Indoor Arabica Coffee Plant Care

Although today there are many interesting ornamental plants, many flower growers do not refuse the opportunity to have such an unusual representative of the flora world as the coffee tree in their home. However, not everyone dares to implement this idea, because they mistakenly believe that they will not be able to grow and care for this plant. In reality, everything is different, because with the appropriate approach, you can successfully grow a coffee tree at home.

The homeland of the coffee tree is Africa, and during its existence, coffee has been able to spread throughout the planet. Today it is not grown only in those regions where the climate is too harsh. If you provide him with the right care, then a couple of years will pass, and you will be able to taste a fragrant drink made from grains that you have grown with your own hands.

Features of seeds

If you finally decided for yourself that you want by all means to try a drink obtained from a home-grown coffee tree, then be prepared for the fact that you have to work hard... But first of all, you should be patient, since a lot of time will pass before the fruits appear. In addition, you should create the right temperature conditions for the coffee tree so that it can grow and develop well.

When the grains of this plant are in the ground, the pot must be moved to a lighted place, where the temperature must be maintained at a level of at least 20 degrees. By creating such conditions, you will speed up the process of seed germination.

When growing coffee, keep in mind that any outside interference is only harmful. Therefore, you should minimize the amount of trimming. It is best to skip this operation altogether unless the plant has exceeded your size expectations. It should be borne in mind that the coffee tree blooms in a completely different way from the usual plants for an ordinary grower. The uniqueness of the coffee tree is that for the formation of berries flowers do not require pollination.

Before sowing a ripe berry, you need to prepare it by removing the pulp and rinsing it with water. Next, you need a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in which it is placed for half an hour. After that, you must immediately sow the grain in the ground.

Soil features

Even experienced flower growers cannot always answer the question of what should be the care of a coffee tree. There are many factors to consider here, among which the quality of the soil is of particular concern. It is best to use a mixture that contains many different elements that will enhance its natural acidity.

Depending on the phase of the plant's life cycle, use soil mixtures of different composition:

  • How to grow a coffee treeA substrate for sowing seeds and sprouts. To prepare it, you need to take leafy earth and river sand, thanks to which moisture can easily be absorbed into the soil. Before planting, it is imperative to sterilize the substrate.This is done by placing it in a water bath, where it must sit for at least 5 minutes. During sowing, the seeds are laid flat on the soil surface. If all the recommendations were followed, then in about 1.5 months the seeds will begin to hatch. After waiting for the formation of the first leaves, you need to think about transplanting seedlings into a soil more suitable for growth. However, keep in mind that at the initial stage of the plant's life, transplants will have to be carried out every year until the plant reaches the age of 3 years. In the future, the frequency of transplants is reduced to once every two to three years.
  • Soil intended for transplanting an adult plant. It is made on the basis of sour peat, sand, leafy earth, humus, charcoal and moss, which are taken in equal amounts. To save yourself from the tedious search for the above ingredients, you can buy them at a specialized flower shop. If you want a young shoot to quickly turn into a full-fledged tree, it is recommended to transplant it into a large pot. Then the root system will be formed in depth, as a result, the plant will be able to take the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil.

Planting a coffee tree in a vegetative way involves preparation of cut cuttings... To do this, it is kept for 1-2 hours in a special solution. You can start planting only after you have prepared all the necessary components. Further, they already proceed directly to transplanting the plant into the ground, into which it must be buried no deeper than 3 cm.At the moment when the first leaves of the plant form, a new transplant can be carried out, in which all the same actions are carried out as in the case with sprouts grown directly from seeds.

Arabica coffee: home care

How to grow a coffee treeWhen preparing for planting a potted Arabica coffee plant, you need to remember that it will feel most comfortable if it is provided enough light... In the hot tropics, coffee is always grown with shading. A slightly different approach should be taken when growing coffee at home: it is necessary to create maximum lighting for it, otherwise its deficiency will slow down the growth of the plant, and in some cases there may be a delay in fruiting.

