Animals as a cure for depression: pet a crocodile

Depression is a disease that is increasingly spreading in the modern world. Doctors in the United States believe that animals can quite help people in the fight against emotional and psychological problems, and even "prescribe" communication with them to their patients.

Now, to treat depression, you can ask your doctor to prescribe you ... a crocodile, an owl or a chicken. But only if you live in the United States of America. It is there that, recently, patients suffering from depression can turn to their doctor with a request to "prescribe an animal" to alleviate the disease. And the list of animals that the sick want to have is becoming wider.

If at the beginning of the introduction of this practice it was about dogs, cats and other "classic" animals, now the requests of patients are becoming more and more exotic. Someone wants a turkey, someone a donkey, and someone chooses a very complicated "medicine".

A certain John Haney from Pennsylvania, for example, wished to acquire an alligator to ease his depression. The "medicine" is called Wally and is officially recognized as emotional support for its owner. Caring for Wally, doctors say, has a beneficial effect on John's psychological state, he walks, plays and talks with his "medicine" and life becomes more fun.

Unfortunately, depression is a fairly common disease that is becoming a social problem in many countries and the search for a solution continues.

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