"Keeps the family and cures a hangover": Rostov-on-Don will threaten an extraordinary cat for 15 million

A resident of Rostov-on-Don put up his domestic cat for sale for 15 million rubles, according to Ria Novosti. Such a high price for a pet is explained by the fact that, according to the owner, the pussy "heals a hangover and" drives the neighbors away from her husband. "

Mikhail Shipunov told reporters that he himself would have liked to continue to use the amazing abilities of his British cat, but there is another one in the house and, alas, the animals do not get along.

It is interesting that the cat belongs to Mikhail's wife, who did not want to sell her pet, but apparently, as a practical woman, still agreed to do it for 15 million rubles.

There are already those who wish. True, they have not yet agreed on the price, but, as the owner of the cat says: "bargaining is appropriate."

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