7 houseplants that can bloom all year round

Almost every home has indoor plants that are pleasing to the eye. Among them, there are also those that are able to cause admiration for their flowers all year round. Let's talk about them in our article.


Chinese rose is the second name of this flower. Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub that blooms continuously when properly cared for. This plant is very fond of sunlight, abundant watering and feeding. If the flower does not have enough moisture, it will begin to shed its buds. In the summertime, it is necessary to spray the hibiscus daily.

This plant can be up to 2 meters tall, so it needs a large pot and a lot of space. It must be repotted every year, otherwise the hibiscus will begin to die. Flowers can be of different colors: they are like roses and are red, burgundy, white and pink. The lifespan of one flower is a day, after which the bud falls off.


Orchid is a rather unpretentious flower. For good growth, it is enough just to water it twice a week, observing the watering rules, and provide it with bright lighting. However, culture should be hidden from direct sunlight, as well as from drafts. It is also impossible to fill the flower - root rot may appear, which leads to death.

The orchid blooms with large, beautiful flowers, they are very bright and can have a different color: from white to reddish and purple. It is better to put the plant in the most comfortable place for it and not touch it again, because various permutations are stress for it.

Temperature differences should be very small, a maximum of 5-6 degrees. It is also worth feeding the orchid during the flowering period - this will facilitate the whole process and will help the flower to recover in the future.

Dwarf maple

This tree blooms from spring to autumn. In autumn, maple begins a dormant phase, and the number of peduncles decreases. The flowers of a culture can have various shapes: bell, funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped. They also differ in a variety of colors: white, yellow, red and pink.

If you provide maple with additional lighting with fluorescent lamps and nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization, then it can bloom in the autumn-winter period. It is also necessary to comply with some requirements for caring for abutilon (the second name for maple). He needs bright sunlight, frequent watering, and the temperature is not lower than 18-25 ° C, but not higher. With proper care, it will grow rapidly, reaching one and a half meters in height, and delight the gardener with its flowering.


Geranium is an unpretentious plant that blooms all year round. The culture does not need frequent watering, it tolerates sudden changes in temperature well, it does not need spraying. The temperature in winter should not be lower than 8 ° С, and in summer - not lower than 25 ° С.

Geranium is very fond of light, so in the summer it is best to take it outside or put it on the balcony. She, unlike other houseplants, tolerates direct sunlight. If there is little light, geranium leaves will be small, and the flowering will not be as lush as with enough light.

The flowers of this plant are large, they are collected in inflorescences and can have different colors: red, white, orange, burgundy or purple. Geranium has the ability to disinfect the air.It can also repel insects.


"Always blooming" - this is how the name of this plant is translated from Latin. With proper care, begonia will indeed bloom constantly, all year round.

This culture loves good lighting, but it needs to be hidden from direct sunlight: diffused light is best for it. In order for it to develop normally, rare but abundant watering must be carried out. The flower does not relate very well to spraying.

When the flowering process begins, the plant needs constant fertilization with mineral fertilizers, this should be done every 2 weeks. The flowers of the culture have a different shape, size and color. The temperature for flower development should be at least 18-26 ° C. If it falls below 14 ° C, the begonia will die.


Pelargonium differs from geranium in larger flowers and almost no smell of leaves. The color of the flowers of the plant is different: crimson, white, red, pinkish.

In the summer, the culture requires abundant watering, while in winter, abundant watering should be replaced with a more moderate one, otherwise the liquid will stagnate and the roots will begin to rot. Pelargonium loves bright lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

In the spring, the plant must be pruned to give the desired shape to the bush and for more lush flowering in the future. In summer, for the normal development of a flower, the temperature should reach 20-25 ° С, and in winter - no more than 14 ° С.


Large glossy and bright leaves and flowers of this plant are shaped like hearts. Anthurium tolerates both heat and coolness, but nevertheless, the temperature regime should be observed - in summer it should be at least 25 ° С, and in winter - at least 15 ° С.

It is best to place the crop on a southern or western windowsill, but sometimes it can grow in the shade. The soil in which the anthurium grows should always be moist, the flower does not tolerate drying out. It is necessary to ensure that it is sprayed with water that has been settled for two days.

In order for the plant to develop well, it must be replanted every 1-2 years. Anthurium inflorescences have a different color: from pinkish to blue. At the end of flowering, they do not fall off, but begin to turn green.

Despite the fact that these plants are called ever flowering, they will still have a break between flowering. During this time, the culture will recharge and rest.

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