Poisonous houseplants that should not be kept in the apartment

Houseplants not only delight us, but are also real healers: they absorb harmful substances from the air and gases, giving a person clean air, which has a positive effect on health. At the same time, there are poisonous varieties that are dangerous to grow in the house. Some flowers, such as ficus, are capable of releasing poisonous substances into the air.

Japanese aucuba

The second name of the Japanese aucuba is "Golden Tree". The plant has long leaves and, with proper care, can grow to a height of two meters. It has bright and rich red flowers. Fruiting rarely, and the berries can appear as red, yellow, and white.

Mostly grown in gardens, but there are those who want to admire this beauty at home. It is highly undesirable to cultivate the Japanese aucuba at home, as it is fraught with a real poison. Both a child and a pet can reach it. If the poison gets inside, diarrhea, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood in the urine, and other unpleasant consequences may occur. The berries of the Japanese aucuba are especially dangerous.


Begonia can be either a small herbaceous plant or a large shrub. Flowers are mesmerizing with their varied colors. The plant blooms brightly and profusely, will decorate your garden from early summer to September. And if you grow it at home, then you can admire the beauty from late spring to early autumn. They love to grow in bright light.

It is undesirable to grow these flowers in an apartment due to the content of poisonous juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can provoke burns.


Euphorbia is an ornamental deciduous crop. The flower is very unpretentious to care for, it does not require a lot of sunlight, and there are also no strict temperature limits for its maintenance. That is why many people like to grow it at home.

Do not forget that spurge is a poisonous plant. Its juice contains a large amount of substances that quickly cause severe poisoning. If it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it causes burns, so you can grow euphorbia in the house if you do not have children and animals. When transplanting a plant, you need to be extremely careful.

Decorative pepper

Ornamental peppers are grown at home in order to obtain decorative fruits, as well as to admire the appearance of the plant. Flowers can be of many different colors, but the most interesting are the fruits. Their shape and color depend on the selected variety. If you take proper care of the pepper, its fruits may not fall off for three months, all this time you can admire them. The plant is hygrophilous, does not tolerate dry soil and dry air.

Capsicums are a cross between cayenne and chilean peppers. The fruits of the plant are not intended for human consumption. Unfortunately, and it has its own danger, why is it not recommended for growing in a house where there are children or animals. The fruits of ornamental peppers can disable the stomach, and also contribute to the occurrence of coughs and seizures.

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