The main terms of sowing and planting cabbage in Russia

Who doesn't know this vegetable? I think there are no such people in the world. There are about fifty species, and there are more than two hundred varieties of white cabbage alone. The homeland of this plant is the Mediterranean. Popular also include: red and Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and leafy, Savoyard and broccoli. Many of them were enjoyed by the inhabitants of our country. They began to be cultivated in various regions of Russia. But there are features in the timing of planting this plant for seedlings and transplanting into open ground, which will be carefully considered.

Planting dates for cabbage

This is a biennial plant, with the exception of only some species (Peking, Chinese). Belongs to the cruciferous family. Loves humid air 70-80%, a long day 12-15 hours and a well-lit place without shading on the southern and southeastern slopes. Does not tolerate acidic soils, prefers neutral, fertile. Loam is ideal. Cold-hardy culture with strong root system.

The main characteristics of cabbage are high nutritional value, as it contains protein, carotene, vitamins (A, B, C, PP, E, K), minerals and carbohydrates. On the other hand, it has dietary properties, the calorie content of this product is 25–35 kcal. The crop is distinguished by good yield, keeping quality and transportability.

White cabbage

There are more than two hundred varieties of white cabbage

It is difficult for novice gardeners to determine the optimal time for sowing cabbage. There are several ways to calculate the date correctly:

  1. Application of average agricultural data.
  2. Countdown method.
  3. Using the correction formula.

Let's consider each of the presented ones.

Applying ready-made parameters

These data are obtained empirically and are close to the area of ​​plant cultivation. Thus, when purchasing zoned seeds, you can use the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the package (timing of sowing vegetables, transplanting into open ground and harvesting).

Peking cabbage seeds

See the seed manufacturer's recommendations on the back of the package.

Table: typical data for central Russia

NameSeedling age,
Sowing dates
Dates of appearance
seedlings, days
Drop off time

The generally accepted period, depending on the early maturity of plants, is:

  • For early vegetables: white cabbage and savoy cabbage are planted from February 15 to March 15, and cauliflower, kohlrabi and broccoli - from 01.03 to 30.03.
  • For medium varieties, the time is intended from 25.03 to 25.04, and for color varieties - from 10.04 to 12.05.
  • Sowing of late types of cabbage and savoy cabbage is carried out from mid-March to mid-April. Broccoli prefers time from 01 to 20 April. Cauliflower does not tolerate low temperatures, therefore the optimal period is mid-May or early June, and for kohlrabi - from 15.04 to 15.05.

The main thing is to sow cabbage on time. It should be noted that the information is averaged and does not take into account all the characteristics of the variety.

Countdown method

This method can be used to calculate specific sowing dates for cabbage. To do this, you need to know the growing season of the variety and the age of the seedlings when transplanted into the soil.

Vegetation period (vegetation; from Latin vegetatio - revitalization, growth) - the time required for the development of a plant.


Table: comparative characteristics of cabbage varieties, ripening period and seedling age

period, days
Seedling age
by the time of transplant,
Early head60–12045–60
Medium headed90–14535–45
Late headmore than 14630–35

Thus, the sowing time can be calculated. To do this, subtract the age of the seedlings from the number of days required for the cabbage to fully ripen. We get the final result. For example, an early cultivar with a growing season of 120 days minus 60 days (plant age) is 60, that is, vegetables must be sown two months before they are transplanted into the ground.

Using the correction formula

There is no exact date for sowing seeds, they are calculated taking into account a specific variety and many nuances, such as the time of emergence of the first shoots, the average period of adaptation and picking, if seedlings are grown using this method, the climatic features of the region. An example of using the formula is made by reverse calculation for central Russia.

Table: calculating the timing of planting seeds

VegetablesEarly white cabbageMid-season Brussels
Vegetation period, days85–100120–130
Seedling age, days45–6045–50
First shoots, days4–63–5
Pick, days11
Adaptation, days5–75–7
Climatic conditions
landings in open ground
Dates of sowing seeds for seedlingsFebruary 2710th of March

Features of planting cabbage in different regions of Russia

It is an economically viable vegetable and is suitable for growing in all climatic zones. Let's take a look at some of them:

Moscow suburbs

The main requirements for the cultivation of plants in this climatic zone are: a sharp change in temperature and humidity, the number of warm and sunny days, the timing of ripening and harvesting. Agrotechnology is no different, special attention should be paid to soil acidity. Early, middle and late varieties are planted in the Moscow region.

