How to propagate Benjamin's ficus at home?

Ficus is an ornamental plant found in almost every apartment. It can be as small as it can grow to the ceiling. A large number of varieties makes it possible to create various interesting compositions. The plant is unpretentious in care and reproduces quite easily.

This should be done at the end of winter or in spring, when the flower passes from dormancy to a phase of intensive growth. So how to propagate ficus at home? This is what we will try to find out.

Ficus propagation

At home, this plant reproduces in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Ficus Benjamin propagates by cuttingsThe latter method is used extremely rarely, since it is very complex and ineffective.

Only healthy plants are propagated and this must be done in spring or summer, when the flower begins to actively grow. This ensures fast rooting of young shoots.

Cooking cuttings

Before propagating ficus by cuttings, they should be prepared. This must be done carefully, following certain rules. The branch is cut with a sharp knife, which is directed at an angle to the stem. You can use a blade for this, but not scissors, since they only tear and crumple the edges, injuring the tissue, as a result, the roots will form very slowly.

The juice released during this must be washed off, otherwise it will harden and interfere with the formation of roots. The stalk should be about 15 cm long. The lower leaves are removed, and the remaining ones, especially if the plant is large-leaved, are rolled up into a tube and fixed in this position. This helps the flower lose less moisture.

How to root Benjamin's ficus?

Prepared cuttings are dipped into water or directly into the soil. If rooted in water, it is necessary to use dark dishes for thisbecause light is able to provoke the reproduction of microscopic algae. In this case, the quality of water will deteriorate significantly and the reproduction of the ficus will fail.

How to properly propagate Benjamin's ficusThe leaves should not get wet so that rotting does not occur. As the water evaporates, it should be topped up periodically. To create the shoots of the required temperature and humidity, they are exhibited in a greenhouse. Hate after 2-3, callus tissue appears on the stems in the form of growths. After a while, roots form at this place. After rooting, the cutting is planted in a soil substrate.

How to accelerate root formation?

Cuttings in a container with water ficus benjamin stand for about three weeks, at which time the formation of roots occurs. To speed up the reproduction of the flower, you can make shallow scratches in the place of the cutting, which will be located in the ground. Special preparations help to root the ficus well, for example, "Kornevin". Before lowering the cuttings into water, they should be soaked in a solution of this drug. When rooting in soil, the sections should be powdered with a stimulant powder.

Ficus should reproduce in good soil. To obtain it, take in equal proportions:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • vermiculite.

It is best to disinfect the soil by heating it for 30 minutes in a steam bath. If the length of the cutting is several centimeters, it must be fixed in a pot.In this case, a peg should be threaded into the folded sheet, which is well buried in the soil.

Seed propagation

As mentioned above, this breeding method is rather complicated and ineffective, so growers rarely resort to it. If this method was chosen, before planting, the seeds are treated with a fungicidal solution or a growth stimulant, and then laid out on the surface of the substrate, which should be slightly moistened.

To create greenhouse conditions, the planting is covered with a transparent film. It is imperative to maintain the temperature regime within 25 - 28 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to put them in a well-lit place, otherwise the seedlings begin to stretch.

Ficus care at home

Reproduction of ficuses is not a complicated process.The planted cuttings must be covered with a plastic bag or transparent jar. Ficus Benjamin is a thermophilic plant, therefore the soil must be warm... To warm it up, use a heating pad or battery. To prevent the root or ground part from rotting, the plant should be ventilated from time to time.

Ficuses are susceptible to disease and pests. To prevent such a nuisance, it is necessary to humidify the air. Dryness leads to the multiplication of parasites such as:

  • thrips;
  • spider mite;
  • shield;
  • false shield, etc.

Therefore, it is imperative to spray the plant, especially in summer. It is recommended to bathe the ficus under a warm shower once a week or simply wipe the stems and leaves on it. The earth, on the contrary, should never be waterlogged. and between waterings, the top layer must definitely dry out. Stagnant water in the pot contributes to root decay and plant death.

As a result of improper care, the ficus weakens. Reproduction of this flower at home is possible only when it was initially healthy and strong.

Useful Tips

Since juice can flow out of a fresh cut for a long time, it must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or squeezed with a cotton swab.

Young ficus must be placed in a place that is well lit. Lack of light leads to stretching of internodes, as a result of which the plant acquires an unaesthetic appearance.

This flower does not like to be rearranged from place to place. Stress can greatly affect him. Leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off from sudden temperature changes or changes in lighting.

Before how to root ficus in the substrate, the cuttings should be held in water for about two hours so that a crust of frozen juice does not form.

Thus, the reproduction of Benjamin ficus at home will be successful, if you take care of him properly: periodically change the water when rooting cuttings, form a beautiful crown, provide good lighting. Only in this case the plant will delight the owner with its beauty.

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