10 indoor plants that improve the microclimate of the nursery

In order for the child to be calm, sleep well and get sick less, the right microclimate must be created in his room. The correct choice of indoor plants will help parents in this.

Sansevieria three-lane

Sansevieria or "mother-in-law's tongue" cleans the air well of toxins, formaldehydes, nitrogen oxides, benzene, trichlorethylene, carbon dioxide and dust.

The flower releases oxygen intensively at night, which is very important for a deep healthy sleep of the baby. For the plant to perform well its functions, you need to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Lemon Tree

Lemon tree leaves produce essential oils that kill germs and provide powerful prevention of colds. In the summer, the plant protects the child from annoying mosquitoes that are afraid of the aroma of citrus ether.

The tree can be grown independently from a lemon seed, which will be interesting for both you and your baby.


Chlorophytum is an undemanding flower that is called "air orderly". Its leaves absorb dust, trichlorethylene, sulfur, benzene, formaldehyde.

Harmful impurities that enter the room through the open window from household appliances and finishing materials are neutralized by this plant. It is especially important to have chlorophytum in the children's room if the room has recently been renovated.


Cypress synthesizes phytoncides that decontaminate the air and increase the child's resistance to colds. Its branches actively attract dust particles to itself, making the room cleaner.

In order for the plant to work effectively, it must be regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Or periodically give him a full shower.


Schlumberger or "Decembrist" cleans the atmosphere of harmful impurities and saturates it with oxygen. In rooms where there is such a flower, it is much easier to breathe.

In the nursery, where there is a Schlumberger, the child becomes calmer, sleeps well and is less sick. In addition, the "Decembrist" flowers will be a good interior decoration.


If the child often suffers from colds, it is recommended to put a pot with peperomia in his room. It kills pathogens and fills the room with oxygen.

In addition, the plant neutralizes formaldehyde and absorbs harmful radiation from TVs, gadgets and electrical appliances.


Spathiphyllum is one of the few plants that not only filters the air, but also moisturizes it. Thanks to this, children are less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases.


Begonia leaves filter dust out of the air and release bacteria-killing ethers. Also, the plant is neutralized by harmful chemical compounds contained in detergents.


Kalanchoe neutralizes formaldehyde and also kills bacteria and viruses. For this he is popularly called the "green orderly". The flower releases oxygen around the clock, so the baby sleeps soundly and peacefully at night.

In addition, the juice of the Kalanchoe leaves promotes rapid wound healing. Due to this property, it is successfully used in folk medicine, including for the treatment of the common cold.


Aloe leaves are capable of absorbing up to 90% of formaldehyde, benzene and other chemicals found in the atmosphere. The flower produces a shock dose of phytoncides,

Aloe helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the mental and physical activity of the child. This flower is also an excellent remedy for colds and skin diseases.

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