and warm days is much less than in the southern regions. Therefore, it is tedious to approach the choice of a variety especially carefully. Which cucumbers are best for the northwest? Let's figure it out.

Features of growing cucumbers

Cucumbers can be grown using seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the soil. The first option is used when you need to get an early harvest. When growing seedlings, it should be borne in mind that in the early stages of growth for cucumbers need a short day... In order for the plant to grow actively, light must be supplied to it for 10-12 hours a day.

If the seeds will be planted directly into the ground, then you need to wait for stable warm weather. Sowing is carried out after the earth has warmed up to temperatures of 10-12 degrees above zero. In this case, you can get guaranteed shoots. At the same time, night air temperatures should not be lower than 10 degrees. After sowing the seeds in the ground, it is covered with a film to create the desired microclimate.

For cucumbers to grow better, it is desirable eliminate the influence of drafts... Therefore, the so-called live scenes are planted in the neighborhood. Plant tall plants such as corn, sunflowers, and Sudan into adjacent beds. In addition, you can use plants compactors, which are planted in the same place as the cucumbers themselves. Sow beets, carrots, or beans at the same time.

Outdoor varieties for the northwest

Breeders have been breeding cucumber varieties for a long time. For every region and climate zone created their own varieties of plantsgiving a good and tasty harvest. In the northwest of our country, experts recommend using the following varieties for open ground:

  • What varieties of cucumbers"Petersburg Express F 1" is a hybrid with average fruit sizes (up to 75 grams). Used exclusively fresh and in salads. Planting is carried out at the end of May, and the crop can be harvested on the 40th day;
  • "Vir 505" - medium early, the fruits of which can be used for salting, and for fresh consumption. Cucumbers up to 11 centimeters long with a yield of 4 kilograms per square meter. Fruiting begins on the 50th day after sowing. This variety is considered the most popular in the northwest;
  • "Sovkhozny" is another mid-early variety of cucumbers with fruits of 120-160 grams. Cucumbers are dense and suitable for pickling. Stored well;
  • "Vyaznikovsky 37" - early cucumbers, fruiting begins 40 days after planting (and often even earlier). Fruits are small in size, light green color with small tubercles. Perfectly suited both for fresh consumption and in marinade or pickles.

Listed varieties are considered the most popular among summer residents and farmers, but there are many others. Each gardener selects cucumbers according to his taste and preferences.The main thing to remember is that varieties with early or medium early ripening of the fruit are suitable for the northwest.

Greenhouse varieties

In the northwest of our country, cucumbers are very often grown in greenhouses. The necessary microclimate is created in greenhouses, which makes it possible to get an early harvest, plus the fruiting itself takes longer. Therefore, for indoor ground, you need to choose specially created varieties.

Most popular for growing in greenhouses use:

  • How to grow cucumbers indoors"Goosebump F 1" is an early ripening self-pollinating variety of cucumbers. It has short, barrel-shaped fruits. The yield reaches 7 kilograms per square meter. This variety is considered the most common when grown in greenhouses in the northwest of our country;
  • "Graceful" is another early maturing variety. Cucumbers are not used in pickling and pickling, but are used only fresh;
  • "Kuzya" is another variety for fresh consumption. Cucumbers are small in size and rarely exceed 8 centimeters in length, but they have excellent taste and beautiful appearance;
  • "Masha F 1" is a variety with fruits that have a slight bitterness in taste. Cucumbers are rarely used fresh, but they are very tasty in pickle and salting.

It is very important to choose varieties for growing in greenhouses.that are self-pollinating... At the same time, you can not pay much attention to the timing of fruit ripening, because in a specially created microclimate, you can harvest longer than in the open field.


Cucumbers have been very popular in our country for many centuries. These vegetables are consumed both fresh and marinated or salted. But for each region you need choose your varieties... Cucumbers are quite a whimsical plant that requires certain conditions for good growth. For the northwest, breeders have developed a lot of varieties for both outdoor cultivation and greenhouses. The most popular and proven varieties have been listed above, but do not dwell on them alone. Conduct experiments, and you are sure to find exactly your favorite and fruitful variety of cucumbers.

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