Video: growing cabbage in the Moscow region

Follow the general guidelines for planting seeds:

  • White and red early - 10–25.03, middle and late - 10–30.04.
  • Broccoli, colored - from mid-March to late May with an interval of 10-20 days.
  • Brussels - from 25.03 to 25.04.
  • Kohlrabi - from 10–20.03 until June with an interval of two weeks.
  • Savoy early - from 10.03–30.03, middle from 15.03–15.04, late from 01.04–20.04.

And the correct sowing time for specific varieties must be calculated independently, taking into account the climatic zone. In the Moscow region, the frost-free period begins on May 15.

The frost-free period is the time between the last spring and the first autumn frost.The duration determines the possibility of growing heat-demanding plants.

Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

Table: calculating the timing of planting cabbage in the Moscow region

CultureWhite cabbage
Cossack F1
late 15
Seedling age, days45–6030–4035–4530–35
First shoots, days4–64–64–64–6
Pick, days1111
Adaptation, days5–75–75–75–7
Climatic conditions
landings in open ground
Dates of sowing seeds for seedlingsMarch, 3rdApril 8April 3rd7 april

Siberia and the Urals

The sum of active temperatures is sufficient for the growth and formation of crops in difficult climatic conditions. Therefore, highly productive varieties and hybrids of white and Savoy cabbage, resistant to cold and changeable weather, are recommended: Stakhanovka, Golden hectare, winter Gribovskaya, Dumas F1, Zarya F1, Polyarnaya K-206 and Vienna, Zolotaya, Kroma, Sphere, Uralochka, Lace. Use zoned planting material!

Sowing dates are shifted: for early crops - 10-15.04, and for middle and late crops - the end of April. Calculate the specific dates for the selected varieties yourself.

Table: calculating the timing of planting cabbage in Siberia and the Urals

CultureWhite cabbage
VarietyPolar K-206
Winter Gribovskaya
Seedling age, days45–6035–4530–35
First shoots, days4–64–64–6
Pick, days111
Adaptation, days5–75–75–7
Climatic conditions
landings in open ground
Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings20th of MarchApril 18th23 april

Video: sowing dates for cabbage in Siberia and the Urals

Peking, Chinese and broccoli are also suitable for growing in this region, as the plants are unpretentious and cold-resistant. The sowing of the first two species is carried out both in the greenhouse and immediately on the garden bed. The growing season is 40–75 days. Therefore, to obtain an autumn harvest, they are sown in late July or early August. And broccoli is planted under a film or a greenhouse in May, and after 30-40 days transferred to a permanent place.

White cabbage occupies 90% of all cultivated species in Russia. The vegetative period is different: 50–120 days for early crops, 90–150 days for middle ones and up to 210 days for late varieties. To shorten the growing period in the open field by 50-70 days, grow vegetables without the risk of frost and harvest a high yield, sow the material at home starting in March.

Growing cabbage seedlings

Growing cabbage seedlings is widely used in our country

Broccoli, cauliflower and savoy cabbage are also sown for seedlings. Remember the distinctive features of these species:

  • underdeveloped root system;
  • it is best to place seeds in separate pots.

I tried to plant broccoli in my backyard. I did not know the exact date of sowing for seedlings, so I used data from the manufacturer - the beginning of March. The seeds were placed in peat tablets. She looked after in the standard way, as well as for white cabbage. I transplanted an early variety into open ground in mid-May, and a medium-late one in early June. I am happy with the results. The yield was: for Tonus - about 1.5 kg / m2, for the Gnome - 3 kg / m2... Vegetables of excellent taste, rich in vitamins and minerals. Suitable for freezing and preservation. But for cauliflower, I used a seedless method, sowing vegetables directly into the ground, however, until the end of May, the plants were “protected” by the covering material. The culture is early ripening, after 85 days the first harvest appeared. I chose a hybrid Marathon, with a blue-green head, with 1 m2 got about 3 kg of cabbage. Next year I will definitely experiment with kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts.

South Region

The sowing dates for this crop are shifted to an earlier period and begin from the first days of February. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground since April. The countdown method was used.

Table: calculating the timing of planting cabbage in the Krasnodar Territory

CultureWhite cabbage
VarietyKrasnodarskaya 1
Southerner 31
Wintering 1474
Seedling age, days45–5035–4030–35
First shoots, days3–43–43–4
Pick, days111
Adaptation, days555
Climatic conditions
landings in open ground
Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings1st of FebruaryFebruary 1116 february

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Prepare the cabbage nutrient mixture in the fall. It is better not to take soil from garden beds due to possible infections and diseases.


