Popular varieties of streptocarpus - name and photo

Streptocarpus plant varietiesIn difficult room conditions, at unstable temperatures and practically any air humidity, streptocarpus will grow well and bloom profusely. This unpretentious plant with a difficult to pronounce name has a shortened stem, pubescent leaves and flowers of a wide variety of colors. To date, breeders have bred many varieties of abundantly and beautifully flowering streptocarpus, photos of which are presented in our gallery.

Description, varieties and photos of streptocarpus

Streptocarpus is a rosette plant with broad, lanceolate leaves and a short stem. Leaves can be green or variegated. In their axils, one or two flowers grow like a long spiral box.

Today there are more than 130 thirty varieties streptocarpus. They are all divided into three types:

  1. The stem type is a creeping plant that blooms profusely with small flowers.
  2. The rosette type includes hybrid varieties with large flowers formed into a rosette.
  3. The single-leaved type is a plant whose main leaf can be up to one meter long and 60 cm wide. Some varieties of this type may have a pair of underdeveloped auxiliary leaves.

The most popular among florists hybrid rosette streptocarpus... Most of them are distinguished by green, wide, wrinkled leaves, in the axils of which there are one or two peduncles.

The flowers of hybrid varieties reach 4 cm in diameter. If measured together with the limb, they can measure up to 8 cm in diameter. The petals can be plain, double, fancy or corrugated. Most often they are purple or bluish in color. However, breeders have bred streptocarpus hybrids with pink, white, red and black flowers. They can even have different patterns, spots and stripes.

Natural species of streptocarpus - photo

Since flower growers have recently begun to prefer modern hybrids, wild-growing streptocarpuses are grown at home less and less. The most popular types include:

  1. The most popular varieties of streptocarpus flowerStreptocarpus royal is distinguished by long drooping leaves that grow up to 25 cm. Its flowers are bright purple in color inside the throat have purple streaks and stripes.
  2. Streptocarpus stele-forming is a plant, the stem of which grows up to 40-60 cm. Its drooping flowers are pale blue in color.
  3. Streptocarpella Kirka is an ampelous plant that grows up to 15 cm. Light purple inflorescences in the form of umbrellas are formed on it.
  4. Streptocarpus Wendlana is a beautiful plant with one large wide-oval leaf, the length of which reaches 90 cm. Above, a wrinkled and drooping leaf is green, and below it is red-purple. The long peduncle consists of 15-20 violet-blue flowers. This type of plant reproduces only by seed, and dies after flowering.
  5. Rocky streptocarpus is a perennial plant with a woody base. Its pubescent oval leaves are small. The shoots are twisted at the ends. In summer and autumn, the plant blooms with medium-sized purple flowers.

Collectible varieties of streptocarpus - photo

In flower shops, you can most often see streptocarpus monochromatic white, pink or purple... On the Internet, it will not be difficult to choose a hybrid streptocarpus with double or plain flowers of any color.

Domestic varieties of streptocarpus: photo, name, description

Very beautiful and diverse varieties of selection CF... The most popular of them are:

  1. Variety CF-Amaretto is a plant with a standard rosette and light green leaves. Large lilac-pink flowers have a large yellow spot in the middle. The upper part of the neck is white.
  2. The CF-Baltic Sea variety blooms for a long time and profusely with large blue-violet flowers. The neck of the velvety flowers has a white tint. The lower petals are darker than the upper ones.
  3. Variety TsF-Valentina is distinguished by bright lingonberry huge flowers, the petals of which are bent back. The standard outlet consists of bright green foliage.
  4. Variety CF-Juliet is a plant with a compact rosette and green leafy medium size. The flowers are composed of petals of different colors. The lower wavy petals have a purple hue and a black mesh pattern. Strongly corrugated top petals in a solid lilac color.
  5. Variety CF-Zapolyarye - the plant is distinguished by flowers, the pattern of which resembles the northern lights. At the base of its three lower petals, there is a blurred lilac spot with a mesh pattern. The sides of the white throat are decorated with dark purple stripes, and there is a yellow spot at the bottom of it.

Streptocarpus varieties deserve special attention from the selection of Vyacheslav Paramonov... Among them are:

  1. One of the most terry streptocarpusThe variety "Marine Patterns" is a plant with very large flowers. Their white, wavy petals are covered with a blue-purple mesh.
  2. The variety "Snow Kilimonjaro" is distinguished by huge snow-white flowers with corrugated edges and green, wavy leaves. The neck is covered with a light purple coating.
  3. Variety "Spring Dreams" is a plant with very large white-pink flowers. Their petals, crimped along the edge, are strewn with lavender veins.
  4. The "Envy of the Gods" variety is a plant with wavy green leafy and corrugated white flowers. A pink-crimson mesh is drawn along the entire surface of the petals. The neck is marked with cherry stripes.

Foreign varieties of streptocarpus - photo

Very beautiful and varied in shape, size and color of the variety, bred by foreign breeders... Among florists, the following are the most popular:

  1. Streptocarpus and its speciesThe Sylvie variety, named after the Queen of Sweden, has a highly serrated foliage and corrugated bicolor petals. The lower elongated petals are bright yellow, and the upper ones are purple in color.
  2. The "Snow Rose" variety is a plant with dense green foliage and original large flowers. Wavy smoky pink petals are painted with cherry red strokes.
  3. The Saltenz Rubi variety is a truly royal plant. Saintpaulia of this variety blooms with very large, wavy, luxurious burgundy flowers with a white-pink neck. The jagged foliage is green.
  4. The Blue Harmony variety is a streptocarpella with long branchy shoots covered with fleecy leaves. The small size light blue flowers grow on thin long peduncles. Blooms profusely and for a long time.

Due to a variety of hybrid varieties, streptocarpus become collectible and settled in the houses of both experienced florists and those just starting to grow flowers.

Streptocarpus flower varieties
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    1. AvatarAurica

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