How and where does cinnamon grow, the beneficial properties of the spice

In the middle of the 16th century, an expedition of explorers from Portugal discovered dense cinnamon forests along the coast of Sri Lanka, at that time the island was still called Ceylon. The colossal capital that was earned on the cinnamon trade was attracted by other states.

The island was first conquered by the Dutch, and in 1776 by the British. Although at that time cinnamon trees were already growing almost all over the world, and the monopoly from Ceylon ceased to exist. Today, cinnamon is a popular spice used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Description of the varieties of cinnamon

Description of the varieties of cinnamonCinnamon is a spice obtained from the carefully dried inner part of the bark of a tree of the Laurel family. There are four of the most popular representatives of the Cinnamon genus in the world.

Ceylon spice. Also known under the names of real cinnamon, noble cinnamon, cinnamon. Originally from Sri Lanka. Grown in India, Brazil, Indonesia, Guiana, Malaysia.

Landings presented in the form of shrubs... Twice a year, the bark is removed from young shoots. Work begins after the rainy season, when the bark is removed more easily and is saturated with a pleasant aroma.

The bark is peeled off in strips 30 cm long and 1–2 cm wide. Then the top layer is removed and the workpiece is dried in the shade until the surface of the cinnamon acquires a light brown color, while the inner part remains darker.

The finished material is rolled into tubes, and the thickness is barely 1 mm. The best varieties of Ceylon cinnamon, which can be compared in thickness to a sheet of paper, are characterized by excessive fragility, delicate aroma, sweetish taste with a slight pungency.

Chinese cinnamon

Characteristic properties of Chinese cinnamonThe variety is also called simple cinnamon, Indian cinnamon, aromatic cinnamon, cassia, cassia canel. The homeland is considered to be South China. Growing today in China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos.

In the case of Chinese cinnamon, the bark is removed in strips 10–15 cm long and up to 2 cm wide from tree trunks every 8–10 years. This is followed by drying in the shade. The result is rough chunks of bark with a slight concavity, which are characterized by a rough, reddish-brown outer side with gray-brown spots and a smooth brown inner surface.

The thickness of the finished spice is 2 mm. It is characterized by a sharper, sweetish, slightly pungent taste than the previous variety.

Malabar variety. Also called cinnamon tree, woody or brown cinnamon, cassia vera. The homeland is the southwestern part of the Indian state. Grown in Burma and India.

The bark is even coarser than the Chinese variety, with a dark brown tint. The smell is less aromatic. Taste - astringent, sharp, with a slight bitterness.

Spicy, or cinnamon. The Maluku Islands are considered homeland, today it is grown in Indonesia. In dried form, it is represented by small pieces of thin bark. The outer surface is whitish-beige, the inner one is yellowish-red. Taste - spicy with pungency, light pungency is characteristic.

The healing and beneficial properties of cinnamon

The healing properties of cinnamon spiceDue to the richest complex of minerals and vitamins, cinnamon has been valued in medicine since ancient times.

The spice contains: iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins C, A, PP and B vitamins. rich in essential oils, tannins, fiber.

Eating cinnamon contributes to:

  • improving the work of all vital systems of the human body;
  • increased vitality;
  • strengthening immunity.

In medicine, it is used as:

  • Antiseptic agent. Due to the content of eugenol, it effectively fights harmful bacteria.
  • Diuretic in case of various kinds of kidney diseases, and also effectively resists harmful microorganisms that have accumulated in the bladder.
  • Medicines for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the ability of cinnamon to reduce gastric acidity. In some cases, the spice is used to relieve pain, heaviness in the stomach, or even to cure an ulcer.
  • Medicines for cardiovascular diseases due to the ability to lower blood cholesterol.

Why cinnamon is good for your health

  1. List of useful properties of cinnamonA daily intake of two or three pinches of cinnamon has a beneficial effect on children's memory, concentration and attention. This primarily concerns students, who daily receive new material and strength is needed to master the school curriculum.
  2. Regular use of the spice by women will help relieve pain, as well as help relieve irritability on the days of the menstrual cycle. Spice has long been considered an effective helper for male strength. The product not only arouses sexual desire, but also increases potency.
  3. Eating cinnamon minimizes the risk of heart attacks, especially among people who have age-related narrowing of the blood veins and blood vessels. The spice stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle, reduces blood cholesterol levels, and prevents blood clots.
  4. Taking spices will help cope with colds. The product will improve health, reduce headaches, relieve a stuffy nose, and increase immunity. Repeatedly the spice helped to get rid of chronic cough, sore throat, severe toothache.

Slimming cinnamon

Features of using cinnamon for weight loss and recipesThe beneficial properties and effective recipes have long been known using cinnamon to burn a few extra pounds per week, without having to exhaust yourself with hard diets and extreme physical activity.

The simplest and most effective recipe making a diet cocktail - mix 1 teaspoon of spice with 1.5 liters of low-calorie kefir. After that, put the drink in the refrigerator and consume a glass during the day. Adding cinnamon to a lactic acid product will allow you not to feel hungry and will help get rid of up to 1.5 kg per day.

If you use the same glass of the drink only as a one-time substitute for a meal per day, for example, instead of dinner, the process of losing weight will be slower. This technique will allow you to lose up to 3 kg per week.

A cocktail made with one glass of kefir, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and grated green apple will help to lose extra pounds and stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber found in fruits will help cleanse the intestines and removing unwanted accumulations from the body.

Bran and prunes have an effect similar to apple. In this case, for a glass of kefir and ¼ teaspoon of spice, you will need two prunes and 2 tbsp. spoons of bran. All ingredients are mixed in a blender and the drink is refrigerated for half an hour. Often the formulation is used to prevent constipation.

Effectively fight body fat with a glass of kefir with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, ginger and a pinch of red pepper.Thanks to this combination of spices, an excellent taste is obtained, plus red pepper promotes better digestion and assimilation of food, and ginger complements the properties of cinnamon to safely remove excess components.

The combination of honey and cinnamon not only accelerates metabolic processes, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

To prepare one portion of the slimming product, pour boiling water over ½ teaspoon of high-quality spices, cover with a lid and let it brew. After half an hour, filter the infusion and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey.

The portion is divided into two equal parts - for taking before bedtime and on an empty stomach. This technique will allow you to lose up to 7 kg per month.

Harm and contraindications

Cinnamon will not harm the human body if consumed in moderate doses. However, there are certain contraindications:

  • Contraindications for the use of cinnamonin pregnant women, the spice can provoke a contraction of the uterus, and therefore lead to premature birth;
  • lactating mothers should also restrict the use of the spice, as it makes milk less tasty for babies;
  • people with increased gastric acidity and patients with peptic ulcers should be careful about the use of cinnamon;
  • spice can adversely affect human health if there is a high temperature or high blood pressure;
  • attention should be paid to the individual tolerance of the product and, in the event of allergic reactions, exclude it from the diet.

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