It is better to prepare a nutritious soil mixture for seedlings in the fall.

The main thing is to get a fertile and breathable base for plants.

Video: soil for seedlings

Experienced gardeners advise to disinfect the soil by spilling it with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use ready-made mixtures. The first shoots will appear in 4-12 days.

The first shoots of seedlings

Sow cabbage on time!

When growing plants from seeds of your own collection, do not forget to neutralize them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.

Video: preparing cabbage for planting

Hardening is also an important step.

Purchase quality seed from manufacturing companies and their authorized dealers. The following agricultural firms are widely known: Aelita, Manul, Gavrish, SeDeK, Poisk, Russkiy Ogorod-NK, Akvarel, etc.

Cabbage seeds

Choose quality seeds for sowing

The optimum temperature for seedlings is + 15 ° + 18 °. On a cloudy day, + 12 ° + 15 ° is enough, and at night - + 8 ° + 10 °. This does not apply to cauliflower, which does not tolerate cold weather, which can lead to lower yields.

Cassette method of planting cabbage

Cabbage seedlings are planted in cassettes

Do not forget about the use of mineral and organic fertilizers to strengthen the seedlings. Two weeks before transferring seedlings to open ground, start acclimatizing plants.

I want to share the secrets of stage-by-stage hardening: firstly, if the air temperature is + 15 ° and above, start airing urgently, do it within 15 minutes. Double your time each week. Secondly, when at night the temperature stops dropping below 8 °, it's time to open the vents and leave them in this form for the whole day. And finally, two weeks before planting in the ground, do not close the greenhouse doors and windows throughout the day. This will harden the cabbage, help it get used to it faster and get used to the environment.

At the first sign of disease, remove damaged plants! The most common infection is Blackleg, which can destroy a culture during the developmental stage. In this case, the root collar of cabbage is depleted and rotted.

Landing in open ground

It is preferable to carry out these works in cloudy weather or in the afternoon. Dig up the garden bed prepared in the fall. Planting scheme of early varieties 45 × 25 cm, and the rest 60 × 40 cm... Do not forget to spud the plants and mulch with humus.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Transplant in cloudy weather or in the afternoon

Dates of disembarkation to a permanent place

There are average recommendations:

  • early varieties are planted in late April or early May;
  • medium - from 25.05 to 10 June;
  • late - 15–25.05.

Pay attention to the dependence of the transfer time of seedlings from the growing region.

Table: the actual onset of the frost-free period in different climatic zones

NameLanding dates
Middle zone of Russia
and the Moscow region
from 10.05–31.05
Siberia and the Uralsfrom 01.06-15.06
Krasnodar regionfrom 10.04–30.04

Direct sowing in open ground

A good harvest starts with strong and healthy seedlings. But you can do without it. This is how vegetables are planted in the southern and southeastern regions. But they resort to this method in central Russia for the cultivation of broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. In early March, seeds are dipped into holes for 3-4 pieces. into each one. Cover with a hood, which creates a favorable microclimate for plant development.

Cabbage under the hood

They grow cabbage under a hood in the open field

You can remove it when the seedlings become cramped inside.

Video: cabbage under bottles

The grown crops are larger, stronger, do not get sick due to transfer to the ground, which means they will be productive.

Planting in greenhouses

The seedless method is used for growing vegetables under a film and in greenhouses.

Greenhouse cabbage

Organize the right cabbage beds in the greenhouse

The preparatory steps for seed and soil processing are standard. However, it is important to know some of the features of planting cabbage in central Russia:

  • Sow early varieties in late February, late - in mid-March at + 20 + 25 °.
  • Use a 3 × 1 cm pattern and 1 cm deep.
  • In early April, if there are 3-4 leaves, transfer the cabbage to a permanent place. In case of recurrent frosts, cover young plants with plastic wrap or other material for a period of 7-10 days.

Remember, the seedlings of this crop don't like shading!

Video: growing in a greenhouse

Seedlings of cabbage in a greenhouse

Cabbage seedlings are planted in plastic greenhouses

The main thing is to observe the correct temperature regime so that the vegetables do not stretch, but grow and develop.

