What vegetables can be sown for seedlings in the first half of March

If your region has a short summer, and you want to get a good harvest, then you should take care of the preparations for the summer season in advance. Already at the beginning of March, you can sow some vegetable crops for seedlings, so that at the beginning of summer there are fresh fruits not from the market, but from your own greenhouse.


Cucumber seeds must undergo pre-sowing treatment: 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then in warm water. The washed seeds are placed in a napkin and kept warm until germination. In this case, the temperature must be at least + 15 ° С.

This vegetable does not tolerate picking well, so it is recommended to plant each seed immediately in a separate pot. Preferred soil composition: peat, humus, sod land, sawdust, in equal parts.

The seed is placed in the middle of the pot and covered with a 3 cm layer of soil from above. Moistened with a spray bottle, covered with foil on top. After a week, the first leaves will appear on the shoots. After 20 days, they can be planted in a greenhouse.


Bell peppers feel good in a universal soil. It is important to have good drainage at the bottom of the containers. Then the soil is moistened and pepper seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm, sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. It is not necessary to water, so as not to erode the soil, it is better to use a spray.

Put the pepper pots in a well-lit, warm place. Do not overmoisten the soil to avoid diseases. The length of daylight hours should be at least 12-14 hours. After 60-80 days, the pepper can be planted in the ground.


Eggplant seeds are also pre-prepared for planting: they are heated, then hardened in a cool place, soaked in water for 2-3 days, and dried. The soil for the culture is prepared in advance: humus, peat and sawdust are mixed in a 4: 2: 1 ratio. The resulting substrate is spilled with boiling water, cooled, after which it is ready for planting.

Eggplants are sown in small 0.5 liter pots. In each place 2-3 seeds are placed to a depth of about 1 cm. When the seedlings appear, choose the strongest one. It is left, and weak plants are pinched. After 65 days, the sprouts are planted in the soil.


Onions can be sown directly into boxes. They are filled with soil 8–10 cm high. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm, covered with earth on top and moistened.

Onions do not require much care, except for watering when drying and feeding with fertilizers. In May, onions can be planted in the beds.


Tomatoes can be early, medium and late in terms of ripening. Depending on this, as well as on the region, the sowing time is also determined. A universal soil is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and left for two days.

During this time, containers are prepared: holes are made in them at the bottom, drainage is laid. Prepared soil is poured into each one, 2-3 seeds are placed, sprinkled and moistened by spraying the soil.

The comfortable temperature for tomatoes is no more than + 18 ° C, so that the seedlings are not weak. The sprouts need a lot of light. The grown seedlings are hardened, taken out into fresh air. Early varieties can be planted in the soil after 40-50 days, medium varieties - after 55-60 days, late - after 65-70 days.

Root celery

Before sowing, celery seeds must be soaked. The germinated seed is planted in a box with universal soil. In the pits, at a distance of 2-3 cm, put 2-3 seeds, sprinkle with earth and spray.

When the seedlings have 2 leaves, the seedlings dive.Young sprouts are hardened, moisturized and fed once a month.


Cabbage of all varieties is sown for seedlings in the same way. Small seeds are heated, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Cabbage needs a loose soil structure, so sand and sod land are taken in equal proportions.

Add 10 tablespoons to 10 liters of soil. ash. Cabbage seeds are placed in this loose mixture to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled and sprayed with water. The container is covered with foil, and kept in a warm and bright place until shoots appear.

To prevent the seedlings from stretching out, after emergence, the seedlings are removed to a cool place with a temperature of + 8-10 ° C. In May, cabbage is planted in the ground.


Before sowing the basil, the soil is fertilized. Mix ½ tsp. urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and potassium sulfate in 5 liters of water. Water the soil with fertilizer.

Basil loves loose, light soils, so for 4 parts of peat we take 2 parts of compost and 1 part of sand. The sown seeds are covered and kept in the light for 8-12 days. Until sprouts appear, the temperature should be + 23–25 ° С, then the shelter is removed and it is lowered to + 16–20 ° С. In May, basil is planted in the garden.

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