"Illegal migrant": a tarantula from the Dominican Republic arrived in France with a batch of bananas

A huge tarantula, hiding in a batch of bananas, was discovered by frightened buyers of the French "Auchan" in the city of Arras in the center of France.

According to the French newspaper Voix du Nord, despite its frightening dimensions - 7x8 centimeters in diameter, the spider is not deadly to humans. His bite causes maximum allergies.

tarantula in bananas

However, the security service "Ashan" did not wait for him to bite someone, and killed the alien on the spot.

According to the management of the store, the tarantula hid in a batch of bananas from the Dominican Republic. “There have never been such cases before,” the chain's owners assure.

Just in case, the entire batch of goods was reviewed, and the supplier from the Dominican Republic was put on display and ordered to be more careful and not to allow such illegal travel from the side of spiders in the future.

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