The inhabitants of Ancient Greece had a tradition of keeping fennel at home. It was believed that a spicy plant is able to protect the home from evil spirits, to provide peace, tranquility and comfort in the family. Such properties were attributed to him not by chance: he is really able not only to decorate any culinary dish with his presence, but also to act as an "antiseptic for the house", mercilessly destroying microbes, bacteria and dangerous viruses. Today, fennel, useful properties and contraindications for the use of which are known not only to the Greeks, has not lost its popularity. As in the olden days, it is widely used in cooking. The plant is also popular as a medicine that can protect the whole family from ailments.
What does a plant look like and what it consists of
Fennel is a southern plant. In warm countries, this bulbous vegetable with a thick root and lush bright green leaves is used in various recipes. In salads are "tops" (greens), in soups "roots", large onions. The seeds of the plant add flavor to sauces, meat and fish, and baked goods. They are also irreplaceable for canning vegetables.
Fennel and dill - what's the difference

Fennel and dill are similar only in appearance of greenery, and in other characteristics they differ significantly
It happens that, due to the external similarity of fennel leaves with dill, housewives confuse these plants, although there are many differences between them, and in very different ways:
- In height (fennel is much higher than its counterpart: striving for the sun, its leaves can grow up to two meters).
- By the type of root (if dill has it thin and long, then the favorite of the ancient Greeks is large and stocky).
- According to the structure of the leaves (in fennel, they are more fluffy due to their closer location to each other).
- By the appearance of the seeds (in dill they are smaller, in addition, there is a clear difference in the shape of the seed: in fennel it is a little more elongated).
- By smell (if fennel has it sweetish, refreshing and carries subtle notes of various aromas, then dill has extremely spicy and well recognizable).
- In terms of medicinal action (fennel, according to doctors, has a wider therapeutic spectrum, while dill "specializes" in the problems of the gastrointestinal tract).
Chemical composition
Fennel has a nutritious and very beneficial composition for humans. It combines vitamins of groups A, B and C. The plant contains:
- potassium (which is very valuable for the skeletal system, heart and muscles of a person);
- calcium (help with metabolic processes and improve the quality of blood coagulation);
- magnesium (support for the nervous system);
- manganese (accelerates wound healing);
- phosphorus (control over the condition of teeth and bones);
- iron (helping the brain, participating in metabolism and maintaining hemoglobin levels);
- copper (maintaining the normal state of blood).
The lack of any of the above nutrients threatens to turn into problems for the human body. Therefore, eating fennel helps prevent possible problems and diseases.
The beneficial properties of fennel
Its beneficial properties have been known since time immemorial. Avicenna and Hippocrates praised the amazing properties of the plant in their works. Our ancestors made wonderful decoctions from it, which functioned flawlessly as:
- remedies for prolonged cough;
- medicines for colds and their consequences;
- agents for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity (for example, various stomatitis);
- a remedy for inflammation of the bladder and other problems of the genitourinary sphere;
- laxative.
It can take a long time to list ailments that recede before folk remedies. Here and colitis, and pharyngitis, and bronchitis. A separate topic is the support of the human nervous system. With the help of fennel-based medicines, you can get rid of increased anxiety and exhausting feelings of fear. The nervousness will recede.
The unique abilities of the plant are used in:
- aromatherapy (it is especially effective when it is necessary to disinfect an apartment after a flu epidemic);
- cosmetology (the plant helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair).
It is noticed that it also differs in antimicrobial properties. Fennel is an excellent antiseptic that can become a bodyguard that protects the body from harmful microbes that provoke various infectious diseases. The product can heal and soothe wounds, increase appetite.
The benefits of fennel for women
For women, fennel decoction is recommended for irregular menstrual periods. In addition, a special tea with the addition of the plant will relieve painful symptoms on critical days. For menopause, a fennel herb drink is also suitable. They drink it in pure form or in combination with beet or carrot juice, which gives a high-quality double effect.
Regular consumption of a vegetable for food or as part of folk remedies helps women of any age:
- calm down and tune in to a good mood (thanks to a positive effect on the central nervous system);
- cope with symptoms preceding critical days;
- support beauty (and even, as ladies on various continents believe, help breast augmentation).
For new mums, fennel can be beneficial for its ability to increase lactation. That is why the plant is included in various teas and mixtures, which should accelerate and enhance the production of breast milk. By the way, its quality also improves.
