Why ready-made peat soil is actually unsuitable for indoor flowers

Indoor plants, unlike garden plants, develop in a limited amount of substrate, so the selection of soil must be taken seriously. Among the ready-made compositions, soil mixtures based on high-moor peat are most often found on sale. It is it that is used to make light transport soil, in which the plants arrive on the shelves of flower shops. Such peat quickly loses its fertility after extraction, is not rich in minerals and has a number of other disadvantages.

Dries quickly

Earthen mixtures with a predominance of high-moor peat dry out quickly, therefore they require frequent watering. As a result, the risk of waterlogging in the soil increases, which can lead to root rot. To avoid this problem, low-lying peat is added to the soil mixture, it is heavier and holds moisture better. Plastic pots will help reduce evaporation somewhat: they are not as porous as ceramic.

Top dressing is washed out

Frequent abundant watering necessary for peat soil has another unpleasant consequence - they wash fertilizers out of the ground. Fertilizing becomes ineffective, because they leave the flower pot before the roots of the plant have time to assimilate them. If the grower, according to the state of the flower, notices a lack of micro- and macroelements and increases the amount of feeding, there is a risk of overdose and chemical burns of the roots.

Lags behind the walls of the pot

Soon after planting, the peat substrate becomes compacted, begins to lag behind the walls of the pot, forming cavities. This is due to the high shrinkage characteristics of all types of peat. The average shrinkage rate of peat is 40-50%, that is, the volume of soil in a pot over time can be halved! Water, falling into such cavities along the walls, with poor drainage remains there for a long time, peat cannot absorb it.

Poorly wetted

After complete drying, peat will under no circumstances be able to gain initial moisture and volume. This is due to the fact that, drying out, peat changes its qualities and is no longer able to restore them in the future. Therefore, if the flower is not watered on time, the next time the water will simply pass through the substrate without lingering. If this problem is not solved immediately, the flower will die. If you notice an instant flow of water from the drainage holes when watering, change your tactics. The earthen lump with the plant must be removed from the pot and placed in a bowl of water. In the future, it is recommended to change the substrate.

Ready-made peat soil is simple and convenient to use, it is cheap, and it is easy to find it even in supermarkets. But due to the natural characteristics of peat for indoor flowers, it is poorly suited. To avoid disappointment, purchase soil mixtures in which high-moor peat is an additional rather than a dominant component. Check the recommendations for the composition of the substrate specifically for your plant. If necessary, dilute the store soil with additional components - sand, vermiculite, humus.

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