How to protect houseplants from the "attacks" of pets

Cats are often spotted eating greenery - whether it's grass outside or indoor flowers. So they get the missing nutrients and trace elements, and also cleanse the digestive system from wool lumps. Pets do not have constant access to grass, so they can start gnawing on indoor plants. There are several ways to protect them.

Plant cereal herbs

There are various herbs that attract cats. First of all, it is catnip (catnip), which is especially loved by these animals due to its specific properties. Street cats can eat wheatgrass. Its seeds can be found at pet stores.

You can also sprout various cereals at home (wheat, oats, barley). They germinate quickly, so there will be no problems with their constant presence. Cats also love lemongrass, which improves digestion and soothes.

You can just go to a pet store and ask for grass for cats, there will definitely be something suitable.

Having their own greenery, which seems tasty and attractive, animals will not gnaw on other plants, they simply will not need it.

Place on a windowsill or hanging flowerpots

You can use not ordinary pots for indoor plants, but hanging flowerpots placed on the walls or window frame. If the flowers are on the windowsill without the ability to move them, then you can close them with a special protective mesh. It is sold in some pet stores, or in stores related to home plants, and you can also make it yourself from any suitable net (for example, from flies). Then it can be decorated with various decorative elements so as not to spoil the interior.

Pungent odors

Cats hate the smell of citrus. You can put the peels of any citrus fruit next to the flower pots, and then the animal will not fit them. If the crusts seem unaesthetic, a similar aromatic oil can easily replace them: a couple of drops are enough.

They are also frightened off by the smell of ground pepper (any), mustard, and pungent spices. A small amount is enough - it is not necessary that the room stinks, because animals have a very sensitive sense of smell, unlike humans.

Repeller Sprays

The assortment of pet stores has special sprays for scaring cats. They need to be sprayed on the surface near the plants (pallet or pot). Despite the fact that this is a chemistry, it is safe for animals, manufacturers are responsible for this. These smells are practically invisible to a person, if you do not deliberately sniff.

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