For men
Among other things, fennel is a great aphrodisiac. And it can be valuable for both sexes. And also the plant is able to improve the quality of intimate life. Male strength will be supported by a medicinal tincture of celery leaves and fennel fruits, taken in equal proportions - about 100 grams per 1 liter of dry wine. The medicinal drink should be infused for one month, while the container with the tincture should be shaken well from time to time.
When the medicine is ready, it can be taken 150 g after meals. In many other cases, fennel-based medicines work flawlessly in men - they cope with problems associated with the prostate gland and bladder.
For newborns and babies
Pediatricians allow fennel tea to be given to children from the age of four months. This drink has a lot of advantages:
- it relieves the condition of the baby, exhausted by colic and flatulence;
- it helps to strengthen the youthful nervous system,
- it boosts immunity.
The product is especially useful due to its high calcium content, which is essential for the formation of the skeletal system.
The healing properties of plant parts
Each of the parts of the plant is useful in specific cases:
- the root can act as a laxative (after all, this part of the plant is especially rich in dietary fiber);
- fruits will support human skin after winter, relieve it of acne;
- leaves are ideal for preparing "dill water" from flatulence;
- the stems are good in the composition of bath brooms for the steam room (to increase the therapeutic effect of water procedures).
Seeds are especially useful. They have a strong effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, seeds can improve the patient's condition in the following cases:
- with problems with the vessels of the heart;
- with high cholesterol;
- with diseases of the respiratory system;
- with pain in the stomach and flatulence;
- when coughing (here, on the one hand, it is possible to achieve the effect of expectoration, which allows you to remove everything unnecessary from the body; and, on the other hand, to soothe a cough that turns into a chronic form).
And also the seeds of the plant help a person maintain the freshness of their breath. It's not for nothing that fennel is used in many toothpastes and mouthwashes. Plus, it can be a good alternative to chewing gum. In some countries, such as India, you can find saucers filled with fennel seeds in street cafes.
Properties of fennel based products
Seed oil is obtained by distillation from the fruit of the plant. Such a product is very valuable for supporting the nervous system. Oil copes with neurasthenia, as well as increased excitability. Brings up sleep. Soon after starting to take the oil, patients begin to forget about insomnia.
Those who have eaten "something wrong", or have gone over strong drinks the day before, fennel tea will help in the morning. It relieves the discomfort of poisoning. This is achieved due to powerful cleansing of the body - together with the diuretic, the patient's body part with toxins and slags.
Tea from the plant has another strong property, which is already well studied, - the ability to prevent cancer. Scientists have proven that due to its chemical composition, fennel is able to slow down a terrible disease and prevent the transformation of ordinary cells into cancerous ones.
In addition to treating and preventing diseases, fennel oil is also used for therapeutic massage (for example, it works effectively - together with the hands of a massage therapist - to prevent and relieve joint pain).
With the help of fennel, you can disinfect a city apartment. You will need an aroma lamp and an essential oil of the plant. To fill the house with useful aromas and to deal with microbes, the lamp must be filled at the rate of 4 drops of oil per 10 square meters of dwelling.
In addition to butter, do not forget about fennel tea. It not only tastes good, but also healthy. With its help, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized and harmful substances are removed. And also herbal drink helps with colds. For example, for a hoarse person, he returns his voice in a short time.
For problem skin, decoctions and infusions of fennel work well. They are recommended for use in acne, boils and dermatitis.
The benefits and harms of heat treatment
Heat treatment can improve the taste of the plant. This is used when cooking seeds - fried in a pan or roasted in the oven, they acquire a more delicate and interesting taste. At the same time, most of the beneficial properties of the plant after heat treatment are preserved.
There are no serious contraindications to eating fennel and using it for medicinal purposes, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction.You should be more careful with the plant if your body doesn't accept celery and carrots.
And also restrictions on the use of fennel are mandatory in conditions of individual intolerance to the product. No one should overdo it with taking this plant as a medicine or as a seasoning. Special:
- pregnant and lactating mothers;
- patients with epilepsy;
- those who suffer from frequent bowel disorders.
Fennel oil should also be used with caution. Of course, it has a lot of useful properties and can improve well-being, however, if its amount in the diet is more than one spoonful per day, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
How to Consume: Daily Values for Healthy People
A healthy adult can take tea with fennel twice a day. It is recommended to drink no more than 50-100 ml of the drink at a time. During pregnancy, the rate is halved.
