Growing a catharanthus from seeds at home

The catharanthus flower belongs to perennials, it is very convenient in that there is no need to purchase seeds for planting every year. But just like for many other perennials, this flower has its own specific care rules.

When growing in the wild, the catharanthus can reach a height of one and a half meters. If you grow a flower in a room, then it will have to be cut periodically, as its stems will become bare as they "age". But at the same time, a flower growing at home will delight you with its flowering all year round. The leaves of the catharanthus are shiny and have a dark green color. Flowers may have more than one color. These are, for example, colors such as:

  • white;
  • light lilac;
  • pink.

The diameter of the flower is 3 cm, in the middle of it there is a yellow or crimson eye.

Ampelous katarantus: growing from seeds

There is such a form of this plant as ampelous catharanthus. Growing this species from seeds does not have any difference from any other species, but it still has its own specific characteristics. Ampel forms have a high stem. Ampel catharanthus must be planted in pots and suspended at a height.


Catharanthus planting rulesAnyone can grow a catharanthus if they adhere to a simple breeding technology, planting and proper care.

This flower does not like salty soil... To prepare the mixture for its cultivation yourself, you will need to take humus, peat, sand and turf in equal proportions, mix all this. It is also necessary to take into account the moment that the roots of the plant will grow very rapidly, therefore it is necessary to choose a container with a large volume of soil.

Exists multiple breeding methods catharanthus:

  • Growing from seeds at home. A very large selection of seeds of this plant is currently on the market. They look large and almost black in color, or more precisely, dark brown. They must be planted in early spring. A seed is placed in a container with soil 1 to 2 cm deep, and covered with a film. Further, the container is placed in a dark place for a period of 7 to 10 days, the seed should germinate during this time.
  • Cuttings. In this case, the material for planting should be cut from the upper part of the mother catharanthus, preferably in spring. In warm weather and the necessary watering, the shoots take root very quickly and give rise to roots.
  • Division of the bush. It is carried out in the spring, already mature bushes can be easily divided. Small, detached bushes grow quickly and adapt very well to the new planting site. Delenkas can be further grown both outdoors and at home.

If you decide to grow it at home, then you need put it in a bright place... It's better for him when there is more light. In the opposite case, the stems will become thin, elongated, and the number of flowers on it will decrease and they will become smaller. The most optimal place to find them is the western and eastern windows. It is also necessary to remember the temperature in the room, it should not be lower than 5-8 degrees, and the best for growing is 15-30 degrees. It is necessary to take special care so that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, because they can burn its leaves.

Water the catharanthus plentifully.It is impossible to allow the soil to dry out, but at the same time, there should be no stagnation of water in the soil, this all leads to the death of the plant. The flower also likes regular spraying.

This plant requires fertilizing the soil every 10 days... At the time of the first flowering, fertilization must be started. Catharanthus grows very rapidly, so it often becomes necessary to transplant it into a larger flower pot.

The plant is pruned very strongly. In the spring, you can leave only a small stalk 15 centimeters in height. The ampelous view is not pruned, only those branches that will spoil the appearance require removal. It is worth knowing that when pruning, you must use special tools and gloves for this, since the flower is poisonous.

Pests and diseases

Sowing catharanthus seedsThis plant is resistant to pests and diseases. there is the possibility of developing fungal diseases with abundant watering. In this case, brown spots begin to appear on the leaves.

And if the flower does not have enough moisture in the air, then it can undergo an invasion of the spider mite and scale insects, and if the plant germinates on the street, then aphids. It will be necessary to carry out pest control operations.

Another disease is brown rust. It acts in the form of abscesses on the underside of the sheet and disfigures it.

Atypical diseases can also appear if you do not follow the rules of care. Such diseases include stretching stems, yellowing and curling leaves, dark spots on the leaves. Stems stretch out with a lack of light... The leaves will curl and turn yellow if the flower lacks moisture. And dark spots on the leaves will appear with poor soil, insufficient light and poor feeding.

Rules for growing catharanthusIn order to get rid of possible diseases, catharanthus seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate prepared at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water. And so that the seeds are completely saturated with water, they are wrapped in cheesecloth folded in two or three layers. In 40 minutes, the seeds will be completely soaked, then they will need to be removed from the solution and dried for 1-2 hours, but in no case in direct sunlight, as the seeds may burn.

The ampelous view of the catharanthus must be immediately planted in the container in which it will constantly grow, since he doesn't like transplants... Therefore, you should immediately think about whether the chosen pot will suit him after 2-3 years. And since the plant has a high similarity, 2-3 seeds are enough for one flower pot.

It will be necessary to sow the catharanthus at the end of March. For the rest of the care, the ampelous look implies everything the same as the usual look.

As a result, we can say that the catharanthus will not bring you much trouble in caring for yourself. In our climate, it has taken root well, thanks to its unpretentiousness.

Catharanthus flower
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1 comment

    1. AvatarSerafima Vasilyeva

      I found a wonderful article where the whole process of growing a catharanthus is very simply and easily described. This year I sowed exactly as described in the article. I already have 30 cups with this wonderful flower. Sowed in mid-January.

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