Spring on the windowsill: 6 indoor plants that bloom during the cold season

Any room seems more comfortable if the scent of flowers is felt in it. But you can go broke on the daily purchase of bouquets, and you don't really want to watch how quickly the beautiful flowers dry up. The most correct way out is to plant indoor plants in pots. Choose varieties that will delight you with flowering even in the cold season.


Surely many people paid attention to this red bright flower, which is considered a symbol of Christmas. Poinsettia is often called the "Christmas star". But contrary to popular belief, this flower exists not only in red or scarlet. Its leaves can be white, pink, cream, and lemon. So everyone will find a suitable color for their taste and for the interior of their apartment.

In order for the poinsettia to bloom at the time you need, in the autumn period (within two months), limit it to daylight hours. It should last no more than 10 hours. For this you can put the plant in a closet or just cover it with something for a while. In the period from June to October, apply only universal dressings to the soil.


Another unusual indoor flower that looks very elegant. Large flowers of the hippeastrum bloom on a long thin stem. It begins to bloom just during the New Year's celebrations, so the plant will be an excellent decoration for your apartment during the holidays.

Indoor lilies come in different shades. Most often, flower growers seek to purchase red hippeastrum (classic), but collectors choose orange, yellow, pink and even white flowers that look no less impressive in a flower garden.

Flowering in hippeastrum begins in December and ends in April. To provoke the appearance of flowers, you need to store the plant alone for 2-3 months at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees. After this exposure, indoor lilies are transplanted into new soil and the container with them is transferred to a warm place. Watering for this time is increased.


This indoor flower has many names. It is called truncated zygocactus, Schlumberger's forest cactus, Christmas tree. But most call it the Decembrist, since this plant blooms during the winter holidays.

Decembrist inflorescences have the shape of lanterns that hang from long stems. The flowers can be crimson, pink or red. To achieve flowering of a Christmas tree, you need to place it in a cool place for three months and reduce watering. After flowering begins, watering is somewhat frequent (but you do not need to be too zealous) and they begin to apply top dressing every 14 days (except for the period from September to March).


Exotic, consisting of green xiphoid leaf plates, among which bright red, orange or pink flowers are formed. Guzmania blooms for a long period. It forms buds already in early autumn and produces flowers until mid-winter.

Keep an eye on the room temperature while this houseplant is blooming. It should not drop below 20 degrees. During the rest period, the temperature level should be kept at around 18 degrees (and above). Wipe the flower leaves periodically and spray with a spray bottle.


Otherwise, it is called an orchid (phalaenopsis is their most common type). This exotic is dearly loved by many flower growers. However, it cannot be called easy to care for, so it is better for beginners to postpone its acquisition and gain experience.

Orchids usually bloom in the fall. To extend the blooming period, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the flower. Since phalaenopsis love warmth, the temperature in the room should not drop below 18 degrees. Spray the phalaenopsis leaves regularly, but make sure that no water gets into the flower's rosettes. The place where the container with the orchid stands should be well lit, but the light should be diffused.

Japanese camellia

This delicate neat flower will bloom only if all the necessary conditions are met. With proper care, camellia will delight you with its flowers from November to May. The petals of the inflorescences are smooth, double and semi-double. The color can be white, pink, red.

In order for the camellia to bloom on time, you need to adjust the room temperature to 10-15 degrees. You will also need additional diffused lighting in order to artificially extend the daylight hours for the camellia.

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