Clematis varieties of the third pruning group

Clematis of the cultivar trimming groupClematis from the large Jacquemann group, which is valuable for our climate, will grow, even if you forget to cover it for the winter. This group is completely cut off before the onset of cold weather. In a harsh winter, it will freeze over, but it will not completely disappear, and if you do not forget to cover it before the next cold period, it will recover.

Features of plants

Jacqueman's group differs from others by the prevalence vigorous and tall vines... In our latitudes, they are cut off strongly, which corresponds to the 3rd cut group. This procedure contributes to the annual formation of more and more new shoots, while the root system is developing well.

When the bush has already matured, it even needs to be thinned out, since in the center of the beam the lashes do not have enough light, so they dry out along with the leaves. The location of the plant plays an important role. So, in a sunny area, the liana does not grow as high as in partial shade, but more flowers are formed on it.

The flowering of clematis of the third pruning group is very abundant, when they are young and it is not difficult to remove faded flowers, new buds are formed in it throughout the summer. If the bush is already an adult, the removal of flowers becomes a laborious process, so this manipulation can be replaced by cutting the selective lashes in half, so that some of the buds are formed a little later. This will prolong the first flowering.

There are varieties with constant flowering, stopping only for a while, there are those that bloom a second time only in autumn, forming only rare flowers.

Characteristics of clematis varieties 2 and 3 of the pruning group

The following is a description of the individual varieties and what is used as a reference.

Blue flame

Clematis purpleThe height of the clematis bush of the blue flame variety is 3-4 m.The flowers are formed large up to 18 cm of deep blue color, a lighter strip stretches in the center of each petal, anthers yellow... In July, August, September, the plant blooms. The blue flame, thanks to the rich color of the wide petals, overlapping each other, is in perfect harmony with any varieties of different colors.

The main number of flowers in clematis is formed at the top. Pruning should be carried out in the fall for the third group, that is, substantially. In spring, it forms semi-double flowers, of which there are only 1-2, but this is not its decoration.

Clematis blooms in different ways from year to year, sometimes many flowers are formed, sometimes not very much. The plant has two main flowering waves, in autumn it is much smaller, but the color is more saturated, you can see the glow from the inside.

  • Looks beautiful in a column with flowing flowers. You can maintain different shoot heights so that the flowers look at their full height.
  • By constantly increasing the support, you can grow a blue flame up to 3 m high. It is used in flower beds as a background.

Nikolay Rubtsov

This variety of clematis has large purple-red flowers that have a strip along the length of each petal. The edges of the petals are wavy. The plant blooms from July to September. The variety reaches a height of 2.5-3 meters, pruning is carried out in 3 groups.

The blossoming clematis flower takes on a lilac color, in diameter from 12 to 16 cm, after a strip appears. In the sun, the petals fade a little, the middle of the flower is light yellow.

  • The color of flowers from year to year can change from lilac to pink. This variety of clematis blooms very actively, covering the lashes along the entire height with a large number of flowers. The garden begins to bloom from late May or early June. It, of course, does not differ in brightness, rather pale, but abundant, foliage is not even visible.
  • It is better to choose a flat mesh surface instead of an arch as a support. Since it rapidly increases the density of branches, flowers are formed in large quantities, so they can be observed from both the south and the north. On the net, they look like a living wall blooming on both sides.
  • The height of the bush is about 2 m. Clematis blooms for about a month, but if heat prevails, the flowers wither faster. In the fall, re-flowering begins, but it is not as abundant as in early summer.

Hagley Hybrid

Blooming clematisThe variety has pale pink-lilac flowers, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter. Wide elliptical petals, wavy at the edge, the anther is red or brown. Clematis blooms in July, August, September. It is better to plant in partial shade, since the flowers tend to fade. The height of the bush reaches 2-3 m, it requires pruning in 3 groups.

The flower, when it just blooms, becomes a bright pink-lilac color with a pearlescent sheen, fades over time, acquiring a pale pink tone. Wide corrugated petals, 6 pieces are formed. Variety blooms for a long time, starting in June, repeating, not as active as in summer, bloom in autumn.

  • In autumn, clematis requires strong pruning in group 3. After that, you need to cover with leaves and film. Abundant flowering along the entire height with the formation of pink chiseled shiny flowers.
  • It is better not to plant next to high-growing varieties, especially with a similar color, as it is lost against their background. Grow as a free-standing plant. For this type of clematis, a ball will become a good support.
  • It grows up to 1.5 m, but in cool and moisture it expels shoots about 2 m long.

Allanakh variety

In this plant, flowers form ruby-red, medium and large in diameter from 10 to 20 cm, a slightly darker strip runs in the center. The height of the whips is from 2 to 4 m. The second trimming group.

Variety belongs to the red-flowered speciesalthough it is somewhat bright for this species, it has bright red flowers, which is not typical for most of these species, since they are often purple.

This clematis is used for gazebos, because it has large, eye-catching flowers, 15-18 cm in diameter.

The petals are narrow, but there are from 6 to 8. In some gardeners, the whips grow above 2 meters, over time, as the plant grows older, its branches stretch upward. Pruning is carried out in the second group in the fall.

