What plants bloom all year round in apartments

Every housewife wants to admire fresh flowers every day, not only in summer, but also in autumn and even in winter. This can be achieved by picking up such indoor plants that bloom all year long, almost never ceasing.


The fact that the orchid is quite capricious and requires special care is known to every florist. However, if you create conditions as close as possible to natural for it, then it will bloom all year round.

The homeland of the orchid is the tropics. There it grows surrounded by trees, which means that it is constantly sheltered from the bright sunlight. Therefore, the orchid must be placed on a sunny window, but the light falling on it must be scattered with blinds, curtains or paper. On the northern windows and in winter, special phytolamps will help create the necessary light.

The second important point is air humidity. The required values ​​can be achieved with the help of additional reservoirs with water, which are placed around the plants. You also need to spray the air above the orchids with warm water from a spray bottle (only air, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that large drops do not fall on the leaves and flowers).

The third thing you should pay attention to is the correct composition of the soil and fertilization. It is best to buy a special ready-made orchid mix. For feeding flowering plants, drugs fortified with calcium and phosphorus are chosen.

Orchids are sensitive to movement. Therefore, you should not rearrange it from place to place, and it is even undesirable to turn the pot around you.


Indoor hibiscus (in the common people - a Chinese rose) is capable of blooming all-season, subject to the necessary conditions. Like every tropical plant, hibiscus needs constant sunlight, so they place pots on southern windows or create artificial lighting. The optimal temperature regime is 20-22 degrees. Low temperatures and drafts can kill the plant.

The plant does not tolerate drought, but loves frequent watering with water at room temperature. The soil in the pot must be constantly moist. If the ground dries up, the plant will shed its peduncles, and the leaves will become lethargic. In order for the buds to fully open, the plant needs to create a certain moisture. To do this, sprinkle the leaves with warm water, avoiding droplets on the buds.

Since flower stalks are formed only on young thin shoots, the plant requires regular pruning. Well, an important factor is feeding the plant with fertilizers containing copper, nitrogen and iron. During the flowering period, phosphorus and potassium are added.


One of the most popular indoor plants is geranium (or pelargonium). This plant has more than one species, but they are all unpretentious in care and delight with flowering all year round. Geranium loves the sun, it can be left in direct sunlight, covering only in extreme heat.

The plant requires moderate watering, with excess moisture, the roots of the plant rot, and it may die. Therefore, a layer of drainage material must be provided at the bottom of the pot. The bushes do not tolerate spraying; when watering, you also need to be careful and not get the leaves and flowers wet.

During the flowering period, geraniums are fertilized with potash and phosphorus fertilizers, well, do not forget about pruning to form a beautiful bush shape and stimulate the growth of lateral shoots.


Begonia is a wonderful decoration for a windowsill in any season. The plant loves light, but direct sunlight can harm it. Flower pots are placed on sunny windows, slightly shading. Begonia feels best on western and eastern windowsills. In the autumn-winter period it is necessary to maintain artificial lighting. If there is little light, then the plant stretches out, and few peduncles are formed.

Begonia loves high humidity, which is provided by spraying the air around the plant, while protecting the leaves and buds. Water the flower sparingly with warm water to avoid root rot.
Balanced fertilizers are the key to long and lush flowering. In the spring, begonia needs nitrogenous fertilizing, in the middle of summer, the amount of nitrogen is reduced, and the amount of phosphorus and potassium is increased.


Anthurium is popularly called "male happiness". In order for this happiness to bloom for a long time and abundantly, it is enough to observe several conditions. The soil for anthurium should be loose and breathable, with the addition of fine tree bark and peat. The flower must be replanted every year, replacing the depleted soil with fresh one.

You can achieve the high humidity that the plant loves using a spray bottle, spraying the leaves every day with water at room temperature. Anthurium must be watered abundantly, preventing the earth from drying out.
This flower loves bright lighting, but at the same time it needs to be covered from direct sunlight. In order for the anthurium to bloom all year round, in autumn and winter it is necessary to artificially supplement it in the dark. Top dressing with liquid flower fertilizers will prolong flowering and increase the abundance of flower stalks.

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