6 budget vertical garden options for your home

If you are a born gardener, but you do not have a personal plot and are not expected, do not be discouraged. Even in modest city apartments, you can find a place for a vegetable garden and, unlike summer residents who grow crops only in the warm season, do what they love all year round. There are several easy and inexpensive ways to set up your home garden using vertical structures.

Pyramid made of wooden planks

A multi-tiered flower bed can be made from any material. But it is best to make it from edged boards. The design is so simple that even a novice master can handle it.

If the flowerbed is planned to be used for several seasons, then it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic. After all, the tree will constantly be in contact with moisture and will quickly deteriorate. You do not need to cover with paint, the texture of the wood will fit into any interior.

This mini-flower bed is suitable for growing strawberries or greenery. And also a flower garden of stunning beauty will come out of it.

Vine baskets

If you have several wicker baskets lying around, don't throw them away. Even if they are a little leaky or slightly out of shape, it doesn't matter. Now it is not functionality that is important, but texture.

Hanging baskets one above the other on colored cords, rope or twine, you get an original multi-tiered flower bed. You can also attach rattan pockets directly to the wall.

Of course, you shouldn't pour soil directly into the baskets. From constant contact with moisture, the vine, like any organic material, will soon begin to rot. Let the greens actually grow in the right size plastic planters and the baskets serve as decoration.

PVC pipes

PVC pipes are a fertile material. Any structure can be built from them. But specifically in the cramped conditions of an apartment, it is best to place the pipes on the windowsill or fix them on the wall.

Round holes are made in them in random order, soil is poured inside and seeds or seedlings are placed. By rotating the pipes regularly, you will be able to control the amount of light in this mini-garden.

As the greenery grows, the pipes will look like trees and turn your windowsill or wall into a forest.

"Tree" from pots

A picturesque "tree" can be made from flower pots. The role of the trunk will be performed by a forged rack. Filled with flowers or greenery, it looks gorgeous in any space of the apartment, but it is most logical to use a window sill or floor.

If you don't have such a stand or metal interior items are not to your taste, then it is not difficult to build a wooden version of the stand. It can be a simple block, a baluster, or a long sturdy stick that you get in the forest. Attach flower supplies or pots to the support, paint the structure in the desired color and fill the resulting "tree" with plants.

Wooden boxes

Most of the modern apartments have glazed balconies. In summer, under the scorching rays of the sun, they turn into a greenhouse, and it is impossible to be there. Take advantage of this unpleasant effect and really turn your balcony into a greenhouse.

Take some tall wooden boxes and place them along the wall so that the maximum amount of light falls on the plants. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers can be grown in such a greenhouse.

The combination of boxes gives a large enough soil area and allows you to tie up the plants when they grow. This design makes it possible to harvest no worse than in a summer cottage.

Fragrant Herb Wall

If you are a happy owner of a free wall in the kitchen, then make a mini-vegetable garden out of it. Fasten a few shelves or set up a rack and fill the resulting surfaces with identical rectangular planters.

Home beds on several floors will allow you to grow all kinds of herbs all year round. In addition to the classic dill, parsley, lettuce and onions, you can surprise your household with arugula, basil, radish, coriander, thyme, rosemary and mustard. In addition, wheat can be grown on the kitchen plantation, which is used to make salads and whitgrass, a healthy juice from its sprouts.

The listed options, due to the vertical arrangement, do not require large areas. In addition to fulfilling their true function (growing greenery), they act as an original element of the interior, and the abundance of plants that saturate the air with oxygen improves the microclimate in the apartment and has a beneficial effect on mood.

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