Growing castor bean from seeds: when to plant and care rules

Castor oil, growing from seeds of which does not cause any particular difficulties, is liked by many gardeners because of its exotic and decorative appearance. This plant can decorate almost any area.

If you create optimal conditions for the growth of castor bean, then over time it will turn into a palm-like plant, which will differ from the rest in height and originality. How to grow castor oil plant?

Description of castor bean

Characteristics of the castor bean plantThanks to castor oil plant, on a small plot of land, you can create something like subtropics. This plant is quite powerful in appearance and can withstand even the most difficult conditions. Caring for castor oil plants does not cause any particular difficulties.

Plant name - castor oil plant... However, it unites many varieties and varieties of this plant, which have certain differences. This primarily concerns color and shape.

Such an abundance of varieties indicates that this plant has been cultivated for a long time in different countries with completely different climatic conditions. At the moment this plant considered the most popular and is grown in many countries. His homeland is Africa.

Castor bean plant species
Description of the appearance of castor oil plantCharacteristic properties of castor beanPoisonous and dangerous properties of the castor bean plantThe popularity of using the castor bean plant in landscape designFeatures of the growth of castor oil plants in natural conditions

At home, this plant is grown as a perennial. In other countries, the castor oil plant is used only to create original landscape design. Here it is an annual plant that can grow up to 5 meters in height.

Outwardly, this plant has enough strong stem and large leavesthat resemble maple foliage. It is not necessary to plant a plantation to get an original garden plot. Just a few plants are enough. It is worth considering that the castor oil plant grows rapidly and strongly.

How to choose a landing site

Rules for choosing a place for planting castor beanReproduction of this plant is carried out by planting seeds. Growing it is not difficult.

The main thing is to properly grow and take good care of the seedlings. First of all, one should choose a suitable place for a plant in its area.

In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose a site with loose and nutritious soil that is well moistened and cultivated. It is best to use black soil. There must be good drainage.
  2. The plot should be located on the sunny side. The plant needs a lot of light.
  3. The site must be protected from the wind from all directions. The castor oil plant feels uncomfortable in a draft. This is reflected in its growth.

When to plant seeds

Nuances of planting seeds of a castor bean plantCastor bean seeds are far from uncommon. Acquiring them will not be difficult. The planting material should be planted according to the scheme: to obtain seedlings - from March to April, in open ground - around May.

The most popular way is to grow seedlings. After receiving high-quality planting material, you can start planting in open ground. The advantages of this method are that young plants can be planted on the site immediately after the frost leaves.

Before planting seeds, it should be noted that castor oil plants grow very quickly.In order not to injure the roots once again, the seeds should plant in small containers separately.

For the planting material to rise well, experts recommend before planting put seeds in water for a day. Soak them only in warm water. In this case, the liquid must be constantly changed. The water must always be fresh.

In order for the root system of plants to anchor well in the soil, it is necessary to place seeds in containers at a depth of 2-6 centimeters. Plant care is quite simple.

The containers after planting castor bean seeds should cover with dark cellophane... After that, the pots with future seedlings must be placed on a windowsill, which is well lit. You don't need to water the soil regularly. This can ruin the seedlings. You shouldn't do this either before or after landing. When the first shoots appear, you can moisten the soil.

Sprouted plants can be repotted as soon as the nights are warmer. You should not plant castor oil plants before the spring frosts have passed. The plants will simply die.

Do not forget that castor bean seedlings are very tender. Transplanting can greatly affect the condition of the plants. Therefore, you need to work carefully.

It is recommended to plant seedlings together with a lump of soilin which she grew up. This will reduce the risk of root damage. A castor oil plant transplanted in this way will take root in a new place much faster.

Planting seeds in open ground

Features of planting seeds of a castor bean plant in the open fieldThis is another equally popular planting method. It should be noted that this method has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account. Otherwise, the plants will die.

First of all, you need to wait until completely freeze... The air temperature at night should not drop below 12 ° C. Landing in open ground is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Seed preparation. The oily film that covers the castor bean seeds is quite dense. Therefore, each seed is worth processing. To do this, sandpaper the surface of the planting material. This will allow the sprouts to germinate much faster. This period will be up to 3 weeks.
  • Planting seeds. Castor oil plants should be planted in well-warmed soil. The depth of the holes should be 2-10 centimeters. It is recommended to put several seeds in one hole.

Care rules

Requirements for proper care of castor oil plants

Nobody cares for the castor oil plant, which grows in their homeland - in Africa, but our lands and climate are alien to this beautiful foreigner.

Therefore, if you undertook to grow such "palms" in your area, make sure that the plants receive everything they need for development and growth.

High-quality and complete care is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules:

  • good watering;
  • draft protection;
  • enough light;
  • high-quality fertilizers and timely feeding;
  • compliance with the temperature regime.

Castor oil plant grows very quickly from seeds. The main thing, follow watering rules... It must be timely. Experts recommend watering the castor oil plant every five days. Pour up to 10 liters of water under each bush.

After such watering, you can remove all weeds. Young shoots will only be grateful for this. It is worth noting that good watering is very important for these plants during the period of seed ripening, as well as when peduncles appear. The castor oil plant grows throughout the summer season.

To make the castor oil plant strong, you need feed her in a timely manner... In this case, the characteristics of the plant should be taken into account. Here are some rules:

  1. Nitrogen fertilization must be carried out before the castor bean begins to bloom.
  2. Potassium-phosphorus additives should be added to the soil when the plant begins to lay flower brushes.

Pests and diseases dangerous for castor bean

Castor bean pests and how to deal with themCastor oil plant is a sturdy plant that can withstand attacks from many pests.However, there are situations when the plant starts to get sick.

As for insects, castor oil plants are often attacked by sandy slugs, meadow moths, caterpillars winter scoops, false wires and wireworms.

They are able to harm young seedlings. The plant should be protected from these insects if the seeds are planted in the ground. Often, castor bean boxes during the flowering period are attacked by meadow bugs.

It is not difficult to fight with caterpillars. If there are few insects, then they can be collected by hand. If there are a lot of them, then it is necessary additionally process plants... To do this, you can use an infusion of wormwood.

For cooking, grind the grass and fill it with water. You need to fill a third of the bucket with raw materials. Water must be poured to the very brim. You need to insist on such a remedy for several days.

You can protect castor oil plant from pests in another way. It is enough to place near it planting with herbsfor example with parsley, mint, dill, coriander, garlic and onions.

To protect the seedlings from the wireworm, during the planting process, process the holes potassium permanganate solution.

Castor oil plant is a non-capricious plant that is easy to care for. However, it is worth monitoring the condition of the plant. The castor oil plant is susceptible to infection with diseases such as:

  • Fungal diseases.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Late blight.
  • Phylosticosis.
  • Cercosporia, bacteriosis, black, gray and pink rot.

To protect landings, process them with the Bordovian mixture... In addition, other drugs can be used, but with a similar mechanism of action.

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