In winter, it is recommended to keep the flower on the warmest southern side. Although it should be remembered here that the temperature should not drop below 15 degrees. Particularly need to be careful on cold and cloudy days, when you need to use near the plant fluorescent lamps... With its help, you can fully satisfy the needs of the coffee flower for light and warmth.

The whimsicality of the flower is manifested in the fact that the optimal lighting mode for it must be maintained constantly for a long time. If you try to turn the tree, it will only help you get beautiful leaves. In this case, you are likely to be left without a long-awaited harvest. It is recommended to protect the coffee tree from direct sunlight; it is not advisable to keep it on the north side, where it will receive the minimum amount of light.

In the warm season, when the sun is especially hot, you will have to regularly water your coffee using separated water at room temperature... To maintain optimal humidity, you will have to take care of the leaves, for which it is desirable to spray.

When planning to move the pot to another location, you first need to prepare for the operation.

The plant should grow wrapped in gauze for several weeks. This will provide diffused lighting for it. Thanks to this, it will be better able to get used to the new lighting. In the process of developing the coffee tree, transplants will have to be carried out, which is a fairly simple event and does not require special skills.The main thing is to follow the recommendations for plant care exactly.


Watering is very important for the coffee tree.

  • special attention should be paid to the quality of the water: its composition should be free of lime impurities that can cause serious harm to the root system;
  • you also need to monitor the level of soil acidity. In order to maintain it, it is useful to add a few drops of vinegar or citric acid crystals to the settled water, which is used for irrigation. Although coffee responds positively to moisture, the level of humidity should not be overstated;
  • dressings are also effective, which are recommended to be carried out at least once every 1.5 months. Mineral liquid fertilizers are best suited for this, which stimulate the formation of new shoots, and with this the plant will receive all the nutrients important for normal development.


Arabica coffee in a potFor the normal development of coffee not enough to feed in the spring. Especially you need to be careful with the plant at the stage of flower formation, since in this phase coffee needs more nitrogen and phosphorus. You can provide them to the plant using ordinary horn shavings or bone meal.

Keep in mind that the average person, without special tools, is not able to find out what level of acidity the soil used to grow coffee has. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties in caring for coffee, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist at a flower shop so that he can suggest the most suitable feeding. If you are limited in financial resources, then you can use the available fertilization option. It could be common moss found in woodland areas.

Applying the right fertilizer at the right time will help stimulate the growth of the coffee, which is very important to you as you expect the coffee tree to grow tillering. To do this, you will have to regularly pinch the side shoots. At the first signs of drying out of some part of the plant, it is necessary to remove them at the base of the covering leaf petiole.

Difficulties to face

Caring for the coffee treeProper coffee maintenance involves controlling soil acidity levels. Otherwise, the plant will react to this by losing its usual dark green color of the leaves, a glossy shade, as a result of which they will become discolored. Gradually, you can observe how the leaves begin to turn yellow, and after a while the plant can completely dry out if it is not provided with the required amount of fresh air. Isn't good for coffee and high humidity in the room, as this provokes leaf rot, often causing serious illness, which subsequently takes a long time for the coffee to recover.

Before growing coffee at home, it is useful to discuss important points with a professional who can talk about ways to protect against the most common diseases and pests:

  • spider mite;
  • scabbards;
  • mealybug;
  • aphids;

With this information, you can easily create the most optimal growing conditions, and this will increase your chances of getting fragrant fruits in a couple of years.


Coffee in a potHaving gained some experience in growing simple ornamental plants, some of the florists probably had a desire to grow coffee at home. It is not worth giving up this idea, since it is quite feasible. Although this the process will take a long time, however, with appropriate tree care, after a couple of years, you can get aromatic coffee fruits grown by yourself. Therefore, if you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight diseases, then after receiving theoretical training in the basics of growing a coffee tree in indoor conditions, you can get down to business.

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    1. AvatarSanya

      thanks to the developers of the article

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