Far Eastern lemongrass: instructions for the use of tincture

How to take the tinctureNatural medicines are in high demand. They have the same properties as drugs of artificial origin, but they are much safer for health. If used correctly, they have a positive effect on the human body.

Among the natural medicines is a tincture based on schisandra chinensis. What properties does this drug have, what are its features, instructions for use? All these questions are of interest to many people who take care of their health.

Chinese lemongrass

Lemongrass tinctureChinese lemongrass can be called a very unusual plant, primarily for unique healing properties.Its beautiful appearance also makes an impression. Far Eastern lemongrass looks like a tree-like liana, reaching a length of 15 meters. It grows in the Far Eastern taiga. The woody stem of the medicinal plant is covered with green foliage.

The berries that appear on the liana turn bright red in autumn. Ripe fruits have a specific taste. They can be sour and salty with a spicy aroma, bitter. If the berry is rubbed in the palms, it smells of lemon. Hence the name of the plant Chinese magnolia vine appeared. It belongs to the Araliev family and has a number of healing properties.

In the world, there are 25 species of this plant, but only one representative grows on the territory of the Far East. To understand the full power of a unique plant, you need to know its rich composition. The berries contain a large amount;

  • microelements;
  • minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins.

Thanks to the unique properties of the Chinese magnolia vine, they began to make various drugs from it. They all have powerful healing properties. Even in ancient China, residents began to use the berries of the plant, since they gave strength and energy... The Chinese have long understood that berries have a tonic and refreshing effect, for which they were highly valued in the country. Dry berries contain fiber, essential and fatty oils, tonics and dyes. The plant is a good biogenic stimulant. For medicinal purposes, lemongrass is used in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • extract;
  • powders;
  • tinctures.

Lemongrass tincture

The most common remedy is the Chinese lemongrass tincture. It can be called one of the best stimulants for the central nervous system, for which the drug is called an adaptogen. It is a natural substance that can increase the body's resistance. Substance gives excellent results, when a person:

  • changes the usual climatic conditions;
  • exposed to strong physical and mental stress;
  • experiencing oxygen depletion;
  • is in extreme conditions.

For medicinal purposes, not only lemongrass fruits are used. The bark, leaves, seeds are also used, from which the extract of lemongrass is made, the tincture of the plant. based on alcohol. All remedies based on Far Eastern lemongrass have powerful active properties, so only a doctor should prescribe any drug. You can always buy it at the pharmacy.

Lemongrass tincture is made from the seeds of the plant and is an alcohol extract from the fruit. Tincture release form - bottles of 50 and 25 ml.

Lemongrass instructions for use

How to use lemongrassOriental doctors have long used Far Eastern lemongrass tincture to relieve fatigue, restore strength, and improve vision. The plant effectively increases the body's resistance, normalizes metabolic processes. Schisandra has stimulating and toning properties. The tincture is recommended in case of loss of strength, various diseases, including infectious ones. It can also be used externally, for example for wound healingwhen they heal badly and for a long time.

Healing tincture is also prescribed for hypertension, decreased tone of the cardiovascular system. If you take a tincture, carbohydrate metabolism improves and as a result excess fats are burned. After a while after using the tincture, the depressive state disappears, the respiratory system and genitourinary function are restored. Schisandra tincture is very effective for the following problems:

  • stress;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • anemia;
  • disease of the liver, kidneys, stomach.

It has long been proven that lemongrass rejuvenates body cells. The indigenous people of the Far East noticed that the plant was able to effectively remove the hangover syndrome. Often the tincture is used in the presence of skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatosis, vitiligo, lichen planus and others.

Since lemongrass is able to effectively stimulate metabolic processes in the body, it helps in the fight against infectious diseases. If you use the tincture with a breakdown, then you can accumulate a large amount of biological energy in a short period of time and feel cheerful for a long time.

Alcohol tincture perfectly removes constant lethargy and drowsiness, as well as asthenic syndrome. If there is a constant physical and nervous load, the tincture is recommended to be consumed daily in the morning and in the evening before meals, 25 drops. It is also advisable to drink the tincture when working in extreme conditions. A course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications for use

Not everyone can use the tincture of this potent plant. If there is increased excitability, then it is categorically not recommended to drink the drug. Also, it cannot be used by people suffering from epilepsy, insomnia, renal failure, during the acute phase of infectious diseases. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

All contraindications are due to the strong effect of Schisandra Chinensis tincture. The instructions for use must be read carefully, since the plant strongly affects the nervous system. For this reason, the drug should not be given to children under 12 years old.

Making tinctures at home

How to make a tincture at homeTo prepare a tincture of lemongrass of the Far East on your own, you must have the dry fruits of the plant. They are crushed and placed in a dark glass bottle. The contents of the container are poured with 100 ml of alcohol and tightly closed. The remedy is insisted in a dark place, about 7-10 days at room temperatureshaking occasionally. After that, the entire contents should be filtered by squeezing the berries and again hold the tincture for 2-3 days and filtered again. If the entire manufacturing technology is followed, the tincture is pure and transparent.

There are many ways to prepare products from Chinese lemongrass. There are different recipes for making a tincture of a healing plant from the seeds of ripe berries. Juice is also made from fresh fruits, tea is brewed from young shoots.

All these remedies are from the unique and healing lemongrass can get rid of many diseases, improve health. It should not be forgotten that, having a strong effect, they can be harmful. Before use, it is necessary to undergo an examination at a medical institution. If there are no contraindications, then taking the drug will really benefit the body.

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