4 reasons why eggplant seedlings wilt and how to fix it

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes in growing eggplant seedlings. A culture that is capricious at the stage of formation often withers. Therefore, it is important to know how to avoid this in order to save the future harvest.

Waterlogged soil

If you think that you are watering the seedlings enough, but they still remain lethargic, and there is also a musty smell from the ground, then you have flooded it. Over-watering is only good for tropical plants, which eggplant is not.

To remedy the situation, it is necessary to get rid of most of the sour soil. Transfer the seedlings together with the earth in a container of a larger diameter, add the necessary amount of soil. And go to shallow but frequent watering, trying not to overdo it again.


Due to drafts, a temperature difference arises between the ground and root parts of the plant. This leads to a violation of the temperature balance and harms the development of the plant.

To avoid drafts, it is necessary to raise the seedling boxes 15-20 centimeters above the floor. After airing, they can be lowered back.

A sharp drop in room temperature must not be allowed. This can lead to the fact that the plant does not acclimatize in the summer cottage.

Roots "suffocate"

This happens when the seedlings have not been properly thinned out. Plants do not have enough space to form a complete root system. And all the drainage holes in the pot are either missing or clogged with something.

In order to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to make holes if they are missing. Or add gravel, expanded clay under the soil. It is also necessary to loosen the topsoil well and switch to moderate watering.


This disease occurs due to excessive watering of seedlings. Then the fungus that lives in the soil passes to the stem at the point of contact. Then it goes up the stem and the plant dies.

The first sign is the appearance of black rot on the stem. The most dangerous period for seedlings is from germination to the appearance of the third leaf. Further, the eggplant is already developing immunity that can resist the disease.

Unfortunately, diseased plants cannot be saved. Therefore, you should carefully check each sprout and remove the black shoots. Then loosen the soil and sprinkle with ash, which will help draw off excess moisture.

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