What flowers can live in winter without constant watering

Plants, especially beautiful and well-groomed ones, not only create coziness at home, but also purify the air and saturate it with oxygen. There are green pets that require constant care and attention, and there are also unpretentious ones. However, they all need watering in both summer and winter. Some plants are able to survive the winter without constant watering. Let's talk about them in our article.


This is a useful, unpretentious plant that does not require laborious maintenance. It feels great on the windowsill in any season. Aloe belongs to succulents - a species that has large, fleshy leaves in which the plant stores moisture. It lasts for a long time, so the flower feels good during the heating season, easily adapts to dry air, patiently waits for it to be watered and fertilized. The only thing, without moisture, aloe will not grow. But it will not fade either - it can exist without moisture for up to 6 years. In winter, water for irrigation is poured into a pan, trying not to water the plant from a watering can. Moisture rises through the capillaries, saturating the flower. After 30 minutes, the water is poured from the pan. Spraying in cold weather is not carried out, but if the aloe is dusty, its leaves are simply wiped with a damp cloth.


This is an exotic and very unpretentious plant. It is not demanding either on light or on the amount of moisture. Feels great in a small pot, without top dressing and frequent watering. If the zamioculcas remains without moisture for a long time, it will simply shed its leaves, losing its decorative appearance. However, the tuber remaining in the soil feels great at this time. As soon as the earth is saturated with moisture, new shoots will appear from it. The only requirement for the successful maintenance of zamioculcas is not too nutritious and compacted soil. A soil mixed with sand, as well as a special composition for violets or cacti, is suitable.


It is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Madagascar. It retains its decorative appearance in bright light, but it is protected from direct sunlight - it burns. Even in the cold season, during the dormant period, he needs a bright light. The plant is not demanding for watering both in summer and in winter. Euphorbia needs moisture only a couple of times a month. In winter, they even reduce the amount to once. It is recommended to rinse the plant under a warm shower every six months. If the milkweed does not have enough moisture, it drops the leaves, losing its decorative appearance. However, after watering, it immediately comes to life. An excess of moisture often leads to the fact that a green pet is affected by fungal diseases.


Epipremnum belongs to perennial vines. This is an unpretentious plant to care for, capable of decorating any home. It is undemanding to the composition of the soil, and the transplant is carried out no more than once every three years. Epipremnum tolerates dry air well in winter and does not need additional moisture. Watering at this time is carried out 1 time in 10 days. They choose soft, settled water. Be sure to make sure that the topsoil dries out.


Another unpretentious succulent, capable of pleasing its owners with bright, small flowers of various shades. Moreover, it is a medicinal plant.Kalanchoe feels great on any windows. Watering is rarely done, since the plant has a sufficient supply of moisture in its leaves. It tolerates sudden changes in temperature and shaded areas. Kalanchoe is characterized by long, abundant flowering even in winter.


Podocarpus, or podocarp, is a slow-growing, perennial plant. This is a small, unpretentious, but very beautiful tree. Prefers a bright spot on the window. Drought-resistant, but it is better not to allow the soil to completely dry out. In winter, it needs moderate watering with soft water. As a rule, either settled tap water or filtered water is used. They also try to maintain air humidity at least 40% by spraying from a spray bottle. In winter, they also maintain the temperature - they do not allow it to drop below 6aboutFROM.


Sansevieria is also known as "mother-in-law's tongue" or "pike tail". The plant has straight, long leaves, shaped like swords. The flower is unpretentious either to light or to the watering regime. However, in a place where there is a large amount of light, it has a brighter and more saturated color. In the heating season, sansevieria feels great and does not need additional air humidification. In dense leaves, it retains a sufficient amount of moisture. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so it is not watered at all. This flower is not afraid of low temperatures and drafts, therefore it is often used to decorate northern windows, balconies or hallways.

Fat woman

The fat woman is also known as the "money tree". A plant that is unpretentious in the amount of light. It is grown both on windowsills and in the shade. The fat woman needs minimal care. It has dense, fleshy leaves that accumulate moisture inside and retain it for a long time. In winter, a place is suitable for her where the temperature does not drop below 10aboutC. If the winter is warm, the plant is watered once a month. With the onset of severe cold weather, they completely refuse to water.

The following rules are observed:

  • use soft water, room temperature;
  • watered strictly at the root;
  • it is absolutely impossible to allow the plant to become waterlogged.

Choosing unpretentious green plants for your home, you do not need much time and labor to care for them. However, pets will delight with their appearance, create additional comfort at any time of the year.

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