If we talk about seeds, then doctors are allowed to eat up to two spoons at a time. Moreover, you can repeat this pleasant procedure several times a day. They are best eaten in combination with other healthy gifts of nature - anise seeds, oatmeal, anise and caraway seeds.
Nuances of use and recipes
Before using fennel as a medicine, you should consult your healthcare professional. A specialist, knowing the individual characteristics of the patient, will give important recommendations and, if necessary, establish restrictions.
Features of the use of fennel during pregnancy and lactation
- In the first trimester, take only a few drops of fennel decoction per day to get rid of nausea and gas in the intestines. However, with the threat of miscarriage, a strict taboo is immediately introduced to the use of fennel.
- In the second and third trimester, the personal use of the plant for food should also be excluded: the doctor must give the go-ahead for this.
On the other hand, when breastfeeding, fennel comes in handy. But it is necessary to start using it for a nursing mother with all caution and not earlier than the moment when the baby is four months old.
Features of use for pancreatitis, diabetes, constipation and during menopause
There are peculiarities of use in diseases.
- With pancreatitis, the plant normalizes the state of the body. The course of treatment with a decoction is calculated for 20 days, during which it will be necessary to completely exclude any spicy food from the diet.
- In diabetes, there are no restrictions on fennel treatment. To lower blood sugar levels, collections from several medicinal plants (birch leaves, currants and parsley, as well as rose hips), including fennel, are suitable. The course of this treatment is two to five months.
- With menopause, a decoction from the fruits of the plant, which is drunk for three months, helps well.
- For constipation, flatulence and colic, as well as for irritable bowel syndrome, fennel decoction is also used. In addition, the tubers of the plant will be useful when fried or added to ordinary homemade dishes.
- With hypothyroidism, fresh fennel works well. There are no restrictions on the timing of treatment and prevention, the main thing is not to go beyond the daily consumption rates.
- For gout, a decoction of fennel root is effective, which is taken for several days half an hour before meals.
How to help with weight loss
Fennel is a dietary product. Its energy value is 31 kcal per 100 g of product, which is not much in principle. Fennel tincture promotes parting with unnecessary pounds and effectively cleanses the body.
You can achieve success with medicinal tea. How to brew: you need to take 20 g of crushed plant seeds in a glass of boiling water. Before taking the infusion, it is boiled for 5 minutes, and then it is infused for another 30 minutes.
Fennel root salad also has a dietary effect.The plant is crumbled into small square pieces, mixed with olive oil, and then lemon juice is added to the salad.
There is also a recipe for slimming tea. It is prepared from a mixture, which, in addition to fennel (10 g), includes pharmaceutical chamomile (5 g), linden flowers (5 g) and nettle leaves (4 g). Filled with boiling water (500 ml), they settle for 20 minutes. Then you can start drinking. Tea has a diuretic effect, improves appetite, but at the same time normalizes metabolism. And, therefore, it does not allow you to start gaining weight again.
I can't say that we were really tormented by these colic, but still there were. Previously, they gave espumizan, sub simplex, and when the heat came, I began to give the child tea with fennel (Grandma's basket), the problems disappeared altogether, the child farts himself, no problem. True, the result was somewhere on the third day. I myself sometimes drink too.
I have heard that the remedy is good, but, alas, it did not suit us - the son does not like how it smells and how it tastes, so he completely refuses to drink it, even in small quantities.
My sister and I always use fennel seeds for our children as a remedy for colic. During feeding, I drank tea myself. Then, if necessary, she began to give it to the baby.
Fennel is a very good thing. Better than any dill there. We drink a drug based on fennel, we do not suffer from the stomach at all, although we eat ridiculously. I can't say for sure about brewing, but the taste and color should be light brown water, sweetish in taste.
The baby is 1 month old, and he already loves to drink tea! I really wanted to diversify the menu of my crumbs, and as soon as he was a month old, I brewed him a fennel tea on the same day. The package is filled with 100–150 ml of boiling water and infused for 5 minutes. Do not add any sugar! Then pour it into a bottle, and give the baby a few sips, stretching these 100 ml for the whole day.
Fennel is a unique plant. He is credited with magical properties, sometimes even those that are not actually inherent in him. However, even the set of abilities that a plant really has at its disposal will give odds to other tablets, powders and potions painstakingly created in chemical laboratories.