Why does geranium not bloom, but only gives foliage: what to do?

How to care for geraniumsIndoor flowers can transform any living space. Blooming and healthy plants refresh the home environment and create coziness. Pelargonium is considered unpretentious in care, or, more simply, geranium. She is very popular with many housewives. Its variety of bright colors pleases the eye. It blooms for a long time. It often happens that the plant does not bloom for a long time for unknown reasons. Why does pelargonium not bloom and what can be done to make it bloom again?

Why does indoor geranium not bloom?

Geranium homeland - South Africa, this part of the mainland is famous for its harsh climatic conditions. In this regard, growing geraniums at home is not difficult. The flower pleases with an abundance of color almost all year round. Still, problems do arise. Pelargonium may look quite healthy, have luscious green leaves and not bloom. What is the reason and why does geranium not please with its bright flowering?

Many factors affect the flowering and development of geraniums, All of them are associated with the cultivation and care of the flower. There are many varieties of geraniums, and only the royal one requires increased attention, she is very moody. The rest of the geranium varieties grow well on the windowsill at home. Her successfully grown in other places:

  • in the summer in the garden;
  • on flower beds in parks;
  • in hanging bowls on balconies and loggias.

Many housewives, knowing that caring for geraniums is simple, limit themselves only to watering. To make bright caps of flowers please the eye all year round, watering alone is not enough. Pelargonium also has its own little secrets that you should know about having a flower in your house.

Main mistakes and reasons

Geranium does not bloom what to doThere may be several reasons why geraniums do not bloom. She seems to be quite healthy, she has new leaves, but no color. Having carefully studied the main reasons, you can understand and correct possible errors.

When the pot does not match the size of the pelargonium, it continues to grow, sprouts new branches... She has a new deciduous mass and for this reason all her strength is spent only on growth, and not on flowering. The container should be changed and then it will bloom in a small pot. For several pelargoniums, you can pick up one large container and plant several plants at once. So, they will have competition and all pelargoniums will definitely bloom.

For planting pelargonium, a certain substrate is required, which consists of:

  • from 2 parts of garden land;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part humus.

In order for the flower to bloom better, it is necessary once a year change his potting mix fresher and more nutritious.

Geranium likes to grow in a well-lit place, the shady side is not suitable for it. Direct sunlight is also contraindicated for her. It is best to try to protect it from the bright sun. It is ideal to choose a place where there is sunshine, but there should be a little partial shade there at noon.

Pelargonium reacts poorly to waterlogging of the soil, as this causes rotting of the root system. Watering should be done when the top layer in the pot is already dry. Geraniums can occasionally be watered with plain tap water, but not constantly. Such water will lead to the appearance of plaque on the top layer of the soil and to soil salinity.The plant does not need to be sprayed with water, excess surface moisture will lead to flower disease. It also cannot be placed in the same place with moisture-loving indoor plants. This will be bad for foliage.

Proper feeding and care

How to properly care for geraniumsFrom March to September, Pelargonium comes active growing season... At this time, she needs fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The nitrogen content in it should not exceed 11%, otherwise the plant will only have lush greenery, but it will not bloom. The best fertilizer is a composition in which potassium and phosphorus prevail.

When it is already warm outside, it is advisable to place pelargonium on a balcony or loggia. The difference in temperature, which occurs in spring at night, works very well on the flower. Such a stay on the balcony or veranda will provide an abundant ejection of buds. When the blossoming inflorescences begin to fade, it is better to cut them off or break off immediately. Thus, one can extend the flowering period for a longer period. It is better not to touch the pot with geraniums and not to unfold in vain. Changing the position of the container with a flower can negatively affect flowering.

In winter, pelargoniums come to rest. It is desirable that the temperature is within 10-12aboutC. It should be watered at this time no more than 1 time in 10 days and very sparingly. The plant cannot be fed during this period of time. If you follow all these rules, then the flowering of pelargonium will be abundant and long.

Pruning and transplanting into open ground

Correct pruning and removal of old stems are also prerequisites for normal development and vegetation. The only cultivar that reacts negatively to these measures is royal pelargonium... The rest of the geranium varieties need in a short cut in early autumn... You need to pinch the flower at the end of winter. This will give the plant an impetus for good and abundant flowering.

Transplanting into open ground has a very good effect on geranium. It can be done when there is no threat of a threat to the plant - low night or day temperature. Sudden changes will lead to the death of the flower.

After its stay in the open ground, the geranium should be returned to its original place, cut short and put in a cool place in the house... This procedure will definitely benefit the flower. Already in early spring, it will bloom profusely and will allow you to admire its bright inflorescences for a long time.

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    1. AvatarValentina Sobolevskaya

      I have geraniums blooming all summer. happy and uplifting!

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