Believe it or not: 3 signs about cacti in your home

The cactus is a constant inhabitant of many apartments and houses. This thorny houseplant is most often acquired by those who have no experience in floriculture or the time to thoroughly care for flowers. There are many superstitions and beliefs about the cactus in the house. But not everyone knows about them. Here are some of the most important signs associated with this plant.

If the cactus cannot take root, then everything is fine in the house.

Many have probably heard that cacti are able to absorb negative energy in the house. This flower can protect its owners not only from negativity, but even from damage, evil eye, conspiracies, envy, etc. If you put this plant, for example, in the hallway, then troubles will not be able to break into your house, which means that only joy and well-being will reign in the family.

But sometimes it happens that a cactus cannot take root in any way, dries up, grows poorly or completely dies in a week. This means that you brought it to a room where there is no negative energy. That is why the living amulet cannot find a job and quickly fades. Withering cacti indicate that you have a wonderful family, complete understanding and love reigns between the spouses in the house, so you should not worry.

If you do not want to give up the prickly tenant, then think about where negative can collect in your apartment (kitchen, living room, hallway, etc.), and install a container with a plant there. Even the smallest drop of negative energy is enough for him.

If standing in the bedroom - don't wait for men

There are quite a few people who are sure that a cactus in the house will not bring good. Especially those who are trying to improve their personal life or looking for a man for a serious relationship. According to legend, after the appearance of a cactus in the house (mainly in the bedroom), problems begin:

  • men do not stay in the house;
  • personal life does not add up in any way;
  • quarrels and scandals constantly occur in the family, bordering on the desire to file for divorce.

These problems have an interesting explanation. Our ancestors were sure that cactus needles are capable of repelling male energy. Some were even convinced that if a young girl put a cactus in her bedroom, then in love she will face continuous failures. And if the flower was presented to her by a friend, then this speaks of the envy and ill will of the latter.

Personal life may not go well due to constant emotional stress. On the psychological level, thorns create an atmosphere of hostility, danger, pain, they provoke protection and closure. And this negatively affects relationships with the opposite sex.

In friendly communication or interaction with relatives, expect good things in this situation, too, is not worth it. A cactus will cause tension between loved ones, complicate the search for mutual understanding.

However, this does not mean that you should completely abandon the cultivation of cacti in your home. Plants surrounding a cactus in a flower garden can directly affect its energy, suppressing or modifying it. In addition, a person's personal perception of this plant is important. If he does not like it and does not bring joy, then you should not expect positive changes.

If the flower bloomed - wait for happiness

Blooming cactus in many ways is a symbol of positive changes in life.The inflorescences of this plant are most often so remarkable and bright that it seems as if a flower opens its soul to a person (tenderness and beauty are suddenly born from thorns).

Popular beliefs say that a blooming cactus portends:

  • unmarried girls or women soon get married or meet their destiny;
  • lush flowering suggests that soon a joyful event will occur in the family, which will bring a lot of happiness to everyone;
  • poor flowering portends a small monetary profit;
  • the appearance of new sprouts in a container with a recently purchased cactus suggests that you will soon make several good purchases.

There are also beliefs associated with the color of cactus inflorescences:

  • yellow flowers - soon there will be an addition in the family, or someone close to the girl's family will have offspring;
  • red - soon the owner or the owner of the plant is waiting for a meeting with his love, and the romance will be bright, ardent, passionate;
  • white - soon the family will have a wedding.

If the flowering of the cactus is delayed (the plant bloomed later than usual), then you need to be alert. Perhaps one of your loved ones or you yourself will soon get sick, and quite seriously.

It is interesting that sometimes the trihedral spurge is ranked among the category of succulents because of the appearance similar to cacti. But in the case of milkweed, the signs working with cacti do not work. These plants have nothing in common, except for their appearance, therefore beliefs here will be completely different.

Despite such an abundance of conflicting signs associated with a cactus, you should not refuse to purchase this plant for your home. Moreover, if a negative atmosphere often reigns in the apartment. This living amulet will help get rid of the negative, smooth out quarrels and disagreements, protect from ill-wishers, damage, the evil eye. And a blooming cactus will bring unexpected happiness, love and joy to your house.

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