We went to a bullfight: French ministers under a hail of reproaches from animal rights activists

Bullfighting is an entertainment that is nowadays ambiguous. The French ministers who came to admire the spectacular performance were convinced of this and caused a hail of accusations of "hypocrisy" from the animal rights activists.

The French Minister of Agriculture and his colleague came to admire the bullfight in Bayonne, and it seems in vain. This caused a wave of indignation among animal rights activists. The officials were showered with accusations of hypocrisy and cruelty, as well as demands for immediate resignation.

“It is absolutely unacceptable and scandalous to see in 2019 the Minister of Agriculture, whose duties include the protection of animals, at an inhuman performance where an animal is tortured and killed. How can you then have at least some confidence in these officials? ”- the Brigitte Bardot Foundation was indignant, after the information about the visit to the bullfight of Didier Guillaume (Minister of Agriculture) and his colleague Jacqueline Gouraud (Minister of Territorial Administration) became widely known to the public this week.

“Shame,” “This is unacceptable,” the French write on social networks, especially outraged by the fact that animal protection is one of the important functions of the French Ministry of Agriculture. Animal rights activists talk about hypocrisy and demand the immediate creation of a "Ministry for monitoring the conditions of animals."

So, perhaps the ministers have already regretted the desire to see the spectacular spectacle many times.

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