Fertilizer for potatoes when planting

The potato is a vegetable that actively and intensively consumes all the nutrients from the soil. This is due to the weak development of the root system of the plant and its rather bulky tubers. In addition, after harvesting, the soil becomes impoverished and no longer has the required amount of nutrients. They must return to the soil again when planting again, otherwise the next harvest will be much worse. Fertilization is an effective method of increasing yields. But the mistake of many novice gardeners is the introduction of top dressing during the flowering of potatoes or its growing season, although during this period valuable nutrients and minerals will not be absorbed by the plant. It is more important to choose the right fertilizer for potatoes when planting in a hole, since the yield and its quality directly depend on this. The most viable and productive potato varieties in Russia are recognized as Cardinal, Desnitsa, Bezhitsky, Lira, Zhukovsky. Nowadays, you can easily buy various types of fertilizers in factory packaging, but some gardeners consider it equally effective and economical to feed, which is prepared at home.

What fertilizers do potatoes need when planting

Fertilizing the soil before planting potatoes

Most fertilizers are applied to the holes

Potatoes are a crop that loves difficult feeding. They usually combine nitroammofosk and azofosk, that is, completely different batteries. Superphosphate can also be used separately. In special substances, for example, under the name Kemira Potato, all the necessary elements are optimally combined. But this composition has a high cost.

The best fertilizer for potatoes is organic. It contains all the nutrients this plant needs. These include trace elements in the form of cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, boron. Also organic fertilizers contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen. These substances are easily absorbed by the roots of potatoes. As a result, the soil gradually accumulates humus and acquires the nutrient properties necessary for plants.

Organic matter allows you to weaken the effect of toxic salts on the development of potatoes, even on saline soils. When it decomposes, carbon dioxide accumulates in the air layer, which has a positive effect on the growth and health of tubers. Popular organic fertilizers are slurry, humus, composts, household waste, and bird droppings.

The fastest effect on the development of potato tubers is provided by chicken manure, which is characterized by a high concentration. But it is not recommended to use it fresh, as it will burn the plants.

Chicken droppings must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15. Also, the infusion must be kept warm for at least 2 days. To water one bush, you will need about 1 liter of infusion.

Potassium is necessary for tubers as a mineral feed. For this, you can use wood ash. It is especially important for potatoes, as it contains many valuable trace elements, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.These chemical elements are necessary for the full development of tubers.

Depending on the fertility of the soil, the rate of fertilization during planting is also calculated. It is important not to apply too much fertilizers, as their excess will lead to a decrease in yield, a deterioration in the taste of the potato and its poor digestibility. In addition, this will be accompanied by the emergence of powerful tops.

Tubers are especially fond of potassium, but it must be used very carefully, since this substance is found in large quantities in the soil. Fertilization in the spring should be carried out strictly according to the rate recommended by manufacturers. Only in this case, phosphorus and nitrogen will be well absorbed.

The best fertilizers and how to apply them

Top dressing is usually placed in the hole, since potato roots usually develop in the surface layer of the soil. Despite the small area of ​​plant nutrition, the fertilizer immediately goes where it should be.


Potato manure

Do not use horse manure in large quantities for potatoes

Manure should not be poured into the holes, as this will lead to rapid combustion of the plants. It is used only in the form of humus, but at the same time there is a significant risk of the appearance of a potato scab disease. In addition, the use of excess organic matter can lead to the appearance of voids inside the root crops. This means that the fruit of the potato will grow faster than the internal tissues.

Manure must be thrown into the holes directly during planting of the crop. In this case, it is very important to correctly introduce organic matter, strictly observing the dose and method. Before planting, it is allowed to use 1 kg of urea and ammonium nitrate for each hundred square meters. Under the spring digging, before preparing the holes for 1 hundred square meters, 5 kg of nitrophoska and 3 kg of nitroammophos are added.


Dolomite flour

If the pH of the soil is from 6.0 and above, it is not recommended to use dolomite flour

Mineral dressing for potatoes should be as balanced as possible and meet all the needs of the plant. The unilateral introduction of minerals into the earth will not lead to its saturation with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, mineral fertilizers must be supplemented with organic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are added to the hole during planting, which is the most economical and rational way. On sandy soils, before planting potatoes, it is necessary to scatter magnesium sulfate or dolomite flour throughout the territory. Do not leave complementary foods in the upper part, as in the fall the potato tubers will be on the ground and turn green. This is due to the fact that the roots are usually located closer to the feeding feeding them. With poor watering and poor soil, these problems usually appear.

At present, planters with a fertilizer applicator are widely used in agricultural technology. They quickly and conveniently apply fertilizer to the soil and to the desired depth.

Complex fertilizers for potatoes

Complex fertilizer for potatoes

Complex fertilizers for potatoes are not suitable in all cases

The simplest way to feed potatoes is to use a complex mineral mixture. In addition to special dressings, universal preparations are widely used, which are sold together with instructions for use.

The Fasco fertilizer series is designed specifically for potatoes. It comes in solid or liquid form. These fertilizers contain essential trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. In addition, they also have an organic part. Before use, the drug is diluted with water and used during the entire period of culture growth.

Fertika is a well-known manufacturer of mineral fertilizers for potatoes. This fertilizer is in the form of granules that dissolve in water. Plants are watered with the prepared solution. This product contains only a mineral part. It is a complex of important trace elements: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Top dressing can also be used dry.In this case, the granules are mixed with the soil.

KompleMetPotato belongs to the category of complex liquid fertilizers. It includes a composition composed of trace elements, phosphorus and potassium. The main purpose of this fertilizer is pre-sowing treatment of tubers. It is also intended for foliar feeding of potatoes.

Thanks to the use of fertilizers, it is possible to eliminate the deficiency of trace elements and activate the growth processes. In addition, it enhances tuberization, growth of stolons, increases the intensity of photosynthesis and productivity in general.


Fertilizing potatoes in the hole when planting

The application is carried out according to the recommendations on the packaging of the fertilizer

Nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea, will help you get a good harvest in the future. When used correctly, bushes of high vigor and very large tubers can be obtained.

Ammonium nitrate is usually used as a nitrogen supplement for plants. The ingress of phosphorus to potato bushes is ensured through the use of double or ammoniated superphosphate. To feed potatoes with potassium, potassium salt or potassium chloride is used.

Nitrogen fertilizers are usually required during the growing season of the plant. As the fertilizer dose is increased, the nutrients will enter the leaves, not the roots. As a result, you can get powerful potato bushes in autumn, but a weak harvest.

Proper feeding of potatoes when planting allows you to get an excellent harvest. In this case, potatoes will have excellent taste and a long shelf life.

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    1. AvatarHelena

      Who is writing these articles? "Manure must not be poured into the holes, because it is ..." The next paragraph: "Manure must be thrown into the holes directly during planting of the crop ..." And what to believe in this article? Well, you don't understand the issue, don't cook !!! Truly, money does not smell!

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