Monard flower: its medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda is a delicate lilac flower, the leaves and stems of which have a delicate citrus taste and aroma. It is loved by gardeners for its many valuable qualities. Some people like its original appearance, while others brew it like tea and use it to treat colds.

The leaves of this plant are used as a spice. Due to its melliferous nature, it attracts many bees to the garden plot. Also, monarda is often used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of various diseases. However, it also has contraindications.

Useful properties of a flower

Description of the beneficial properties of the monarda plantThis plant is considered a spice that is added to various dishes. For flavor, it is brewed into tea. Having drunk a cup of this tea, a person gets a portion of health.

Monarda contains a lot of useful substances, minerals, vitamins, acids... This composition makes it possible to use this plant as a means of improving digestion, as well as for the prevention of colds.

The most valuable thing in it is considered essential oil, the beneficial properties of which are successfully used both in medicine and in perfumery.

In garden plots, you can often find such an unusual flower as a monard, the beneficial properties of which are familiar to many. It is used:

  1. In folk medicine.
  2. Cooking.
  3. As a remedy against mold.

Leaves and stems have powerful bactericidal action, and oil helps to destroy harmful microorganisms, fungi, viruses and even mycoplasma. The main beneficial component of this flower is the natural analgesic thymine, which is characterized by excellent antiseptic properties.

In addition, the vitamins, retinoids and antioxidants that make up the plant affect the body hemostatic, regenerative, antifungal and immunostimulating action.

Useful properties of monarda essential oil

Useful and healing properties of Monarda essential oilThis is the most valuable bactericidal agent with a wide spectrum of action, thanks to which Monarda is used for medicinal purposes.

The beneficial properties of essential oil help relieve spasms, reduce inflammation, remove poisons and toxins from the body, and strengthen immunity and contribute to the fight against colds.

In addition, it helps to get rid of radiation sickness and protects the body well from radiation exposure.

If the essential oil is added to tea, it will give strength to people who are weakened after chemotherapy. It is used to treat eczema, burns, dermatitis and bronchial asthma... The oil copes well with fungal diseases, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair, and also rejuvenates the skin.

Thanks to its remarkable antibacterial properties, it perfectly cleans and disinfects the air indoors during epidemics. A small amount of oil added to the bath water helps the muscles to warm up and relax.

Monarda: medicinal properties

Ways to use monarda flowers for treatmentThis plant is very much in demand in folk medicine. In the fight against various diseases, it is used in different dosage forms: it is added to medicinal preparations, make oils and tinctures, brew like herb. Freshly squeezed monarda juice also has healing properties.

Infusion and decoction... With the help of infusion, nervous disorders are treated.For this, 200 ml of boiling water is poured into 1 tsp. leaves and insist for 10 minutes. You can add sugar to it for taste and take it throughout the day.

The broth is used for coughs, colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. For its preparation, take 3 tbsp. l. tablespoons of fresh or dry leaves and flowers of a plant, pre-crushed. Raw materials are poured over a glass of water on the floor and boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and taken in ¼ glass.

Okay heals wounds monarda juice, which is made from its leaves. To do this, they survive and various wounds on the skin are lubricated with healing liquid.

In addition, gruel made from monarda is also used for medicinal purposes. For these purposes, the plant is crushed and 5 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water, then insist for 20 minutes.

The composition is cooled, filtered, the liquid is applied to the skin around the wound or used as part of a compress. And the gruel is applied directly to the wound.

If there are problems with the stomach and intestines, the liver or gallbladder is impaired, as well as with poor digestion, you can use medicinal tea from monarda.

It is prepared very easily: 2 tbsp. l. leaves, stems and flowers are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. The infusion should be filtered and taken in ¼ glasses. You can add sugar for flavor.

The use of monarda in cooking

Thanks to the pleasant and extraordinary aroma, dishes with the addition of this plant are incredibly tasty. Fresh herbs work well for soups, borscht, saladsby increasing appetite and improving digestion.

Also monarda is added to the following drinks:

  • tea;
  • compotes;
  • jelly.

Thanks to its presence, they acquire medicinal properties and should be taken from colds. Moreover, such drinks strengthen the immune system.

The greens of the plant, together with mint, basil, tarragon, are used as a seasoning for baked goods and fish dishes. To preserve the beneficial properties of monarda during prolonged heat treatment, it should be added to dishes a few minutes before they are ready.

Contraindications for use

List of contraindications for using the monarda plantSince the monarda is a relatively new plant grown in summer cottages, some people, when interacting with this flower, develop allergic reactionsmanifested as laryngeal edema or skin rash.

The plant contains thymol in a very high concentration, which is why preparations based on monarda are contraindicated for people:

  • Hypertension sufferers.
  • Having kidney or liver problems.
  • With diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Pregnant or lactating women.

In any case, it is necessary to use funds that contain a monard very carefully. Although this plant has many useful and medicinal properties, and is a wonderful seasoning in cooking, it is still better before using it. consult a doctor.

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