Planting and caring for gentian in the open field: types, photos

Seeing a gentian for the first time, few people will remain indifferent to these amazingly beautiful flowers. Wherever they grow, these plants always stand out against the general background, because it is impossible not to notice their intense, bright shade of blue. Gentian demonstrates all their beauty with the onset of autumn. It is at this time of the year that they take on a particularly spectacular appearance thanks to the fiery crimson flashes. However, there are many things to consider in order to enjoy the bloom of gentian plants, from creating favorable growing conditions to ensuring that these delicate plants are properly cared for.

The brightest representatives

Planting technology gentianAlthough the gentian genus includes a large number of species, a small number of them please with flowering in autumn. However, regardless of this, the presence of these flowers on the site will help transform it. Most often used in landscape design Chinese decorated gentian... And I must say that it fully justifies its unusual name. It is impossible not to feel delight at the sight of this plant: this plant draws attention to itself with its bright color, and the shape of the flower, and the ability to endure any whims of the weather.

The Chinese decorated gentian is a perennial that forms small inflorescences during the growing season. When grown for a long time, these flowers develop into dense carpets, reaching a height of about 15 cm, while being twice the diameter. Despite this, it has unusually thin shoots creeping along the ground, which are effectively complemented by needle-like leaves that adorn the shoots, which can be easily taken for a copy of tarragon or rosemary.

The diminutiveness of this plant cannot but rejoice, but the impression of the large flowers that rise on its pillow is even more vivid. During flowering, the bells are directed upward. At this moment, they are especially beautiful, since tens and hundreds of inflorescences bloom at the same time, hiding for a while the foliage, which serves as a veil for them. These flowers in the form of bellswith a cross-section of 5-7 cm, they look attractive due to the light stripes, which give them additional variegation.

Observing the variety of flowers of this gentian, one gets the impression that it is as if specially created to decorate the autumn garden. It is hard to believe that the plant had such a dazzling bright blue color. But they acquire even greater expressiveness thanks to the blue border, which complements white spots on the outside of the corolla.

You can enjoy the flowering of the Chinese simplified gentian already in September. Moreover, you can get joy from this beauty until the first snow. This plant endures any frost and first snowfalls. Therefore, when a stable snow cover sets in, its bells continue to remain open.

However, in addition to the amazing resistance and beauty, this plant has many other advantages. This gentian often begins to take root in internodes.Therefore, in those areas where the shoots touch the ground, new gentian bushes begin to form.


Chinese decorated gentian is not the only representative in the groups of autumn flowering species of this family:

  • Photos gentianciliated gentian. A low-growing plant up to 35 cm, in which, during the growing season, thin, cilia-like outgrowths located on the petals are formed. The flowers are single, large in size, have a bright blue color up to 6 cm in diameter. This species begins to bloom at the end of August, continuing to give aesthetic pleasure to the gardener until October;
  • gentian is special (amazing). A perennial plant, the main decoration of which are blue flowers. Among the fallen autumn leaves it seems like a porcelain plant. Provides many different varieties that have an unusual color - pink, white or yellow;
  • cold gentian. A classic perennial that grows up to 30 cm in height, has a straight stem. The characteristic color of the flowers is light green-white, often complemented by a golden tint;
  • gentian black-leaved. Quite an original plant, which stands out for the presence of white dots along the edge of a bright blue corolla. Foliage with an oval shape looks impressive;
  • hardening gentian. This species can grow up to 40-50 cm, forms purple bells, forming small brushes;
  • Farrer's gentian. The plant stands out for its shiny turquoise color, which is present inside the corolla, but from the outside it does not look so bright, where there are green stripes, which are perfectly complemented by a white eye.

There are also certain plant species, which enter the flowering phase only in August. This action continues throughout September, and in some cases is postponed to October. When grown in areas characterized by severe winters, flowering may occur later than usual. Twice a season, the yellow gentian narrow-leaved, which at this time of the year becomes especially expressive, pleases with its flowering. However, the most striking in September are the varieties that begin to bloom from the very beginning of autumn:

  1. Kolakovsky's gentian. The plant is adorned with wide, densely covered leaves and shoots. The characteristic color of the foliage is shiny, dark; it becomes narrower as it moves towards the ends of the branches. The flowers are large enough, have a diameter of 5 cm, provide for a narrow funnel-shaped tube. A pale corolla and an azure tone on the fringed lobes give them even more spectacularity. Can tolerate long periods of drought;
  2. Three-flowered gentian. A fairly tall plant that can reach 80 cm. Formed by accrete lower shoots and lanceolate stem leaves, the flowers are bell-shaped, decorated with sharp teeth, which begin to open in bunches at the tops of the shoots.