A large number of peduncles does not form on the bush, like the above-described Hagley Hybrid or Comtis de Busho variety, but his pink-red flowers, located along the entire height of the vines, allow you to enjoy the elegant beauty.


Third trimming groupA variety with large, 10-20 cm in diameter, pink-lilac flowers that fade to light purple, also purple with a darker stripe in the middle. The middle of the clematis is pink. Beige anthers are formed on the green-white threads. Petals are formed from 4 to 6, they are slightly wavy grooved in the center. Victoria clematis blooms in July, August, September... The height of the lashes is from 3 to 4 m, cut in the fall in group 3.

This variety has a beautiful petal shape overlapping each other. The color purple with a pink tint lightens slightly over time. Liana forms a lot of flowers, most of them are concentrated in the upper part of the liana.

Because of this feature, the time is chosen low so as not to raise your head to admire the flowers.You can arrange a pillar with them, on which falling shoots are interestingly obtained.

This variety of clematis blooms once, but for a long time. In the fall, 1 or 2 flowers may appear, which will not create much beauty.

Warsaw night

The flower of this variety is large and velvety, reaching 10-20 cm in diameter. The color is red-violet, in the middle has a strip of purple-violet. Petals are slightly corrugated, anthers are formed on green-white stamens. Blooms in June, July, September, October. The bush reaches a height of 2.5 - 4 m. In autumn, pruning is performed in 3 groups.

The clematis flower of this variety is dark, velvety with a yellow middle, 10-16 cm in diameter.First, it opens in dark purple, after turns dark purple... The center bar also changes. The shade changes depending on the lighting and weather, then they are all purple, then purple, then both on the bush at the same time.

Flowers are located along the entire height of the vines, so it is better to place them in the foreground of the flower garden, so as not to close their bulk. In addition, you can see the play of shades up close.

The first flowering is the most abundant and longest, it occurs in June, only single flowers are re-formed. The height of the lashes reaches 2.5 m, the growth force is average. In the fall, careful pruning is carried out in group 3, after all the lashes are cut off completely, the bush is covered with grass.

Comtis De Bouchaud

Varieties of varieties of clematisA variety with pink flowers, their diameter is 10-15 cm, the petals are wavy, corrugated with pale yellow anthers... Blooms in July, August, September. The height of the lashes is 3-4 m. It is cut in the fall according to the third cutting group.

The plant is magnificent, it forms many flowers, spreading along the entire length, you can't even see the greenery. Flowering lasts all summer and autumn, interrupting only for a short time.

The color is not entirely pure pink-lilac, which still tends to fade, the flowers are not very large, mostly their diameter is 10 cm. But you can rarely find such a combination as abundant and long flowering.

Clematis of this variety is easy to care for, grows quickly and high, forms a large number of peduncles, and is heavily pruned in group 3 in the fall.


Clematis of this variety forms deep purple, almost black petals with a contrasting center. Blooms in July, August and September. The bush grows up to 2-2.5 m, pruned by group 3.

The flowers are medium-sized, their diameter is often no more than 10 cm, but there are many of them, the petals curl slightly downward, which gives openwork. It dissolves velvety, the bright yellow center looks impressive.

The background for these dark flowers is selected light.

Requires strong pruning in group 3.


Variety with blue-violet large flowers, reaching 12-15 cm, which have a purple-violet strip in the center... Blooms in July, August, September.

It is used to decorate gazebos, since it grows quickly and high, reaching more than 3 m, there are many flowers on it.

The petals are narrow, their number is from 4 to 6, the shade is not as saturated as that of other purple varieties. At the beginning, the flower has a dark tone, velvety is present, after which it fades a little in the sun. But the flowering is almost continuous.

If they forget to cover it in the fall, it tolerates such inattention, but if it does not grow in a sunny place, the flowering will be incomplete, since it prefers good lighting.

Yalta sketch

Clematis of the cultivar trimming groupFlowers 12-16 cm in diameter, light crimson in the center have a bright strip, eventually lose brightness. Petals are flat, anthers are light yellow and yellow. The bush reaches 3 meters, forming profuse flowering, less often moderate with repetition. In May, flowers form on last year's shoots, in July, August and September, fresh shoots are covered with flowers.

This variety with a pale pink-lilac color of the petals, in the center of which the strip changes the intensity of the tone depending on the weather, sometimes it does not appear at all, it can be very bright.The variety may not be recognized due to its similar variability.

Most of the flowers are located at the top of the bush. To preserve the duration of flowering, the lashes are left, however, with complete pruning on the shoots of the current year, flowering can also be good. In the autumn, the flowers appear again, but few of them are formed, but of a more saturated color.

All of the above varieties need sanitary pruning... For this, the bushes are carefully examined, the affected branches are removed, they are immediately burned.

Clematis flowers
Clematis purpleHow to care for clematisHow clematis bloomGrowing clematisGarden flowers clematisClematis pruning methodsClematis trimming groupsClematis purpleClematis of the cultivar trimming groupConditions for growing clematisGrowing clematisClematis careBlooming clematisClematis purple

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