"Defendants": frogs and rooster under the gun of French justice

Too loud croaking of frogs and the morning crows of a rooster became the reason for the initiation of administrative cases in France, according to the French edition of France culture.

For the eighth year now, the French married couple Michelle and Annie Pesherat have been fighting with neighbors who have sued them ... for too noisy behavior of frogs in their garden. Although, the couple claims that frogs do not allow themselves too often - only during periods reproduction, a family of retirees living nearby does not agree with this.

The court has already forced the Pesher family to pay a fine of 150 euros and promise that the swamp on their site will be drained. But frog lovers don't give up. They have lodged an appeal with higher courts. The decision on this case will be made in November.

Another Frenchwoman Corinne from the south of France has a similar story. Her case lasts two years.

The neighbors are disturbed by the daily calls of the rooster, which wakes everyone up every morning from 6 am for 45 minutes. Interestingly, Corinne originally started a chicken, which she named Morisett. But it turned out to be a rooster. As a result, she had to rename him Maurice and is suing the neighbors.

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