Lunar calendar 2019

These are recommendations for gardeners, taking into account the phases of the moon and its position in the signs of the zodiac, affecting the growth and development of plants, as well as for agricultural work.

First of all, you should pay attention to the prohibited and favorable time for planting and transplanting cabbage (including cauliflower) in 2018, monthly.

Table: negative and positive dates for 2019

MonthBad daysGood days
February2–45–7, 10–12
April2–45–7, 10–12
June1–3, 305–8
July1–2, 29–315–7
August28–302–6, 31
September26–282–4, 29–30

Table: calendar of gardening this year

Organic fertilizationFebruary1, 18–20, 22–24, 26–28
March3–5, 21–23, 26–28, 31
April1–2, 5–7, 10–14, 18–20, 22–24, 27–29
May2, 20–22, 24–27, 29–31
June1, 3, 10–12, 16–18, 21–23, 26–30
July1, 7–9, 18–20, 23–25
August19–22, 24–26
September6–10, 16–18, 21–23, 25–28
October13–15, 18–20, 22–24
Mineral fertilizationFebruary9–12, 14–16, 18–20
March8–11, 13–15, 17–18
April1–2, 5–7, 10–14, 18–20, 22–24, 27–29
June1, 3, 10–12, 16–18, 21–23, 26–30
July1, 7–9, 18–20, 23–25
August1–3, 10–12, 19–23, 24–26, 28–30
September6–10, 16–18, 21–23, 25–28
October3–8, 24–26
Spraying, pest controlFebruary20–22, 24–26
March1–3, 21–26
April2, 18–22, 24–27, 29–30
May1–2, 22–24, 27–29
June3–5, 7–12, 24–29
July20–23, 25–28
August17–19, 22–24, 26–28
September13–15, 18–20, 23–29
November11–14, 16–19
Intensive wateringFebruary20–22
March3–6, 8–11, 13–15, 21–23, 31
April5–7, 10–12, 18–20, 22–24, 27–29
May2–4, 7–9, 15–17, 24–27, 29–31
June3, 10–12, 16–18, 21–23, 26–30
July16–20, 23–25, 28–30
August1–3, 10–12, 19–22, 24–26
September1, 6–10, 28–29
November14–16, 23–25
Landing, transplanting, pickingFebruary9–12, 14–16
March1–3, 8–11, 13–15, 17–23, 26–29
April5–7, 10–12, 16–17, 22–24
Mayexcept for the new moon and full moon
June3–5, 10–12, 30
July18–20, 24–25, 28–30
August10–12, 24–26
September1–4, 6–8, 15–18, 20–23, 26, 28–30
Octoberexcept for the new moon and full moon
Weeding, seedling thinningFebruary2, 18–20, 22–24
April2–3, 18–27, 29
May2–4, 7–9, 24–27, 29–31
June1–2, 18–21, 23–26, 28–30
July16–18, 20–23, 25–28
August17–19, 22–24, 26–28
September13–15, 18–20, 23–27

Table: recommended planting dates for cabbage

White-headedearlymid-February to mid-March
averagefrom early March to early April
latefrom mid-March to mid-April
Coloredearlyfrom mid-March to mid-April
averagefrom April to mid-May
Kohlrabiearlyfrom March to April
averagefrom April to early May
latefrom mid-April to mid-May
Broccoliearly1 time from early March to April
2 times from mid-May to early June
averagefrom mid-March to mid-April
latefrom April to May
Savoyearlymid-February to mid-March
middle and latefrom mid-March to mid-April

The dates of the New Moon and Full Moon are important, at this time all sowing works are contraindicated. They last not one day, as will be indicated below, but as many as three (before and after specific dates):

  • New Moon: 17.01, 15.02, 17.03, 16.04, 15.05, 13.06, 13.07, 11.08, 09.09, 09.10, 07.11, 07.12.
  • Full Moon: 02.01, 31.01, 02.03, 31.03, 30.04, 29.05, 28.06, 27.07, 26.08, 25.09, 24.10, 23.11, 22.12.

Thus, knowing the advice and taking into account the many nuances, you can draw up an individual sowing and work schedule according to the lunar calendar for 2019.

Observing the recommendations for this culture, having made the correct calculation of the timing for sowing seedlings and transplanting into open ground, having studied varietal preferences and peculiarities of the climatic conditions of Russia, using favorable days from the Lunar Calendar 2019 for agrotechnical work, you can grow and get a high yield of cabbage on your backyard plot.

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