Yarrow: useful properties, contraindications, prescriptions for medicines

A real treasure is hidden under the modest appearance of the yarrow. Its flowers and leaves can cure many diseases, strengthen the body and add attractiveness. Yarrow has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, you need to know exactly to whom, in what cases and in what quantity you can use drugs based on it.

Where to find and when to collect

Thousand in a meadow

The Latin name for the millennial Achilléa millefólium comes from the name of the ancient Greek hero Achilles

A plant with small leaves and an abundance of small white or pink flowers is familiar to everyone. It is absolutely unpretentious, so it feels good in different climatic conditions. Grass is widespread throughout Eurasia, and in Russia it cannot be found except in the vastness of the Arctic.

Residents of other regions can easily collect this medicinal plant. Harvesting begins during the flowering period of yarrow The first flowers appear in late spring, the latter last until early autumn, at which time the concentration of essential substances in the plant is highest.

In order for the plant to do more good, it is picked on a sunny and warm day. You need to wait for the dew to dry. This is a prerequisite for high-quality drying of the plant.

Finding a yarrow is easy. It grows rapidly almost everywhere: in the fields, at the edge of the forest, along the road, around abandoned buildings. But the further from industrial zones and highways the flower is plucked, the more benefit it will bring to the body.

Useful properties of yarrow

Dry yarrow

Often, white flowers of a plant can be seen in landfills and wastelands.

Historians are sure that people knew about the beneficial properties of yarrow back in the Neolithic era. And in later times, bunches of grass were dried by doctors and healers of almost all peoples. Until now, this plant occupies a worthy place in folk medicine.

Yarrow is used for:

  • suspension of internal bleeding of various kinds;
  • treatment of fresh wounds and wounds prone to suppuration;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • restoration of digestion;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum;
  • activation of bile secretion;
  • treatment of colds;
  • restoration of strength and protective properties of the body;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

For women

Woman making tea

Yarrow combines well with various medicinal herbs and enhances the achieved effect

This plant is widely used in gynecology. The wound healing and hemostatic properties of yarrow help to cope with uterine erosion and heavy menstruation.

It is forbidden for women to take herbal during pregnancy. Yarrow can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which is fraught with complications and even miscarriages.


In ancient times, the yarrow was considered the warrior's flower.They took the harvested grass with them to battles to heal the wounds they received. Modern men are more attracted by another property of the plant.

Pharmacologists have found that yarrow contains substances that promote better testosterone production. As a result, sexual desire increases and the possibilities for its realization increase.

At the same time, this plant has a mild calming effect on the nervous system, strengthens the body and immunity. All this ultimately has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. We can say that yarrow has a complex effect on the body, the result of which will be an improvement in potency.


Child drinks from a glass

It is important that the young child is not allergic to yarrow

Pediatricians are sure: in the absence of allergies, yarrow will not harm the child, but it will help to cope with various painful conditions. In some cases, funds based on it are prescribed even to babies up to a year, subject to the dosage.

Yarrow is useful for preparing medicine for children in the following cases:

  • when teething. It is better to use a drop of essential oil dissolved in a base vegetable oil. Then the child will not feel bitterness. The drug is applied to the gums to relieve pain and reduce itching;
  • for the treatment of colds. It is a decoction of this herb that is the best way to relieve chills at elevated temperatures;
  • to recover from illness. Yarrow improves appetite and has a firming effect;
  • to relieve the symptoms of rubella, chickenpox, etc. It is enough to wipe the sores that appear on the skin several times a day to reduce itching and make them heal faster;
  • to reduce vomiting in gastroenteritis.


Yarrow in bulk

There are no official contraindications to the use of the medicinal properties of the herb yarrow for medical purposes.

Yarrow has many beneficial properties, but it also has a number of standard contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • plant allergy;
  • pregnancy.

In addition, doctors advise to abandon treatment with yarrow for people with increased blood clotting, those who have a tendency to form blood clots and those who suffer from low blood pressure.

How to brew a medicinal plant

Fresh Yarrow Flower Tea

Fresh grass does not break well, so be sure to use a knife or pruner for harvesting

Potions are made from the leaves and flowers of the plant. There are several ways to prepare them.


Yarrow is poured with water and placed on the stove. After waiting for a boil, the fire is reduced. The cooking time is 2–3 minutes. Then the broth is covered with a lid and left to cool.

The concentration of nutrients in the broth will be maximum. It is used repeatedly, the duration and dosage depend on the disease and the state of the body. Between several courses of admission, they must take a break.


With this method of preparation, the yarrow is poured with hot water, tightly closed with a lid and left for several hours. It is important that the water is not boiling. The optimum temperature is 90–99 degrees.

Infusions have a sparing effect on the body. Admission courses can be longer than in the case of decoctions. However, there should also be a break between them.


Yarrow has a tart aroma that adorns the tea composition. But the plant must be used in dosage, otherwise the bitterness will spoil the taste of the drink.

The best tea is obtained in glass or earthenware. It is first scalded with water, and only then the herb prepared for brewing is poured. A few minutes spent in a hot kettle will help the collection to steam. As a result, it will give more beneficial properties to water. As with infusions, it shouldn't be boiling. Temperatures of 90–95 degrees are quite enough to get tea with a bright, pronounced taste.

