We decorate the bathroom with moisture-loving plants

Indoor flowers can liven up any room. The bathroom is no exception. The lack of direct sunlight is not considered a death sentence for plants. Many of them do well under artificial lighting. The basic condition is that the culture must love moisture and not be afraid of shade.

Aloe vera

The popular plant does well in poorly lit bathrooms. In addition, it can be used to quickly heal scratches, minor burns, insect bites, and to fight severe colds. Aloe can easily be bred by inexperienced gardeners, because it is quite tenacious and difficult to ruin.


Due to its appearance, Platitzerium is very similar to deer antlers. Due to this, it is often used to decorate the interior of an apartment.

The main advantage of the plant is that it loves strong humidity. For this reason, Platiterium is excellent for bathroom decoration.

It is worth considering that this flower is very unpretentious in everyday care, but it needs lighting. If the room does not have a window, then artificial light sources can solve this problem.


Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. This fact must be well remembered if used as a decor element for a room. There are methods to control plant growth. Experts recommend creating a variety of unique bamboo designs.

The plant cannot do without light. For this reason, he needs to provide additional lighting to match the other colors in the room. Specialized luminaires are equipped with blue and red elements. Unlike simple lamps that are used in an apartment, they can burn for a long time and do not emit a large amount of heat, which is harmful to bamboo.

Rowley's godson

When a person wants to purchase an unpretentious plant for growing in a room, then he needs to take a closer look at the groundwort. It does not require careful maintenance. This unusual plant fits well into any interior. It hangs beautifully from the edges of a pot or hanging planter. Its green foliage is very similar to a beaded necklace. For this reason, it is sometimes called "string of pearls".

The groundwort is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention, therefore, it is excellent for breeding in the bathroom. Experts say this plant is mildly toxic. For this reason, it is worth refusing to keep it in apartments where pets or a small child live.


This flower is often called mother-in-law's tongue. It is renowned as a good ambient air purifier.

The plant does not need a lot of water and lighting for a comfortable stay. It is often used as a decorative element in apartments and outdoors. To breed it, you do not need special knowledge and a lot of free time. Sansevieria can endure the most negligent treatment and develops quickly in the bathroom.


Now ferns grow almost everywhere. They have gained popularity due to the fact that they have a beautiful appearance and do not require careful maintenance.

The plant quickly takes root in the bathroom.High humidity and artificial lighting will make it feel comfortable, so it can grow and develop quickly. The fancy leaves ensure that the room always looks bright.


The plant is regaining great popularity due to its ease of care and the appearance of its foliage. To keep the chlorophytum healthy, fresh shoots must be removed constantly. This way he will not be able to lose his shape. The plant perfectly cleans the surrounding air from harmful elements. For this reason, it is worth growing in the bathroom.


Many orchids with high-quality and long-term lighting can become a unique decoration of the room. In nature, they grow in tropical forests on tree branches and have aerial roots. The bathroom is the ideal place to live for these plants.

Houseplants can dramatically change the look of a bathroom. They will make it brighter and more unique. A person in such a room will feel comfortable and always be in a good mood.

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