Propagation using a cutting of a flower of pelargonium (geranium)

The name of the flower is Pelargonium, translated from Greek as "crane". But not all owners of this flower know that they grow at home. This is because this flower has a more common name, which is familiar to almost everyone, even the most novice lover. flowers - geranium.

This flower got its distribution back in the nineteenth century in the distant country of England. And then it spread to other countries of the world. He earned his love for himself with his frequent beautiful flowering and undemanding care, which allowed pelargonium to grow even among those who devote some time to caring for home plants. In addition unusual smell, spreading from pelargonium, which is due to the essential oils present in it, is able to have a beneficial effect on the body.

In what period is it better to cut geraniums?

The constant flowering and beautiful appearance of this flower depends not only on timely watering and regular feeding. According to experts, the health of the plant depends on regularly pruning, after which the resulting cuttings can be rooted and new geraniums can be grown.

Pelargonium cuttings cannot be held every year... In order for the plant to have time to grow and develop, propagation of geraniums by cuttings can be carried out every two years. And if the bush looks weak, then it is better to do this every three years. Cuttings can be cut almost all year round, not excluding the winter period. If you cut geraniums in early spring, then you can get a small, but blooming bush by summer.

It is necessary to propagate geraniums in spring because it is during this period that all vital processes in the plant move at an accelerated pace, this provokes the cutting for rapid rooting and growth. Later reproduction of pelargonium, of course, is possible, only flowering on a new plant can be noticed only next year.

How to propagate pelargonium by cuttings?

How to cut geraniums correctlyTo grow a healthy young plant you need take into account the length of the handleto be cut. If geraniums of dwarf species breed, then the stalk should not exceed two and a half centimeters. If it is a normal-sized variety, then the stalk should be five centimeters long.

Regardless of how the cuttings will be rooted in water or immediately in the ground, you need to prepare the materials necessary for planting and start working.

What you need to plant cuttings:

  • Pots with seedling tray.
  • Priming.
  • Sand.

It is necessary to cut off the layers with a sharp knife. You need to choose the top of the branch with at least three leaves growing on it. The cut must be made at an angle of ninety degrees. It is better not to choose for cutting those branches on which there are already set buds. But, and if all the tops of the pelargoniums are decorated with buds, and you still want to breed the flower, then it is better to remove the buds. A young plant will still not be able to allow these buds to open, and energy and nutrition will be spent on them.

Cut cuttings are left for several hours in places inaccessible to sunlight. This is done in order to the cut of geranium is covered with a filmthat subsequently prevent rotting.

In order to guarantee the best result of forcing the roots, you can use special rooting agents, for example "Kornevin". If there is no such preparation, then ordinary coal dust will do. With these means, you need to process the slice by lowering it into the preparation. Of course, you can not use anything, but this will delay the rooting process.

Planting geranium cuttings

Planting geranium cuttings is carried out in pots prepared with holes for the outflow of excess water, filled with suitable soil. This plant prefers the presence of sand in the soil, so we fill the pot with it by one third, mixing with the ground.

In order to neutralize the soil, which is intended for planting geranium cuttings, you can process it with water brought to a boil. The potassium permanganate solution has the same effect, which should be slightly pink.

The cuttings are lowered into the ground by two centimeters and pressed against the ground so that the sprouts do not fall. It is better to keep the pots in the shade for the first four days. Then they need to be exposed to sunlight and watered abundantly, pouring settled water into the pan. It must be remembered that geranium does not like when water gets on its leaves. This can result in both ugly spots on the leaves and rotting of the place where the water got into.

Depending on the variety of pelargonium rooting cuttings happens in different ways:

  • Royal geranium - four weeks.
  • Ivy Pelargoniums - two weeks.
  • Zone geraniums - two weeks.
  • Scented Pelargonium - six weeks.

Thus, reproduction in different varieties goes through a full cycle, from cutting the cuttings to rooting at different times.

How to propagate geraniums in water?

How to transplant geraniumIt turns out that this is a rather unpretentious plant, it takes root not only in the ground, but also in ordinary water.

It is necessary to make cuttings in the same way as for rooting in the ground. Then the cuttings are placed in pre-settled tap water, where you can perfectly observe the whole rooting process. When the roots will reach a height of two and a half centimeters they can already be taken out of the water and planted in a permanent place in the ground. It is only necessary to carry out all the work on transplanting a rooted cuttings of geraniums with extreme caution so as not to damage the roots.

So, the necessary measures for the care of pelargonium allow you to propagate the plant and decorate the room with new young bushes. Such a beautiful grown geranium flower can be a welcome gift for any occasion to friends and acquaintances.

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