7 bedroom houseplants that promote healthy sleep

Houseplants can affect both the emotional and the physical state of a person to the same extent. Therefore, it is important for flower lovers to understand where and which ones are better to put in their apartment. In this article, we will focus on plants that promote healthy sleep, and therefore are ideal for the bedroom.


This plant is considered one of the most beneficial for the home, although it requires special care. Myrtle leaves release phytoncides into the air, which kill bacteria. Therefore, having myrtle in the house, the risk of household flu or colds is significantly reduced.

Also, myrtle has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to relax, relieves fatigue and stress. The flower is considered a "family" plant that helps spouses find peace and harmony.

In the cold season (dormant period), provide the myrtle with a low temperature and minimal watering, and in the summer, expose it to a well-lit, warm place (without direct sunlight).


Laurel can be grown both on site and indoors. It is especially useful to put it in the bedroom.

A pleasant mild aroma relieves fatigue and headaches, thereby helping to fall asleep faster. Also, the essential oils secreted by laurel leaves purify the air of toxins.

Laurel loves warm sunny places, but shade also tolerates well. If you want the plant to grow quickly, periodically take it out to the balcony, more often spray it with a spray bottle.


Most people grow chrysanthemums outdoors, but there are also many undersized varieties that are suitable for indoor cultivation. Exuding a light herbaceous scent, chrysanthemum helps calm the nerves. Chrysanthemum leaves and flowers secrete special substances that filter the air.

The main thing in caring for a room chrysanthemum is to provide it with a dormant period in winter. To do this, immediately after flowering for the winter, the bushes are trimmed and placed in a cool place, providing moderate watering about 1-2 times a month.

In summer, spring and autumn, the plant is often watered, and the branches are pruned to form a beautiful spherical crown and ensure rich flowering in the future.


Not all indoor plant lovers grow ivy, and it's all about omens. It is believed that curly ivy drives men out of the house, provokes scandals in the family. But this applies only to one variety - ivy with sucker leaves.

But all other types of indoor ivy are not only possible, but also necessary to grow in the house. English ivy is especially popular. The fact is that the plant emits substances that kill mold, which is especially good for wet rooms.

He also struggles with nasal congestion with a cold. The presence of ivy in the bedroom will help you to find a healthy sound sleep due to full free breathing.

Ivy is unpretentious in care, the main thing is to provide the plant with enough free space and water it on time. Can grow very large, so prune the plant periodically.


Gardenia is a very gentle and at the same time unpretentious houseplant. Its buds and petals have a pleasant aroma that acts on the cerebral cortex as a mild hypnotic. Therefore, it is recommended to put the gardenia exclusively in the bedroom and preferably not far from the bed.

It is not only good for sleep, but also very beautiful. The very sight of a large number of delicate buds will already tune you to a calm wave, relax and make you forget about problems.

Water the gardenia often and little by little. The plant prefers well-lit, warm places without drafts. Try not to rearrange it often from one place to another, then the plant will constantly delight you with lush flowering.


Lavender flowers are dried to make a healthy soothing tea. They grow it both on the street and at home. The presence of such a plant in the bedroom will give you not only a sound sleep at night, but also an excellent high spirits throughout the day.

The unusual small lavender flowers release essential oils into the air, which bind toxins and neutralize unpleasant odors. One pot of lavender is enough in the bedroom - and you will always feel its beneficial scent.

There is nothing special in caring for this plant - you just need to water the lavender in a tray so that the earthy clod does not dry out, and sometimes feed it with organic fertilizers.


Geranium is known to most flower growers as the most unpretentious plant. The leaves have a strong odor due to the high concentration of essential oils in them. It is they who have a calming effect on the nervous system, cleanse the air of microbes, and help normalize sleep.

In the bedroom with geraniums, sleep is pleasant and quiet. The geranium variety Pelargonium aromatic (lemongrass) is especially appreciated. Its leaves smell like lemon and help to quickly cope with colds.

Lemongrass is also considered a healer of all other plants, as it repels pests and prevents the development of diseases. In leaving, any variety of geranium is unpretentious. All this flower needs is abundant watering, good lighting and your love.

In addition to those listed, there are many more indoor plants that can be placed in the bedroom (spathiphyllum, chlorophytum, Kalanchoe, etc.). Any flower that is able to purify the air and calm the nervous system will have a beneficial effect on sleep.

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