What kind of flower is an immortelle, and how does it look in the photo?

Traditional medicine has long adopted medicinal herbs that grow in different latitudes in the vastness of the country. One of such flowers attractive to traditional medicine is the immortelle, which can help to cope with many diseases if you know when and how to use it. But the main thing for collectors of medicinal herbs is to know what this or that plant looks like, so you need to carefully study the photo so as not to make a mistake when collecting.

Flower spread history

Since this flower became known in ancient times, the first recipes using it date back to the 6th century BC, the people managed to come up with different names for him, which have survived to this day.

There is information about Tibetan healers who used the beneficial properties of this flower. And in Europe the immortelle, came from the Australian continent in the eighteenth century. There he became known under the name "Golden Sun" in Latin.

But among the people such a name did not really take root, and therefore many other names appeared, which are used now, calling the flower immortelle. Dried flowers, sandy cmin, sandy cumin, cat paws - all this is one medicinal flower, which is so necessary for different recipes of traditional medicine.

What does an immortelle flower look like and where does it grow?

Sandy immortelleTo find out what immortelle flowers look like, photos can be found on the Internet and view it from all angles... But be careful with the photo, not all plants that will be called immortelle will belong to the medicinal species. Breeders have bred garden varieties of immortelle, which are completely unsuitable for the manufacture of medicines and tinctures.

You need to be guided by the name sandy immortelle - a photo, which will be represented by lemon-yellow flowers, located in large inflorescences at the tops.

The plant itself grows up to fifty centimeters... Its leaves are light with pointed tips. In nature, it grows well, forming whole glades.

The sandy immortelle plant is widespread in countries such as:

  • Russia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Georgia.
  • Belarus.

Such a vast area was developed by this medicinal plant, because it is in these countries that there is sandy loose soil, which is preferred by the sandy immortelle.

The period of active flowering for this plant begins in the summer, so the immortelle flower can be seen in the fields, and in the wooded area in the glades all three months of summer.

When and how is the immortelle harvested?

Sandy immortelle flowersFor the preparation of decoctions and medicinal preparations, only the flowers of this plant are used. Trunks and leaves of immortelle absolutely useless for traditional medicine. Therefore, herbalists pick only flowered inflorescences, not paying attention to the whole bush.

This medicinal plant is harvested when the flowering period is just beginning, and this usually happens at the beginning of summer. Such a period was chosen due to the fact that it is impossible to allow the flower baskets to completely fluff.

The collected inflorescences are dried in a well-ventilated area. Further storage can be both in glass containers and in cloth bags.If the flower buds were harvested at the right time, properly dried and the storage rules were not violated, then the medicinal properties of the immortelle are preserved for three years.

Biochemical composition of the flower

This flower combines a unique composition of substances that will be of interest to any herbalist. Present in the composition essential oils allow you to distinguish this plant by its pronounced aroma and bitter taste. Flavonic acids, tannins and coloring agents, this is an incomplete list of useful substances.

Also in the composition there are vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect on the body. Pharmacists indicate the presence of ascorbic acid, aglycone, cresol, glucose, fatty acids.

Pharmacological properties of immortelle

The most important properties that herbalists first noticed are the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that this plant has on the body. Long-term medical practice has also proven antispasmodic, diuretic, wound healing and choleretic properties of the immortelle.

Already in the twenty-first century, modern medicine has confirmed its healing and usefulness for the body.

As a rule, immortelle flowers are included in various collections, which are selected for a specific clinical case by herbal specialists. These lemon-yellow flowers will help set up your gallbladder. Decoctions and tinctures based on it will increase appetite, blood pressure with hypotension, and remove harmful cholesterol.

The antibacterial effect caused by the substance arenarin will help relieve irritation and perform disinfecting procedures.

The essential oils of this plant are used for massages, baths, and cosmetic procedures. Also added to creams for various purposes and aroma lamps.

Indications for use

Sometimes the colchicum flower is considered an immortellePreparations prepared on the basis of immortelle, are successfully used in urology... Healing properties help to cope with pain syndrome, remove spasms and disinfect.

Decoctions from these flowers are also valuable for improving the functioning of the intestines. With their help, you can remove persistent constipation and restore peristalsis.

Cholesterol plaques on blood vessels can be removed with immortelle treatment. This will allow the vessels to work normally, absorbing nutrients in full. The flowers of this plant allow faster healing of wounds, stop bleeding, and promote the resorption of hematomas.


What an immortelle looks likeBut not everyone can use this medicinal plant for treatment. There are indications that must first be examined in order to do not harm the body by self-medication.

It is necessary to abandon the immortelle in the event that:

  • if you have liver problems.
  • if you are susceptible to allergic reactions.
  • during pregnancy.
  • while breastfeeding.

Taking tinctures with immortelle flowers should not be stretched for a long period, since active substances can accumulate in the body, which can harm the liver.

Maximum treatment period should not exceed three months, after which you need to take a break, during which the body will be able to remove all excess substances. After that, the treatment can be continued.

It's no secret that medicinal herbs have long taken their place of honor in traditional medicine. But do not be frivolous about their use. It is necessary to adhere to clear proportions and recommendations for the manufacture and dosage. If you consult with experienced specialists, then the problem will be localized and eliminated much easier and faster than self-treatment.

The immortelle flower and its medicinal properties
Immortelle in medicineSandy immortelleSandy immortelleHow to store an immortelleAssembling and storing the immortelleImmortelles and its typesBoil the immortelleHow immortelle is usedSandy immortelleImmortelle flowerWhat an immortelle looks likeWhat properties is immortelle strongThe appearance of immortellesSometimes the colchicum flower is considered an immortelleWhat an immortelle looks likeImmortelle flower

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