Women's happiness is spathiphyllum. What to look for when choosing a plant

Spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness, predicting a harmonious family life and the joy of motherhood. It blooms for a long time and is unpretentious in care. There are several rules to consider when choosing a plant for your interior.

Soil condition

The soil in the pot should not be too dry or too wet. It is best if the soil is moderately moist.

It is also important that there are no yellow or brown spots on the surface of the soil, as well as on the plant itself. Their presence indicates the defeat of spathiphyllum by pests. It is not worth purchasing such a plant.


After a month, which is necessary for the adaptation of the flower, it can be transplanted.

For transplantation, you should carefully free its roots from the soil. At the bottom of the pot, you can put expanded clay and an earthen lump with plant rhizomes. Then the flower must be sprinkled with earth, tamped and watered abundantly.

In order for the spathiphyllum to bloom better, it is advisable to transplant it every year. Moreover, it is enough to subject adult bushes to such a procedure every two years. In this case, due attention should be paid to the container for the plant. It should be about 3 centimeters larger than the previous pot.

Battery protection

This plant needs to create high humidity in the room, otherwise the tips of the leaves will dry out and curl. If you regularly sprinkle the flower and wipe it with a damp sponge, you can get rid of this problem. In addition, wiping should be alternated with a weekly shower.

But a terry towel soaked in water can be put on the battery if it is hot in the room. This little trick will help the plant cope with excessively dry air and not get sick.

Soil selection

Spathiphyllum loves nutritious and light soil. It is best to buy soil for it in a special store. For self-preparation of the soil, it is desirable to equally take peat, leafy soil, humus, sand. In this mixture it is necessary to add the bark of trees, crushed into powder, charcoal.

It should also take into account the fact that an adult plant from time to time needs to change the surface layer of the earth. This procedure can be carried out without a transplant once every two years.

Top dressing

Top dressing for this flower is added to the water and only then the plant is watered. Mineral complexes are added at the rate of 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of liquid. Fertilizers should be applied 2 times a month. In the cold season, if the temperature in the room is not higher than + 16 ° C, the plant is not fed.

In summer, supplements can be added once a month. But during the period of its active growth - from April to September - this should be done once every two weeks.


The flower multiplies easily by dividing the bush. When transplanting an adult spathiphyllum, it is divided into several parts and transplanted into separate pots.

For less green mass growth, only one shoot bud can be left during transplantation. In order for the plant to root better in the ground, it is necessary to first lower the sprout into water and leave it there for two weeks. Later, when roots appear, it is advisable to place it in already prepared soil.

When choosing a flower in a store, it is best to give preference to young plants, as their adaptation process will be quick and painless. The soil in the pot should be moist to the touch, and the leaves of the flower should be green, with no signs of drying out. An unpleasant smell from a plant is a reason to realize that its roots are rotting, and you should not buy it. Indeed, with the right choice of spathiphyllum, careful care of it is not required, and the flower will delight with its beauty for almost a whole year.

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