Conditions comfortable for autumn gentian

Types of gentianPhotos of these plants can delight any grower. However, you can also admire them live, if you take into account their characteristics when growing. These plants are unpretentious, therefore, they can be grown in almost any conditions. Although at the same time, within the framework of this genus, plants can be distinguished that can feel good only on soils with a certain acidity and dryness. Moreover, they all have common requirements.

Given the decorative properties of autumn yellow gentian, they look effective as a decoration for alpine slides. However, their inclusion in dry expositions is not always the right choice. It is recommended to place them on the west side, or at least on the east side, where lower temperatures are maintained. Any plant grows poorly under the scorching rays of the sun, on nutrient-poor soils. In cases where it is difficult for you to find a suitable place for this plant, it is recommended to plant it in places where there is partial shade.

  • Decorated Chinese gentian. This plant needs good lighting during the growing season, which lasts all summer and autumn. In spring, she feels good in partial shade, so this kind of gentian is usually planted next to spring bulbs. The fact is that at the time of the withering away of the latter gentian, it becomes possible for a large amount of light to enter;
  • Farrer's gentian. This plant can grow well even in shade conditions. When growing other species, it is necessary to choose the right neighbors for them. It is best to combine them with cereals and spring bulbs, which create a slight shade at the beginning of the year.

In the process of selecting a place for plants, it is necessary to take into account not only the illumination, but also air humidity... Autumn gentian grows best when planted in wet areas. Therefore, the most optimal areas for them will be areas near water bodies - streams, ponds or fountains. Planting yellow gentian is recommended in ordinary garden soil.

Decorated gentian has its own cultivation characteristics, which is recommended to be planted in moist, acidic soil that has drainage and a loose structure. In this case, the soil must be sufficiently moist.

Ciliated gentian grows best in calcareous soils and places where relatively low air humidity is maintained. All other species of these plants are independent of acidity. In general terms of soil texture, many species do well in loose, light, nutrient-rich soils. Required drainage must be present, the soil must be well permeable.


When preparing holes for planting autumn yellow gentians, fill them with gravel drainage. Moreover, they must be large - for this you need to proceed from the volume of the earthen ball of seedlings, which they must exceed by 3 times. Plants must be placed no closer than 15-30 cm from each other.

Caring for plants that bloom in autumn

What are the varieties of gentianWith regard to gentians with autumn flowering, there is no need to carry out special events. For their normal development, it is enough to maintain a moist soil, which is especially important during periods of drought. However, regular watering is more effective, thanks to which the soil will always remain moist and light. Certain harm to the decorated Chinese gentian is caused by lime, therefore, for watering use soft water.

In the process of caring for autumn gentian plants, the soil between the bushes must be covered with mulch. Moreover, for the Chinese decorated gentian it is recommended to use coarse sand. All other types of plants are not particularly demanding on the material used as mulch.

Wintering autumn gentian

Yellow gentian tolerates winter well, so there is no need to carry out special measures in relation to them. Most species meet winter with open flowers, but this does not harm them in any way. Therefore, with the arrival of spring, they grow no less actively and form numerous inflorescences.

Diseases and pests

Autumn gentian is very resistant to many pests and diseases. However, special attention should be paid to the condition of the soil, carrying out waterlogging protection measures... The fact is that in such conditions, plants can begin to rot. Among autumn gentian species, there are such species that can be damaged by slugs.


How to plant a gentianGentians attract many flower growers with their extraordinary beauty of flowering, so a gardener who decides to grow them on his site will never regret his choice. This plant is not very demanding on growing conditions, so it thrives on most types of soil. The same applies to the care of yellow gentian.

The photo shows that it is possible to maintain their beauty with the help of the main activities carried out for most other decorative crops. First of all, this applies to watering, which allows maintain optimal humidity soil. Due to the high resistance of gentian to diseases and pests, they will not cause much trouble to the grower.

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