Oregano: general information about the plant, photos and videos

Oregano, known in our region as oregano, is an annual herb found in the Mediterranean and Europe. In translation, oregano means "mountain decoration", which was known to the ancient Greeks, who appreciated the taste and aroma of a wild plant, after which they began to actively cultivate it.

Oregano is a shrub with several branched stems covered with oval grayish-green leaves and small white or pink flowers. Oregano is not only a beautiful, but also a rather unpretentious plant that grows beautifully in almost any open and sunny area. Oregano only needs watering during very dry periods, and in severe winters it is better to cover the plant.

Oregano is widely used in cooking as a spice that enhances and enhances the taste of food. Also, oregano allows you to keep the freshness and aroma of various dishes for a long time. Sometimes this plant is also used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.

Benefits of oregano and its uses

Oregano rich in various essential oils, which give the seasoning a rich aroma and a sharp bitter aftertaste. The composition of these oils includes a huge amount of the following healing substances:

  • Oregano is also called common oregano.thymol (has antiseptic and analgesic properties);
  • carvacrol (has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects);
  • sesquiterpene (is an antihelminthic agent);
  • vitamins A, C, E, K;
  • various B vitamins;
  • tannins (contribute to the quick and effective cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins);
  • ascorbic acid (has tonic properties);
  • choline (normalizes cholesterol levels and fat metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system).

Oregano also contains cymene, rosmarinic acid, flavonoids, terpenes and geranyl acetate, which together make this wonderful plant even more useful... In general, oregano has a whole range of actions:

  • strengthening;
  • diuretic;
  • stimulating;
  • bactericidal;
  • expectorant;
  • sedative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • disinfectant.

Areas of use

Alternative medicine

For a long time, oregano is primarily used as a medicinal herb that has a beneficial effect on the female body. Oregano in the form of infusion or ordinary tea restores the regularity of the menstrual cycle, stimulates and tones the muscles of the uterus, and reduces menstrual pain. Also in ancient times, healers used oregano as an abortifacient, therefore this plant is contraindicated for pregnant women... Lactating females can use oregano to increase lactation.

Oregano (oregano)
You can buy a bunch of oregano from the greens and vegetables section of the store.Turkish oregano is a seasoning that can be found in any store.Fresh oregano can be used as a seasoning, or can be harvested and dried for the winter.You can buy dried oregano at the store or dry the sprigs and leaves of the plant yourself.

Oregano has a calming effect during menopause with a depressed mental state. In some cases, this plant can even prevent early and premature menopause, as well as prolong the productive work of the ovaries.

Oregano soothes and has a slight hypnotic effect on children, helps to effectively relieve hangover syndrome.

Big oregano has a positive effect on the digestive system human body:

  • Motherinka is another name for oregano, also popularly called amulet.increases tone;
  • improves digestion;
  • enhances peristalsis;
  • increases appetite;
  • improves the secretory function of the intestines.

According to doctors, oregano can replace even the most effective antibiotics, since regular consumption of this plant eliminates many existing infections and helps prevent new ones from appearing. Oregano is also an excellent source of fiber, which helps remove carcinogenic toxins and bile salts. Thus, the body is more effective in destroying cholesterol and produces more bile salts.


Flower buds and dried or fresh oregano leaves are very popular in cooking. This spice is most often used for the preparation of various soft drinks, kvass, beer and salting vegetables. The preservative properties of oregano are most appreciated, since the tannins that are part of the composition give the pickles an unusually pleasant aroma.

Oregano is best combined with various fish sauces, ham, salads, baked potatoes, as well as meat soups.


Oregano blooms in small flowers, but during the flowering period, the aroma increases significantly.Oregano largely enhances lipolysis of fat cells, during which there is a rapid breakdown of fat and, as a result, getting rid of cellulite. That is why a mixture of vegetable oil and oregano essential oil is used to massage problem areas of the female body.

Oregano extract is added to masks, scrubs and creams. Such funds are quite easy to prepare with your own hands and enjoy the amazing effect of their use for a long time. Oregano helps to tighten pores, removes oily sheen and, accordingly, gives the skin a fresher and healthier look. Moreover, oregano perfectly disinfects and soothes the irritated skin surface.

Oregano is also great for rinsing hair. A similar procedure using a decoction makes the hair much stronger, eliminates dandruff, makes it silky and smooth. Essential oregano oil can also be added to a conditioner or hair maskthat will provide a pleasant subtle scent and additional healthy shine. Adding a few drops of oregano oil to a shower gel or scrub can help cleanse blemishes and visibly reduce sweating, enlarged pores and irritation.

Nutritionists also actively use oregano for weight loss. Adding this spice to food not only allows you to replace harmful sauces and gives the dish a unique flavor, but also helps to consume much less salt. Oregano in dietetics prevents the process of fat deposition, accelerates the process of digestion and assimilation of food.

Features of selection and storage

Oregano selection

The oregano seasoning is very popular and is made from ordinary oregano.Regardless of the purpose of using the plant, it is better to choose fresh oregano. Fresh oregano has a much stronger effect on the taste and aroma of food, cosmetics, etc. Also when shopping in a store it is better to give preference to non-factory packaging seasoningsand green oregano. In this case, fresh oregano has a more pronounced, tart and pungent aroma, and the juicy bright green leaves retain their color and smell for a long time, remain without yellowing or dark spots.

Keeping oregano

Immediately after purchasing a fresh plant, it must be wrapped in an unscented damp cloth or tea towel and then placed in the refrigerator. This simple procedure will allow you to store oregano for a long time without losing its original beneficial qualities. Leaves oregano can also be frozen in special ice cubes or in sealed bags.In this case, it is better to freeze whole leaves and cut them just before cooking with this spice.

If you still have to use dry oregano, you should also take care of its proper storage in advance. Dry oregano must be poured from store packaging into clean and dry glasswareand then put in a cool place. Then the herb will retain its unique properties and aroma for several months.


Oregano includes a whole list of useful properties that are widely used in cooking, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.

As you know, oregano has a normalizing and calming effect, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. Folk recipes, of which oregano is often an ingredient, help with depression and neuroses, allergic dermatitis, epilepsy, hypertension and genital disorders.

In cooking, oregano is also used everywhere, because this spice is used for making hot sandwiches, and in dishes of beans, eggs and meat. Moreover, oregano not only wonderfully complements vegetable and meat dishes, but also helps to normalize the activity of the digestive tractwhich, in turn, helps to quickly get rid of excess weight.

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