What is buckthorn: description of medicinal properties, purpose, dosage

Buckthorn plantBuckthorn fragile (alder) - deciduous trees and shrubs of the Buckthorn family. They are woody plants with smooth branches and shiny, oval leaves. Some buckthorn species reach 7 meters.

Wolfberry is the more common name for this plant. The flowering season is May-June, the flowers are inconspicuous, light-colored.

The appearance of fruits occurs in the summer, they are initially green, later acquire a reddish tint, and by the end of summer - bluish-black. Eating the fruit can cause severe poisoning, however, some species of birds feed on them.

In Russia, buckthorn grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part, it is distributed in Western Siberia, except for Altai, and in most of the Crimean Peninsula. Also found in the Caucasus and Central Asia (Kazakhstan).

Procurement and storage of raw materials

The collection of pharmaceutical raw materials (bark) occurs in early spring. Branches and young shoots are cut before the appearance of young leaves (from the swelling of the buds to the beginning of the appearance of flowers). The bark is removed with a thin layer, having previously made circular cuts on the sawn logs. When cutting with a knife on the bark, sometimes surplus wood remains.

Drying of raw materials is carried out in a closed place with good ventilation. If drying takes place in the open air, then at night the collected raw materials must be covered with a tarpaulin. Drying is considered complete when the bark becomes brittle.

Often, instead of buckthorn, branches of other trees and shrubs (bird cherry, alder, willow, etc.) are cut by mistake. It is easy to recognize: if you cut off the top of the cork with a knife, a layer of a distinctive crimson hue becomes visible (in other plants, the layer is colored brown or green).

The healing properties of buckthorn

What properties does buckthorn haveDried bark and ripe buckthorn fruits have strong laxative effect... Some parts of the plant can also be used to induce vomiting.

The resulting substrate is kept for about a year to reduce the content of frangularoside, which has the property of irritating the gastric mucosa and causing nausea and vomiting. However, if the medicinal raw material is warmed up at +100 ° C, the concentration of frangularoside will decrease. In this case, the dried raw material is ready for use within an hour.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of raw buckthorn brittle contains many biologically active substances... Among them:

  • anthrakhonins (isomoedin, frangulin, glucofrangulin and emodin);
  • tannins;
  • antranols;
  • chrysophanic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • pectins;
  • gum;
  • vitamin C;
  • alkaloids.

In medicine, the healing properties of succinic acid, which is contained in the brittle buckthorn, are known. This substance affects metabolic processes... Also, acid improves the condition of alcohol poisoning. With its help, the process of neutralization and elimination of ethanol metabolism products passes much faster. Most of the active components are found in the bark, less in the fruits of the plant.

Application in medicine

Buckthorn rulesMedicinal preparations based on buckthorn bark are used externally and internally. Inside, use a decoction and infusion of buckthorn bark. Such a remedy is used as a laxative, as well as to induce vomiting (the effect will be stronger with an overdose).

People who are overweight can also resort to the laxative properties of broth from buckthorn bark. However, it is often not worth using this tool, because it has side effects... Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor before use.

For external use, infusion and broth from buckthorn bark are used as an antibacterial agent. For example, it is used for streptococcal infections, furunculosis and other diseases of the skin.

Indications for treatment

Indications for treatment decoctions and infusions from the bark and buckthorn fruits are brittle:

  • chronic constipation caused by intestinal atony;
  • cracks in the anal area;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • parasites.

Buckthorn fruits have a diuretic effect. They are used mainly to combat dropsy and edema caused by chronic heart failure.

Restrictions on use

Long-term treatment with buckthorn is addictive, as a result of which you should either double the dose or use another laxative. With prolonged use of large doses of buckthorn infusion, an increase in blood volume in the pelvic organs is possible, which undesirable in cases such as:

  • pregnancy (risk of miscarriage);
  • gynecological diseases;
  • predisposition to uterine bleeding.

Preparations based on buckthorn brittle are not used when there is:

  • malignant tumors in the digestive organs;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • lactation;
  • uterine bleeding.

Duration of treatment for constipation with infusions and broths of buckthorn brittle is 8-10 days... First, you must exclude the simultaneous use of buckthorn with other laxatives. This can irritate the intestines, reduce motility, and significantly increase constipation.

The patient must strictly follow the permissible therapeutic doses, which are prescribed by the attending physician specifically for each case. Exceeding the prescribed dose can cause convulsions, nausea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen.

Application form and dosage

How buckthorn is applied correctlyIt is recommended to use buckthorn syrup no more than 15 ml once a day (the usual rate is 5-10 ml). It is advisable to undergo syrup treatment for 15 days. The drug is required on empty stomach... Ramnil is a standardized preparation with buckthorn bark extract. It is taken orally before bedtime, 1-2 pieces.

Buckthorn tincture is diluted with water in the proportion of 20-30 drops per 1/3 cup. The prepared solution should be taken as a drink 2-3 times a day.

The same dosage form of the drug is used for external treatment of the skin. A tampon moistened with tincture is used to wipe the damaged skin areas in case of diseases: furunculosis, carbuncle, streptoderma and pyoderma.

To wipe the skin, you can also use a water extract... Treatment of rheumatism and radiculitis is carried out with an alcohol extract, which is used for rubbing.

In some cases, for adults, doctors prescribe the use of fresh buckthorn fruits (no more than 15 pieces) on an empty stomach. To avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, dried fruits, crushed into powder, are used.

Buckthorn preparations for the treatment of children

Buckthorn bark products are not prescribed to children under the age of three! After 3 years, if the child has diseases of the digestive tract, buckthorn syrup is prescribed. The daily dose for a baby aged 3 to 4 years is 1.25 ml per dose. For children from 5 to 8 years old, an acceptable single dose does not exceed 5 ml, and for a child from 9 to 11 years old, the norm is 5-7.5 ml.

Cautions for consuming syrup

Features of alder buckthornThe use of a buckthorn-based drug can cause skin rashes and pain in the abdomen. If such symptoms appear, you should refrain from further use of the syrup.In addition, during the course of treatment with syrup, urine may turn yellow. This is due to the presence of chrysophanic acid in the chemical composition of the plant. This unpleasant consequence is not dangerous for the body, so you should not worry about it. And even more so, you should not refuse to take the medicine.

Storage period

Storage of raw materials (harvested and dried bark) and its use should not exceed more than 5 years... The storage area for raw materials should be in a dry and well-ventilated area.

Buckthorn plant and its beneficial properties
Buckthorn fragileBuckthorn alderHow buckthorn is appliedBuckthorn rulesHow to take buckthorn brothFeatures of alder buckthornWhat does the buckthorn plant look like?Buckthorn appearanceBuckthorn plantHow buckthorn growsWhy buckthorn is usefulUseful properties of buckthorn

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