A cup of yarrow tea will give strength, strengthen the immune system, calm the nervous system and help cope with some diseases. However, do not abuse it, otherwise dizziness and insomnia are possible.


Fresh yarrow leaves and flowers are crushed in a blender and then squeezed through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is an excellent remedy for external use for skin diseases. It is also used for rinsing with periodontal disease.

Subtleties of reception

Tea looking for yarrow in a glass teapot

In case of deviations in the work of the body, taking yarrow should be stopped and consult a doctor.

  1. It is possible to take medications based on yarrow from an early age. For babies who have not yet had time to celebrate their first birthday, a dose of 6-7 drops of broth or tincture is enough. It is added to water or to a sweet drink to mask the bitter taste of the medicine.
  2. For one-year-old children, the dose can be slightly increased, bringing it to 10 drops. Subsequently, every year, you can add another 10 drops.
  3. But during pregnancy, it is better to resort to other treatments. Doctors do not recommend future mothers to use it even externally. The alkaloids found in flowers and leaves have the ability to accumulate in the body. If kept in excess, they will have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences.
  4. At the early stage of lactation, it is not recommended to take yarrow drugs. However, in the absence of milk or in case of insufficient amount of milk, a remedy based on it can be used, provided that the child is completely healthy and not prone to allergic manifestations.
  5. The recipe, dosage and duration of use of the funds differ depending on the disease that needs to be cured. Here are some popular effective schemes.

With internal bleeding

1 tablespoon of dried leaves and flowers is poured into a glass of hot water. Let it brew for an hour. This amount is enough for the whole day. It is divided into 3-4 doses and drunk 20 minutes before meals. Such a remedy can be used until recovery.

With heavy menstruation

Add 1 tablespoon nettle to 1 tablespoon of yarrow. The mixture is poured over with 3 cups of hot water, covered with a lid and left for three hours. They start taking this remedy a week before the critical days and continue to drink in the first 2-3 days after the onset of discharge. The recommended dosage is 3-4 doses per day of half a glass of the product.

With hemorrhoids

2 tablespoons of dry yarrow are brewed in a liter of hot water. The resulting tea is drunk instead of the usual one several times a day. You can use this remedy until complete recovery.

For stomach pains

1 tablespoon of yarrow is mixed with 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, and tightly covered with a lid, leave for an hour. For sharp pains, the agent is used once. If necessary, you can repeat the appointment in 2-3 hours.

If pain occurs regularly, you can drink a course of 2-4 weeks. During a week, drink half a glass of infusion 3-4 times a day. It is most effective to do this 15-20 minutes before meals.

With gastritis

Dried yarrow and mint are mixed in equal proportions. 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured with 3 cups of water, brought to a boil, then the heat is reduced and left for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it is ready to use. The resulting product is drunk four times a day: before meals and, without fail, before bedtime. At one time, it is enough to drink half a glass of broth. The course can be continued for a month, after which you can take a break.

In case of violation of lactation

Juice from fresh yarrow is taken half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. It is better to do this 2 hours before the next feeding.

With periodontal disease

2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with 1 glass of water and put on fire. After boiling it is reduced, the dishes are covered with a lid, and allowed to boil for 2-3 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled and used twice a day for rinsing the mouth.

With a cold

Bring 1 liter of water to a boil and add 1 tablespoon of yarrow to it. Reduce heat, close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Then remove from the stove and leave for two hours. Pour 1 glass of cranberry juice into the cooled broth and add honey to taste. You can use this drink until complete recovery 2-3 times a day, one glass.

Yarrow Slimming

Slimming tea

Millennial increases metabolism, has a mild diuretic effect and relieves edema

The substances contained in this plant gently expel excess fluid from the body and regulate the digestive tract. All this allows us to say that yarrow is an excellent means for losing weight. It can be used while dieting.

A decoction of yarrow, prepared from 1 tablespoon of the herb and a glass of water, is consumed five times a day before meals. You need to drink one glass of the product per day.

It is not recommended to use a decoction of a stronger concentration. As well as mixing yarrow with other plants that contain toxins. So, a popular recipe based on yarrow and hellebore will help you lose weight quickly. But its frequent use threatens the appearance of various diseases.


I got acquainted with yarrow grass not so long ago. There is always a dry bunch of this herb in a vase. And as soon as there is discomfort in the stomach or nausea, I take 3 small inflorescences, put in a half liter jar with a spoon and fill it with boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, the color acquires a light green hue, and you can already take 2-3 sips. The most interesting thing is that I was very distrustful of the effects of yarrow, and here you can believe or not believe, and the result is very pleasing - all unpleasant symptoms go away without a trace. And when my mother bought herself this herb at the pharmacy, I read on the package that the broth should be insisted on a water bath. And the grass is crushed, but I like to break off the inflorescences more - seeing that I am brewing. Why such difficulties - the broth helps perfectly and in a simply brewed form like tea. And in the garden of this herb ... Mom don't worry, and pharmacies are not needed.



Saw six months! And a long-awaited miracle appeared in my tummy)))))!



Yarrow is most commonly used as a styptic. Official and traditional medicine recommend it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. But the healing capabilities of this plant are much wider. It is rightfully included in the group of elite medicinal herbs that give health.



With the right approach, yarrow can replace an entire first aid kit. Remember, however, that this is not a panacea. Before replacing the tablet with a decoction or infusion, you should consult your doctor.

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