A dark corner is not a hindrance. 10 unpretentious houseplants

Indoor plants not only create coziness in the house and purify the air, but also cheer up, delight the eye with their greenery and beauty. There are species that do not require special care and any special conditions, they grow well in the shade, you just need to water them on time.


Dieffenbachia with bright and massive striped leaves at any time of the year retains an excellent aesthetic appearance. This unpretentious plant is shade-tolerant, requires moderate watering, but does not tolerate drafts, so you should choose a place for it that is warm and protected from air currents.

It can reach two meters in height, so you need to cut the top of the head, which will contribute to the splendor of the leaves and an acceptable height for your room. Dieffenbachia perfectly purifies and ozonizes the air, is able to rid the room of dust and neutralize some chemicals. However, when pruned, the plant produces a poisonous sap that can cause skin burns and, if accidentally swallowed, poisoning.

Dracaena bordered

Another unpretentious, shade-tolerant house plant is dracaena. It is not demanding to care for, very beautiful in appearance, reminiscent of a palm tree.

Another undoubted advantage is the long decorative effect of the plant, slow growth (no more than 15 cm per year) and ease of reproduction. Dracaena is moisture-loving, it is necessary to ensure that the earthy clod does not dry out and irrigate the leaves regularly.

Calathea Makoya

Kalathea Makoya is shade-tolerant, but very capricious. This plant needs a certain temperature and humidity. For watering, boiled and filtered water is used, while the plant should not be poured, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

Do not spray the stem and leaves of the plant, this can provoke illness and death of the flower. For the normal growth of Kalatee Makoya, an air humidity of at least 80% is required.

Chlorophytum crested

This plant has a wonderful appearance and is very unpretentious, while it perfectly cleans the air. Also absorbs dust and harmful radiation from household appliances.

This is an ampelous plant, it looks harmoniously in hanging pots and pots. The flower is not picky about the soil, it grows well in dark corners of the room, it reproduces well. Requires regular watering and irrigation of the leaves.


The family of bromeliads houseplants has more than 2,000 different varieties. They are distinguished by a spectacular decorative look. The most unpretentious are: bilbergia, pineapple, ehmeya, neoregelia. These plants do not require special conditions for their cultivation.

The flowers are watered to imitate natural irrigation: a funnel in the center of the leaves is filled with soft and cool water. The soil is watered moderately so that the root system does not rot.


This houseplant is popularly called "female happiness". It has luscious, vibrant foliage and blooms from April to October with spectacular, sophisticated white flowers.

When growing, you need to avoid direct sunlight, as spathiphyllum prefers shady places. For successful plant growth, regular watering and irrigation of the leaves is necessary. The air in the room should also be humid. Spathiphyllum propagates by cuttings.


This evergreen herb has a rather thick stem and massive glossy leaves, the color of which depends on the variety. Prefers partial shade, does not like direct sunlight, when it hits the leaves, burns are formed.

He loves warmth, the temperature in winter should be at least 15 degrees. Does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes. It is not necessary to allow the earthen coma in which the plant is planted to dry out, therefore constant watering and irrigation of the leaves is required. High air humidity is also required.

Aspidistra high

Aspidistra differs from others in the absence of a stem and long leafy plates of a rich green color. This plant is very hardy, prefers partial shade and warmth.

Perfectly cleans the air from pollutants and dust. Requires constant watering of the leaves and moderate watering twice a week.

Ivy philodendron

This plant is ampelous, and its weaving stems reach a length of 6 meters. The glossy, fleshy, heart-shaped leaves have a very unusual decorative appearance.

Philodendron is unpretentious: loves shady places, does not require frequent watering, leaves love irrigation and moist air. The stems need to be pinched so that all the power goes not to the length of the stem, but to the lush foliage.

Sansevieria three-lane

This plant is also called "pike tail", because its leaves really resemble tail fins. They grow from the roots and have a rich dark green color with transverse darkish veins throughout the leaf.

Sansevieria is very unpretentious, loves partial shade and warmth. Moderate watering and average humidity. To remove dust from the leaves, wipe them with a soft cloth dampened in water.

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